Easy to make breakfast high in protein



  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    Copying from a previous post of mine:

    For breakfast, get some cartons of egg whites at the store, mix them with an egg or two (in my case, 6 servings of egg whites and 2 large eggs), and scramble them. You can then add whatever you want and keep the variety going forever. In my case, this morning I heated some oil in a pan and threw in some chopped veggies (mushroom, onion, bell pepper) and a handful of spinach. Once the veggies were soft/cooked down, I added some Sriracha, and then the egg mixture and black pepper. A few minutes later I had a huge amount of filling and tasty egg scramble that amounted to ~400 calories.

    My diary is public and you can see this breakfast today.

    Added you now. Looking forward to checking out your log
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    scrambled eggs (splash of water instead of milk to thin them down a bit) with cut up pre-cooked turkey sausage onions and pepper mixed in. fry the sausage and veggies together to soften the veggies a bit then add eggs and cook on medium until done. I add a little shredded cheese, if your macros can support it

    You lost me at "fry" haha but ill be saving this for when I'm more confident in my culinary abilities lol
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    Two eggs with a serving of Jimmy Dean Turkey crumbles. Lots of protein and all you have to do is microwave the two together.

    Seems simple. Sounds delicious. Perfect
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    speeno wrote: »
    nothing more simple than scrambled eggs....you can even remove a yolk or two if you want to keep your fat and cholesterol low

    After hearing everyone's responses, egg whites seem like the best way to go as you mentioned
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    kadybug97 wrote: »
    Eat a lot of eggs! Here is my breakfast :-)se231vz1c3b5.jpeg

    This looks delicious! I'm adding you just I'm hopes that you'll post more amazing food porn like this lol
  • dvis334
    dvis334 Posts: 125 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    You can scramble eggs in the microwave in about a minute.

    If you can use the microwave in the morning, which i can't. Lolololol

    I do microwave scrambled eggs quite often. Break two eggs in a bowl, stir them up, throw them in the microwave for about 40 seconds, done.

    Other quick items are greek yogurt, lean turkey sausage patties (1 minute in the microwave for 2 of them), or pre-packaged hard boiled eggs (if you don't want to hard boil them in advance yourself). We keep several dozen hard-boiled eggs in the 'fridge at all times, they're quick breakfast food and can also be used in salads, egg salad sandwiches, deviled eggs, etc.

    I also saved a great breakfast protein shake recipe from Alan Aragon that's filling enough to usually get me through until lunch (it makes a huge shake!):

    14 oz room-temperature or cold coffee (make this the night before)
    1 frozen banana
    1.5-2 cups ice
    2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
    2 scoops chocolate protein powder
    1 oz. walnuts

    How to make it:
    Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until you hit your desired consistency. If you want a thicker shake, use 2 cups of ice.

    Calories: 565
    Protein: 47g
    Carbs: 53g (Fiber 11g)
    Fat: 22g

    Sodium 401 mg
    Potassium 1062 mg

    That shake sounds great. Macros look perfect too. I'm going to try this out and if i like it, its going to replace my daily protein shake.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    Good idea
  • woofer00
    woofer00 Posts: 123 Member
    Couple easy things that I prep the day before for a cold breakfast when I'm too tired to think. The amounts can be halved or doubled, it's really up to your taste on any ingredient, especially the flavors and spices. Best part is, no cooking, just dump in a big bowl and mix until it looks right.
    If you get tired of greek yogurt in overnight oats, try swapping for cottage cheese (I prefer small curd, no salt added, by YMMV)

    ~3 minutes to prep, overnight oats:
    • 2/3-1 cup Plain Greek Yogurt - flavored works, but comes with a lot of sugar. Fat free vs full fat is your choice and could affect your overall macro progress, but it tastes better with at least some fat in my opinion.
    • 1/2 tbsp (6 grams?) PB2 (for fat and because peanut butter tastes great) or a flavor extract for some lower calorie taste and variety (in the baking aisle)
    • 20g-30g Oatmeal/Oatbran for some slow carb
    • (optional) 10g-20g flax seed or chia seed for variety
    Depending on how much yogurt and dry ingredient you use, it can be sludgy and thick. I find that more filling, but if that's not your taste, add some milk (cow, almond, soy, whatever) for more liquid.

    ~5-7 minutes, no cooking:
    • More Yogurt, but with Tuna - this works for a lighter proteiny lunch if you pack it.
    • 1 cup Greek Yogurt
    • Can of Tuna (drained)
    • 1 tbsp Dill Weed (spice aisle)
    • 1 tbsp Lemon Juice (bottled is fine)
    • 1 tsp Black Pepper
    • 1/2 tsp Tiny bit of Mustard (Dijon works for me)
    • 1 cup Chopped Onion/Celery/Apple/Cucumber (or any veg that you like)
    • (optional) Hard boiled eggs/egg whites (if you want to keep going on protein)

    Boiled eggs are great and easy to prep in advance. Stick a bunch in a pot so the water covers, bring to a boil, turn the heat off and let them just cook in there for 10-12 minutes. Then take the eggs out and dunk in ice water or cold running water. You should have creamy yellow yolks.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Try Icelandic yogurt as well, two brands I see in stores most often are Siggi and Smari. I know the Smari brand notes 15 grams of protein in each cup and are really good. Icelandic yogurt is even thicker than Greek yogurt, really delicious.
  • nadler64
    nadler64 Posts: 124 Member
    Laddiegirl wrote: »
    Try Icelandic yogurt as well, two brands I see in stores most often are Siggi and Smari. I know the Smari brand notes 15 grams of protein in each cup and are really good. Icelandic yogurt is even thicker than Greek yogurt, really delicious.

    And not as sweet as most Greek yogurts. I love Siggi but it may be too sour for some folks.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I just saw this. Sounds like a fun idea, I might try it! Barely one step up from boiled eggs. http://www.scatteredthoughtsofacraftymom.com/2013/05/2-minute-omelette-in-mug.html