Is walking enough of an exercise?



  • FullLifeNeil
    FullLifeNeil Posts: 50 Member
    It totally depends on where you are in your fitness journey and what your goals are. I fully believe that everyone benefits from resistance training but if you are just starting out walking can be great. Just plan to go to more intensity over time.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Walking of course is great, doesn't matter what speed..although the quicker you walk the more calories you burn.

    When I started my fitness journey in 2012 that was my only exercise, it was only when I got more serious about fitness and seeing my goal reached that I ramped up the workouts. I still walk alot, I also run and I lift. To lose weight its all about CICO - any extra moving we do does help. :smile:
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    There have been a lot of studies that show walking for 30 minutes (even spread out to 3 10 minute periods) can have great health benefits for you body esp. Heart.

    You might want to try to in cleanse the pace slightly to more like 3-3.5 but I would say yes there are benefits.
  • taralove26
    taralove26 Posts: 4 Member
    Many years ago I lost 30lbs in about 3 months by joining WW and doing no exercise except walking. I was young, single, kid free and jobless back then so I had all the time in the world to spend hours walking 7+ miles per day. Walking can be great exercise if you have the time to commit to it.
  • PepeLPew
    PepeLPew Posts: 92 Member
    I lost around 30 pounds in 6 months couple of years ago. I walked religiously. I was doing around 100 km a week and would go for 3-4hrs at a time. Walked at a 10km/hr rate and on an incline. 3-4 months later I noticed good definition in my legs. It's the simplest and cheapest form of exercise.
  • pbandz
    pbandz Posts: 128 Member
    I've actually decided I'm going to start C25k just to have a app to help me run (I have had continuous shin problems that's part of the reason I don't run) and I've decided on days off from that that I'm going to take half an hour to brisk walk on the treadmill just to make sure I'm at least getting 30 minutes of increased heart rate daily. Thanks for all the comments!!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    edited January 2016
    Body "composition" doesn't change with with increasing cardio or cutting calories faster. If all you want to do is lose weight then it's fine. Basically what happens is you become just a smaller version of what you were. If you resistance train you can actually shape your body in a certain way.

    I know from wasting time dieting 90 lbs then realizing I was skinny fat.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Great effort!

    Maybe try to jog/run a little bit too or check out certain walking workouts like the couch to 5k ones.

    They also have mapmywalk

    I agree it all comes down to the goals. Also if it makes you feel good then do it. Maybe even visit other areas/terrain if you feel like you need something different
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    pbandz wrote: »
    I've actually decided I'm going to start C25k just to have a app to help me run (I have had continuous shin problems that's part of the reason I don't run) and I've decided on days off from that that I'm going to take half an hour to brisk walk on the treadmill just to make sure I'm at least getting 30 minutes of increased heart rate daily. Thanks for all the comments!!


    Great attitude. If your shins give you problems just remember that depending on stride, most people equal or exceed running heart rate if walking above 4.5-5 MPH. Walking quick is tough, but easy on the joints and the shins compared to running.
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    LoL I just want to say that I must be really uncordinated. I don't think I could walk/text or walk/read at the same time. I would fall flat on my face.
  • cookielover_96
    cookielover_96 Posts: 177 Member
    No of course not especially if you're not a senior. We all are capable of higher cardio, so do something that gets your heart rate up!