QUIET cardio exercises!



  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 969 Member
    There are quite a number of 20-25 minute cardio workouts. I do Jillian Michaels' Beginner Shred and while that is not pure cardio it's a good workout and I don't make any significant noise, unless you count the "Dear God!' I moan after the triceps dips. I have an elderly woman downstairs so try not to be noisy with anything. At any rate, you are doing your exercise early in the evening and if you make the odd thump over a brief 20 minute period it should not be that much of an issue. I usually work under the theory that you get more flies with honey than with vinegar, so my suggestion to you is to talk to her. Apologize for any inconvenience and explain what you're doing and when, that it is for x number of minutes on x number of days and you hope you aren't being too noisy. If you go with a small box of chocolates or cookies you will find they are totally disarmed. Also, I often offer to pick things up at the market for her, take out the bins and visit with her for a few minutes once or twice a week. People don't complain about noise if they know you are taking them into consideration. Many elderly people feel isolated and lonely and it turns them cranky. A few minutes of kindness every so often helps.
  • Juspex
    Juspex Posts: 23 Member
    Have you tried calisthenics/bodyweight training? With it, you don't need any equipment, just your own body. I fell in love with it after i bought mark lauren's book "you are your own gym". Used to train at the gym around 4-5 times/week for 30-40 minutes with HIIT - method. Nowadays i do calisthenics/bodyweight training at home or outside 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes also using the same HIIT method. I think it's more demanding than gym but even funnier. It's also nice and quiet so your crunky neighbour won't bother you. Easiest way to start is to buy the book i mentioned but if you don't want to the internet is also full of different kind of movements and exercises. Hope this was an useful tip.

    If my english sucks, i pardon. I'm from Finland and haven't written english for a while. :smiley:
  • smukkeff
    smukkeff Posts: 26 Member
    I definitely agree with the others here who say bodyweight exercises and kettlebells! certainly most efficient based on what I've been reading/trying. and pretty cheap too!
  • applejax06479
    applejax06479 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2016
    I know it's a little late to respond but I came across this discussion while searching for something myself.
    Check out youtube. Here is one that I have just recently tried. It is actually called quiet cardio:
    It worked well for me. There are probably tons of different ones this is just one that a friend shared with me.
  • rhiannonmummy
    rhiannonmummy Posts: 6 Member
    Exercise bike for sure. Make sure its on a carpeted area. I have one and 3 kids and they don't hear it when I do hiit intervals on it x
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    You can get in a good workout with some light hand weights and a yoga mat. I recommend Daily Burn True Beginner if you're just starting out. I did that a few times a week when I was first starting out and I had a grumpy downstairs neighbor who complained all the time about noise, but she didn't even notice when I was doing those workouts.