Why are you fat?

ehte_h Posts: 297 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
The answer is simple. For many years the body has consumed more cals than it has burned, therefore leaving leaving me with a spare tyre or 2! The battle for weight loss is definitely physical.. But it's worth not ignoring the mental aspect of it as well. Really look within yourself and find out WHY you got to the stage your at, at the moment. Maybe do that away from this thread, or talk about it publicly.. Who knows it may even make you feel better.

I gained a lot of weight when I my business went under, it was a very emotional time and I felt like a bit of a failure. Food was my only comfort, so I just sat at home and ate, buried my head in the sand and tried to get away from everything.. The remedy for myself was to get back into regular employment, this made me feel tonnes better and has given me the motivation to go out there and finally shift the weight.

I guess the point is. Deal with the mental aspect, and hopefully the physical aspect will catch up with you


  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I agree that it's a psychological challenge more than a physical one. I'm fat because I'm an emotional eater.
  • crobinson53
    crobinson53 Posts: 164
    I agree that it's a psychological challenge more than a physical one. I'm fat because I'm an emotional eater.

  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I'm fat because I got comfortable and eventually forgot about ME... My husband and I have been together for 11 years, and we have 2 wonderful sons. Trying to be the perfect wife and mother left little time for me to focus on myself. Until reality hit and hit me hard as H3LL. Now I am awake and beginning to make time for me...
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm fat becuase I went on the contraceptive jab (causes depression, and massive appetite increase), then ate my feelings and everyone elses!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I'm an emotional eater also. I have a ton of baggage (emotional AND physical!!!) and I'm working through both bc I know they are inter mingled. Lack of exercise because of just feeling so low I had NO energy or motivation and food became my mode of self soothing. Now that I'm turning things around, I feel amazing (emotionally and physically). Exercise is becoming my mode of self soothing, relaxation and stress relief. It's kinda a cool place to be!
  • shelcof
    shelcof Posts: 62 Member
    #1 emotional/bored eater
    #2 during my marriage, my ex didn't trust me at all....and I was unhappy, so I was tempted several times to stray. It was easier to get fat, so no one was interested in me, than face the reasons I was tempted.
  • mom12
    mom12 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm fatter..beacuse I have a huge appetite, I can't control my portion size, add that to 12 weeks sitting on the couch with torn ankle tendons and ligaments and a broken fiblua, then 2 months in an orthopedic boot, and quitting smoking. and here I am at my highest weight ever.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I gained weight because I took on a "victim to my circumstances" attitude. I work full time, commute an hour each way. I'm married with one child. We are very involved at our church. I just figured I didn't have time and anytime I talked about wanted to get fit again I would just chatter away about all of my excuses for why I didn't have time to exercise or time to cook healthier meals. I hit a breaking point last fall and said enough is enough. I wasn't going to buy anymore bigger clothes. I could NOT grow again. I still didn't know how to fit things in then, but here's the shortest breakdown of the events that followed. My husband got me the Prevention Magazine Flat Belly Diet Family Cookbook for Christmas. Basic concept, 400 calorie or less meals. Started using some of those recipes and eating smaller portions of food. I traded my elliptical that always felt awkward to me to a friend for her treadmill that she never used (we are both happier). I started reading a great book called "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKeurst. On January 27th a friend from high school posted on facebook at MFP. I was home on a snow day from work with my son so I had time to kill. I signed up. No idea what I was getting myself into, but things started to click. Decided to get a handle on eating better before trying to implement exercise regularaly so I wouldn't burn out on too many changes. Then Lent came around. Instead of giving up something superficial like morning coffee, I said, "I am giving up my 'victim to my circumstances' attitude." At first I thought it was a sort of cheap thing to give up. Would I even be able to do that? Well, it was actually easy. I started exercising 2-4 times a week, fitting it in and realizing that I wasn't missing out on anything in my life. Sure I would love to spend that time with my family or reading or whatever, but it's fun and I can see the results! I signed up for a 5k so I would have a distinct goal. On race day my goal was to finish the race and not die. I had to walk the hills, but I finished...slowly, but I finished in 38:02. Now I am just really enjoying life, getting really into running, just got a mountain bike for some variety. I can't wait to see what my life has in store for me in the coming HEALTHY years! Good luck to you!
  • I'm fat because after having my son all my focus was on him, + my boyfriend keeps telling me im not fat and he loves me with a little meat on my bones lol
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    I agree that it's a psychological challenge more than a physical one. I'm fat because I'm an emotional eater.

  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I am fat because I ate too much - and exercised too little....... that is the reality of it - the moment I started managing my portions and got my butt of the couch I started shedding the weight!

    Frankly blaming it on anything else is not being truthful about the real underlying problem that needed to be addressed....
  • tammydspice
    tammydspice Posts: 102
    I am fat because I ended up in a wonderful life with a great husband, 2 healthy kids, a house, finical comfort and just general happiness. For some reason I went a little crazy (depression in the form or horrible horrible anger) and ate nothing but carbs for years. Lost myself in my life and family and did not see what was going on at all. Oct I started in a better life style and Nov I was fired from my job and that just clicked something. If I don't take care of myself who will? Having that job taken from me was one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am so happy and feel so free to take care of myself and in turn take way better care of all aspects of my wonderful life!!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Because i ate too much and did not exercise.

    I started putting on weight when i was 11. My mom left without saying a word and it was just me and my dad. He had enough going on work/bills etc so would not have time to make meals so i started eating crap and if i am being honest it made me feel better at the time,being home alone every day is better with some ice cream. I learned to do washing/ironing/housework after school but not how to cook.Both my sisters are 11/12 years older than me and lived away from home at the time. They have never had issues with food and are both u.k size 6's(u.s size 2)


    I am all grown up now and taking responsibility for myself and my own body. I am on the right track and can do this :smile:
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I agree with everyone, you eat where you in a negative mood.... I did, BUT and a big one (not just the one in my pants either :tongue: )

    Me and my MRS (yes I'm a bloke) with through a real 7 year itch in April and I ended living with my brother for 4-5 weeks, this was the lowest point since we've been together 14 years, however it was also the start of my diet, so eventhough we all eat when our emotions are shot, I do feel my dieting was a good distraction from the rest of my life gone to the dogs... IMO
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I am fat because I ate too much - and exercised too little....... that is the reality of it - the moment I started managing my portions and got my butt of the couch I started shedding the weight!

    Frankly blaming it on anything else is not being truthful about the real underlying problem that needed to be addressed....

    Frankly, there are plenty of medical issues that can directly contribute to weight gain. Just because you may not have experienced it does not mean that somebody isn't addressing an underlying problem, often certain medications or health issues can be the problem itself - e.g. thyroid issues, contraceptive injections, PCOS.

    I personally exercised too little, and whilst I didn't eat much in the way of quantity, I ate calorific foods. Furthermore, I also have PCOS which can accelerate fat storage, IR and weight gain - although I believe that anybody eating what I ate would have gained a lot of weight ;)
  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I gained weight because I took on a "victim to my circumstances" attitude. I work full time, commute an hour each way. I'm married with one child. We are very involved at our church. I just figured I didn't have time and anytime I talked about wanted to get fit again I would just chatter away about all of my excuses for why I didn't have time to exercise or time to cook healthier meals. I hit a breaking point last fall and said enough is enough. I wasn't going to buy anymore bigger clothes. I could NOT grow again. I still didn't know how to fit things in then, but here's the shortest breakdown of the events that followed. My husband got me the Prevention Magazine Flat Belly Diet Family Cookbook for Christmas. Basic concept, 400 calorie or less meals. Started using some of those recipes and eating smaller portions of food. I traded my elliptical that always felt awkward to me to a friend for her treadmill that she never used (we are both happier). I started reading a great book called "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKeurst. On January 27th a friend from high school posted on facebook at MFP. I was home on a snow day from work with my son so I had time to kill. I signed up. No idea what I was getting myself into, but things started to click. Decided to get a handle on eating better before trying to implement exercise regularaly so I wouldn't burn out on too many changes. Then Lent came around. Instead of giving up something superficial like morning coffee, I said, "I am giving up my 'victim to my circumstances' attitude." At first I thought it was a sort of cheap thing to give up. Would I even be able to do that? Well, it was actually easy. I started exercising 2-4 times a week, fitting it in and realizing that I wasn't missing out on anything in my life. Sure I would love to spend that time with my family or reading or whatever, but it's fun and I can see the results! I signed up for a 5k so I would have a distinct goal. On race day my goal was to finish the race and not die. I had to walk the hills, but I finished...slowly, but I finished in 38:02. Now I am just really enjoying life, getting really into running, just got a mountain bike for some variety. I can't wait to see what my life has in store for me in the coming HEALTHY years! Good luck to you!

    I love this, attitude is everything:happy:
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I'm fat because I had a c-section, followed by a blood clot in my leg, then colic and postpartum depression, then financial problems. All of that made for eating too much for comfort and no time for exercise.
  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    I agree that it's a psychological challenge more than a physical one. I'm fat because I'm an emotional eater.

  • cbs1974
    cbs1974 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm fat becuase I went on the contraceptive jab (causes depression, and massive appetite increase), then ate my feelings and everyone elses!

    wow my wifes on that and shes 6ft tall and thin as a rake lol
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I am fat because I ate too much - and exercised too little....... that is the reality of it - the moment I started managing my portions and got my butt of the couch I started shedding the weight!

    Frankly blaming it on anything else is not being truthful about the real underlying problem that needed to be addressed....

    While you are correct that the physical truth of why we are overweight will usually be about excess and lack of movement, the reasons why we do this to ourselves often stem from emotional issues. Negative habits and behaviors are quite difficult to change for some of us without addressing the underlying reasons.

    I think this thread is a nice cathartic way to share that piece of the puzzle.
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