I'm on a diet and my boyfriend is not!!!



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Thursday nights is Quizno's night at our house, and I usually order the flatbread pizza. I eat half. Pizza every week for the win.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Ask him what days he plans on bringing home dinner and plan around it?

    I eat the same food I did when I was fat, just less of them and more vegetables. Are you always going to avoid pizza? Burgers? No? Then why do it now?

    Good point!!! I just feel like just starting out on a diet I want to be strict. So I can get the healthy habits down. Then maybe in a month or so. I can have the slice of pizza. Or whatever it is
    You only need to be strict in calorie counting by weighing and logging your foods, not in the foods that you eat. Weight loss is all about calorie deficit. Just like many said, eat what your guy eats, just less of it and add a large salad... And log log log!

  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    I feel you pain - my bf can eat whatever he wants and be slim. Who am I to say no to a pitcher of margaritas. My strategies -

    Eat a slice or two of pizza and then cut yourself off (though this does take some advance planning calorie wise). Order 2 pizzas, 1 for for him and a healthier version for me.
    Cook - if you can make healthy food delicious he'll eat what you do, not vice versa.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I eat pizza every day (or close to it) and I'm down 45lb. If you want to lose weight eat at a deficit. If you want to be healthy, eat a varied diet and eat less nutritional items in moderation. But there is no reason you have to be strict with anything (not even calorie counting).
  • gracepostie
    gracepostie Posts: 26 Member
    dwulet130 wrote: »
    I feel you pain - my bf can eat whatever he wants and be slim. Who am I to say no to a pitcher of margaritas. My strategies -

    Eat a slice or two of pizza and then cut yourself off (though this does take some advance planning calorie wise). Order 2 pizzas, 1 for for him and a healthier version for me.
    Cook - if you can make healthy food delicious he'll eat what you do, not vice versa.

    Good ones!! I like it! Thank you so much :)
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    My boyfriend is in charge of dinner most of the time because I work a few hours later than he does. Unfortunately he is a bit lazy and loves delivery/take-out! I've had to work with him in either: (1) not ordering me anything and I will fend for myself when I get home (and hopefully after he's already eaten whatever unhealthy food he ordered so it isn't around for me to eat); or (2) eating what he orders, but less of it.

    Take pizza for example. He's not going to eat the whole thing on his own, and I love pizza so I want to eat it too. I'm not going to deprive myself because in the past that has always been a sure-fire way of failure for me. So, I eat the pizza. But I eat less of it. A few months ago I could easily put away 3 large slices of pizza without really thinking about it. However, since I've started eating healthier and logging, first I check to see if either the restaurant posts the calories per slice or if I can find something comparable in the MFP database. Once I figure out an estimate of the calories in a slice and how many calories I have left for the day, I'll determine how much I can eat. Normally by dinnertime my calorie allowance is still enough to easily allow me to eat 1-2 slices (depending on the size and toppings of course) plus a salad or veggies on the side. This way, I haven't deprived myself and I've stayed within my calorie goal for the day.

    I'd really recommend not depriving yourself of foods like pizza if you really like them. Perhaps just start with a goal of eating a smaller portion - maybe eventually you'll never want pizza again (though I highly doubt that LOL). A lot of the progress I've made can really be attributed to small changes in my diet, primarily through eating smaller portions of the food I've always eaten. Pretty much every time I've failed at weight loss can be traced back to setting way too high of goals for myself (such as saying I'll never have pizza again) instead of smaller lifestyle changes (such as eating less pizza).
  • gracepostie
    gracepostie Posts: 26 Member
    I eat pizza every day (or close to it) and I'm down 45lb. If you want to lose weight eat at a deficit. If you want to be healthy, eat a varied diet and eat less nutritional items in moderation. But there is no reason you have to be strict with anything (not even calorie counting).

    Thank you!!!! :) I always thought in order to loose weight you had to be strict on yourself and suffer. Hahaha
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ask him what days he plans on bringing home dinner and plan around it?

    I eat the same food I did when I was fat, just less of them and more vegetables. Are you always going to avoid pizza? Burgers? No? Then why do it now?

    Good point!!! I just feel like just starting out on a diet I want to be strict. So I can get the healthy habits down. Then maybe in a month or so. I can have the slice of pizza. Or whatever it is

    The biggest healthy habit you can get down is to learn to eat anything, just in moderation, as long as it fits your caloric goals, and hopefully macros.

  • mlh71_2000
    mlh71_2000 Posts: 17 Member
    My husband's idea of going on a diet is switching from an IPA to a pale ale! I have tried eating indulgent foods in moderation, but it always tends to trend towards eating more and more of what I shouldn't. My goal right now is to just not let myself think about it. If I do, I'll just end up telling myself I'll work it off later, which usually doesn't happen, then the guilt, and well, we know how it goes from there.

    Good luck to you. Stay strong! :)
  • gracepostie
    gracepostie Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I'm happy to hear all of this. Very encouraging! Now if only there was any pizza left over for breakfast ;) lol!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Ask him to bring home the Vegetarian pizza with extra veggies on a thin crust (like real Italian pizza) then you can have more and feel you are not missing out. Deep dish, thick crust, cheese filled edges, and lots of meats piled on is a caloric disaster. Also blot your pieces off with a paper napkin to get rid of the excess melted cheese fat. Yes, all these little things do add up to make a difference.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    You've got a few options;

    - Cook and eat your own yummy, healthy, filling meals so when he comes home, you're satisfied already and less likely to be tempted.
    - Have a couple of slices, or a little bit of what he eats, and fill the plate with other not so calorie dense foods on the side. Work it into your calorie/macro goal on here for the day.
    - Have a talk with him and discuss healthy options that you can both eat, him just in larger portions, and agree a day off every week/fortnight... where you both treat yourself and have something you wouldn't normally.

    This last option would be dependant on how much you want to lose mostly. If you have a fair bit you want to lose and are on a 1-1.5lb a week deficit, you'll probably be good with once a week. If you have less to lose, maybe 0.5lb a week, there's less room for error and it might have to be less frequently. He also might not want to join in, and that's ok, it's your lifestyle and not his.

    I get having different goals, for the past 5-6 months I've been trying to lean out or maintain and my partner is forever bulking. We've always eaten at different times because of shift work so that makes it easier to just have different foods. There are times though when he'll order 2 pizzas on "two for tuesday" and I just stick to what I have. Sometimes it's hard, but you get used to it after a while especially when you're so focused on your own goals.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I'm happy to hear all of this. Very encouraging! Now if only there was any pizza left over for breakfast ;) lol!

    You'll do fine :)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I eat pizza every day (or close to it) and I'm down 45lb. If you want to lose weight eat at a deficit. If you want to be healthy, eat a varied diet and eat less nutritional items in moderation. But there is no reason you have to be strict with anything (not even calorie counting).

    Thank you!!!! :) I always thought in order to loose weight you had to be strict on yourself and suffer. Hahaha

    Not at all!

    I think that's one of the great things about MFP, you have a calorie/macro goal and as long as you stick to around that, it's all good. You can pretty much eat anything, just not loads.

    Obviously nutrient dense foods are best as the majority of your intake, for health and performance reasons but there's no reason to suffer to lose weight. It can be a very flexible process.
  • trisha1298
    trisha1298 Posts: 51 Member
    Pizza rules
  • natalielosew
    natalielosew Posts: 36 Member
    my boyfriend showed up from work last night with fast food in hand. a burger and onion rings for both of us. NO way am i going to say no to that. So what do i do? Work it off! My boyfriend is quite slim and can eat what he wants, when he wants. So I try to consume fewer calories during the day when we are away from each other. That way I don't feel worried about having a slice, eating potatoes, or even having a greasy burger later! I also try to get a pretty good workout before dinner as well! Really helps.
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Live a little. Once in a while, make room for a slice of pizza.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    My boyfriend is quite slim and can eat what he wants, when he wants.

    No he can't. He is not a special snowflake. He may be taller than you and have more lean body mass which means he needs more calories.

    As other have said, all of us can have pizza, you just have to fit it into your the amount of calories you need to lose, maintain, or gain weight.
  • Schmitty_89
    Schmitty_89 Posts: 38 Member
    My partner is like the king of carbs. He can eat all the pizza, rice, sweet and salty snacks, and still be a slender guy. Ticks me off! I eat what he eats and all my work goes down the drain. Haha It definitely is a tough situation to be in. I myself can go without pizza for a long time but I do love foods like mac n cheese and tacos... but there are always compromises you two canmake. Like maybe he could bring home a veggie pizza instead of a meat loaded pizza? Or find a place that uses fresh and unprocessed ingredients for their pizza? Or there is the option of making your own pizzas? I think making swaps and choosing the lesser of the evils helps. I have gotten my partner to eat quinoa with me when I make stir fry instead of rice. Also if he cooks his delicious dinners, I usually will substitute my noodles/rice with bulk of veggies but still use the sauces and meat. Sometimes it is tough but I tend to eat right away when I get home so by the time he gets home and eats I am not hungry. You just have to stay tough, focused, and remember what your goal is in the end. Taking baby steps also helps too. Good luck!! :D
  • Negative_X
    Negative_X Posts: 296 Member
    So my boyfriend is a little skinny Minnie. Eats whatever he wants whenever he wants and is a stick!! So it's so hard to not eat the stuff he eats and to stick with my diet!! I have all my meals planned. But he'll come home with pizza. While I eat my veggies. How do i not just eat the pizza too?!?! Does anyone else have their significant other not on a diet? Tempting them? What do you do to resist?

    Send the pizza to me and I'll inspect it for caloric content, then let you know if it's ok to eat.

    I make no guarantees if the pizza makes it back to you.