Postpartum weight loss



  • mals30
    mals30 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I have a 6month old daughter and have been putting off my diet until today (Monday). I am breastfeeding and would like to continue for another 6months, so dieting under these circumstances are new to me! Any tips? I need to lose 20-30lbs to get back to my prebaby weight, and then would like to tone up and lose another 15-20.

    I am waiting for my shakeology to arrive so I can start the 21day fix extreme program. Has anyone used shakeology while nursing?
  • annied000
    annied000 Posts: 39 Member
    annied000 wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    I'm starting back on the journey to weight loss after my fifth child. She's 3.5 months and im still nursing her. I have about 36 lbs to lose ugh. Anyone in a similar situation?

    Hi Annie!! Congratulations on your new bub!! I had my first in June and have about 20lbs to go! I'll add you :)
