Why are you fat?



  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    I am fat because I ate too much - and exercised too little....... that is the reality of it - the moment I started managing my portions and got my butt of the couch I started shedding the weight!

    Frankly blaming it on anything else is not being truthful about the real underlying problem that needed to be addressed....

    Frankly, there are plenty of medical issues that can directly contribute to weight gain. Just because you may not have experienced it does not mean that somebody isn't addressing an underlying problem, often certain medications or health issues can be the problem itself - e.g. thyroid issues, contraceptive injections, PCOS.

    I personally exercised too little, and whilst I didn't eat much in the way of quantity, I ate calorific foods. Furthermore, I also have PCOS which can accelerate fat storage, IR and weight gain - although I believe that anybody eating what I ate would have gained a lot of weight ;)

    I agree with the above, and have PCOS too.

    My weight went on through emotional eating/stress eating ( big portions of the wrong foods), but the PCSO makes it hard to get it back off again. I really do have to go to extreams to get it moving.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    when I was little my grandmother thought I was underweight and made my mom go to the doctor to get something that would increase my appetite...All I rmembe was that it wasted awful and they called it tonic.

    I chunked up nicely and then was the 1st girl to get boobs in grade school and didn't find out til I got married that I have insulin resistance and PCOS and never knew.

    I thought missing my period for 7 months was cool and at least I didn't have to miss high school swimming...my mom thought I was pregnant and a slut and gave me tons of hell., til I prove3d by gyno report that I wasn't and that the doctor thought I was just irregular and needed the pill....that sent my mom ape sh**.
    She never even asked, but it wouldn't have mattered since I was still a virgin...she just though it was free reign to do it then.

    Not til 2000 and my premarital blood work did the physician stumble upon the chance that maybe I could have something more going on that just needing to eat less and exercise more. No one believed me that I was killing myself doing all of that already.

    I was put ont he right track with Metformin and am fighting off the last 30 lbs and am healthier and lighter now than when I was in high school or when I got married.

    SOOOOOO....when some people say I have a hormone condition as an explanation for their weight.....most times its a cop out, but for me it's true.

    It's not an excuse or a crutch, but it still tends to hinder my success and make weight loss a lot harder.
    That's why I'm fat.
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    I'm fat because my parents are fat, and we were quite poor so I was fed processed junk food as a child, coupled with depression, emotional eating, PCOS, and IR.
  • Chynadoll00
    For as long as I can remember I have always been "chunky" my parents weren't always the nicest about it so those words come back and taunt me every so often HOWEVER... I kept telling myself there is a skinny girl trapped in all this fat that is just screaming to come out! and One day soon very soon she will make her presence known ;0) I have health issues but try hard as heck to work threw them one being thyroid and that in itself works against me because its slow.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'm fat because I was never taught proper nutrition in my athletic days. As a athlete growing up I was told to eat a lot for energy. And I did. No one never told me that once I slowed down from playing sports that I would have to make a huge change in my eating habits. When I was pregnant I thought I was entitled to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and how much I wanted. I never realized that it would be hard to lose because the rule of thumb was just breast feed and it will fall off...NOT!! I also didn't know that when I had my last two children that I wouldn't snap back like I did with my 1st....well not really snap back but I lost a greater amount with my 1st pregnancy than my last two. So I ended up 324 freakin pounds!!

    Back then when I gained my weight it wasn't about emotional eating. I just ate because I needed to/wanted to. Now that I'm an adult, I now realize that presently I find myself wanting to eat at times when I'm feeling like I'm not in control with certain situations but then I realize quickly that I am in control of what I put in my mouth so I don't sabotage myself.

    I am being very proactive in my weight loss journey because for so long I didn't have a clue. I refuse to be ignorant to being healthy no longer. I am actively teaching my children the things that no one thought important to teach me. I'm breaking the cycle.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I am fat for a variety of reasons.

    I won't deny that the surface reason is simply because I ate too much and moved too little, but there is far more to it than that..

    Both my parents were not merely fat but morbidly obese so, really, in many ways it seemed normal to me, regardless of what I saw outside the home. Food was treated as a pleasure, a treat and a reward and the meals I grew up on certainly weren't of the healthy variety. As such, for the majority of my childhood I was fat.

    None of this, however, excuses the fact that I remained fat once I reached adulthood, and got fatter. That is purely on my own head.

    I am a depressive. I ate to fill the empty feeling the depression has always given me. There was never enough food to accomplish the task.

    I am a victim. I ate to make myself unattractive so no one would want to come near me. I failed in this as well, apparently, since I am in a happy marriage. (Not a failure I'm going to complain about by any means.)

    I am lazy. I ate crap because it's easy and it tastes good. I didn't exercise because I wasn't willing to make the effort and there were so many more fun things to do.

    The depression is, more or less, under control and being monitored. I am dealing with the rest day by day, baby step by baby step. I don't ever expect to be thin, but do I plan on being a heck of a lot thinner and fitter.
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I am fat because after having the kids I started eating when I was bored. I'd do the house work then have a sit down and a cuppa and some biscuits. The children would have a sleep and I'd put my feet up and have some tea and a choccie. We'd go out for a walk and rather than walk for the sake of it the shop would be the destination and a choccie bar the reward. That combined with the mirena coil did nothing for my waistline!

    I wor part time during the day now and when im at homeI exercise when I have a break rather than put my feet up and watch tv. I enjoy it, I feel better for it. I find it also curbs my appetite and gives me more energy. Less sitting down less eating rubbish and if i want something naughty I work out and 'earn' it!!
  • Grumpelina
    Grumpelina Posts: 56 Member
    I really love crisps and booze... and lolling on the couch.

    That's about it, really!
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    I am fat because I have a skewed version of what I should look like. I grew up being told that there is no reason I should ever weigh more than 125lbs unless I was preggo. I spent the majority of the last 20 some odd years trying doing whatever I had to to get to that point and so I would diet/starve/exercise like crazy to a certain point then break down and give up because the results never came. At my lowest point I was a size 4-6 and weighed 132 lbs and still wasn't happy about it (I'm 5'9"). At one point I cried to my dog with ice cream in my hand that at least he would still love me- he doesn't care that I'm fat he's just a freakin' dog. I'm am now learning (with a LOT of help from MFP and a trainer that really cares this time) that maybe more than just a weight issue I am dealing with some body dysmorphic dysfunction.

    Last night I went to dinner with a couple of super close friends. They are sweethearts really - but beautiful AND tiny (A couple of weeks ago when we went out some guy had the b**** to ask if I was their bodyguard- I mean seriously?) Later in the evening I was talking to my husband (who is super supportive by the way) how hard it is to have friends who look like that and I guess I have a choice-- I can either be the fat chick or the chick that looks like she can beat the SH** out of everybody because of the way my body is starting to change due to strength training (not to mention the shear amount I'm lifting- it's strange).

    So- I'm still struggling because I know I'll never be the "textbook" thin girl, and I'm also struggling because what I want isn't happening fast enough. I get very frustrated because of the amount of work I do and it seems everyone else around me looks awesome, pats me on the back, then goes on about the business of eating and drinking whatever they want and still looks awesome. It does take work for me as well as some blinders on to just keep on truckin' and not give up and start talking to the dog again. :tongue:
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    Im fat because i eat when im not hungry, and i lack self control.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I'm fatter..beacuse I have a huge appetite, I can't control my portion size, add that to 12 weeks sitting on the couch with torn ankle tendons and ligaments and a broken fiblua, then 2 months in an orthopedic boot, and quitting smoking. and here I am at my highest weight ever.

    OUCH! Hope all is healed up and better now.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I am fat because:

    1. I was a swimmer in high school and we would workout 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. I could, back then, eat whatever I wanted. No one told me when I quit swimming I could not continue to consume that many calories with nothing that was going to burn them off.

    2. I struggle with depression and anxiety. I eat when I am anxious or depressed. My meds have made it better, exercise has really been the best though! My depression is better, my anxiety is not however. I am more comfortable making on line friends than going out to meet people face to face. I do love going to Curves though, gets me out of the house and around other people more.

    3. I am an emotional eater, growing up it was always it your sad: eat, happy: eat, bored: eat....

    4. My portions were out of control. Even though I ate healthy due to IBD, my portions were huge! I know measure, weigh and use a smaller plate. If I have to use a bigger plate, I have learned the plate does NOT need to be full.

    5. I LOVE good food! I love to cook, grill, bake....
  • maple2011
    maple2011 Posts: 3
    Te first time I was overweight was because I was an emotional eater and very depressed. I lived with very controlling parents who didn't support my desire to be active and actually tried to keep me from leaving the house... Even for positive things. Io was depressed and ate because of it. Eventually I moved away from them and lost all the weight.

    The second time I gained weight was manly because I continued to eat the same as before but hurt my lower back and couldn't run or jump or even walk for about a year. Instead of finding alternatives like swimming ( I was a big runner before ) I did nothing and gained 35lbs! Now I'm determined to loose it and found the low impact elliptical :-) my back is also better so I can do short 10 min jogs and a bit longer walks. I really need to get a bike already.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I was a thin kid, thin teenager, and thin college student. The weight crept on over the years because I went from being an active college student to a sedentary desk worker while eating the same portion sizes, plus I am sure my metabolism has slowed over the years (I am 34). I have always generally eaten healthy, that's not where my struggle lies. My problem is portion sizes. Bottom line is I got fat because I didn't move as much.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    bump for later
  • makcarly
    makcarly Posts: 24 Member
    I was an average sized kid and teenager and never struggled with my weight. I got married when I was 18 and weighed about 125 lbs. I put on 40 lbs. during the first 2 years of marriage because we ate like crap- tons of restaurant food. I got pregnant and packed on 75 lbs. during my first pregnancy. I didn't have a CLUE about how I should eat while pregnant. I really thought I needed a lot more calories and I also just ate whatever I was craving which was never anything really healthy. I did manage to get down to 190 after I had my first baby but I have not seen that number since the year 2000. :frown: I have been pregnant 4 times since then and each time I just added on more weight and didn't lose any afterwards. I never exercised and just continued to eat bad things.
  • butterfly1445
    butterfly1445 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm overweight because I denied the fact that I was getting older and continued to eat like a teenager. I am also an emotional eater, in college I drank away my problems then when I matured from that I ate them. For a while it didn't effect me becuase I had a physical job (waitressing) which helped keep the lbs down, and my body was still in that young stage where it can eat anything.

    I ignored the changes in my body and the fact that my desk job took away my physical activity. When I couldn't fit into the wedding dress I bought a few months prior (a year ago now, for my wedding in October) I realized I needed to match my diet to my age. I'm not really that old, or that overweight, but in that I am lucky I noticed when I did.

    Now that I've started changing my diet and exercising more I've found I'm happier, more energetic and less cranky.
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    I've always been overweight, but I really packed on the pounds when I left my parents home and went to University. The reasons are

    1) I moved from a small town where I had to walk at least a mile to the shop (public transport was expensive and infrequent) to a city where everything was on my doorstep and if I wanted to go anywhere that wasn't just around the corner I could hop on the ridiculously cheap and frequent public transport

    2) I didn't have mother watching what I ate for me (sad but true) and had no clue about calories or nutritional value, just a vague idea that "this is full of fat therefore bad, this is low fat or sugar free, therefore good" and many things I didn't know that they were particularly good or bad

    3) I lived on a student budget which favoured frozen chips that lasted forever as opposed to fresh vegetables which went off before I had a chance to use them (student accomodation wasn't great for food storage in general anyway!)

    Then I left University and moved in with my now husband and packed on even more weight. Found ourselves in a position where we could afford to indulge ourselves in ways which we couldn't before...takeaways and Ben and Jerry's ice cream...found a desk job but then became unemployed. Emotional eating became a huge factor. I can litterally quote myself on this one..."I don't feel so good today, I got another rejection. I can't be bothered to cook. Let's get a takeout"

    We're now well educated on the content of our food and what it does to us. The emotional eating is hard to wean ourselves from but nevertheless we persevere. This is why we're fat, and being aware of this is helping us, bit by bit, to become thin :)
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Between three pregnancies with having hypothyroidism I gained at least 50 lbs with each child after being a thin child, a divorce thrown in there and lots of emotional eating there you have it. I cant help the weight gain with the pregnancies the divorce is done and over and Im remarried happily so now I have to learn to deal with the emotional psychological issues to reverse and the inactive thyroid makes losing weight harder however not impossible because I lost 65 lbs between my 2nd and 3rd child
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I'm definitely an emotional eater aka binge eater... whenever I'm bored or sad, I WILL EAT! Thankfully I don't really do it when I'm at school though because I don't keep food in my room and I don't buy anything unhealthy. My weight gain also has a lot to do with my boyfriend. When we met I was a great weight and then once we began official I gained SO much. He eats differently than I do and I think I just ate whatever he wanted because I wanted to spend time with him... yes, we spend time together by eating. Now that we have been together for almost a year I don't feel the need to do whatever he's doing and I'll make my own food or eat before we hang out so he can't drag me to mcdonalds!