How do you give up your biggest downfalls?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Things I can't be controlled around I don't buy/keep in the house. If I have room for it, I'll buy a single serving. Otherwise I have some "substitutes" (I hate that word because it sometime has a negative connotation here)-but I truly enjoy whatever I'm eating. I probably won't ever have real peanut butter in my house...until my boyfriend and I decide to move in together. And he'll get a rude awakening because I'm going to eat it all in two days.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Cold turkey on soda. It gets me craving more.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    I started a 12 week food program so went cold turkey on my beloved coke. Withdrawal was hard (I'd gotten up to about 5 cans of coke a day). It wasnt forever it was giving up for now as I had some short term weight loss goals I wanted to meet over the 3 month period. About Week 10 I had coke again. I think I had 2 on that weekend. After my 12 week program ended I probably had coke every other day and then everyday on holidays. Usually only 1 a day. I am probably having it every other day (1 can) now. Though I surprised myself when I bought one at the shop the other night and then didnt end up drinking it when I got home.

    Really after the initial withdrawal it was about changing the habit trigger. I would always have a drink with lunch and dinner and my drink of choice was coke. I stopped having any drink with a meal, lunch I would refill my water bottle after washing plate/throwing out rubbish. Dinner I was drinking mineral water while cooking and then again afterwards but not with. If I go buy lunch/dinner then I do tend to slip into my old habit and have a coke.

    I can keep coke at home. But cans go into the fridge/freezer one at a time. We have a 2ltr bottle sitting in the fridge. If I open it I'll drink the whole thing (otherwise it would be wasteful) but I am not desperate enough to open the bottle. I will never give up coke for good but I have come along way towards not having it every single day.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I will never give up chocolate. I eat it every day. Certain foods are harder for me to eat in moderation, like peanut butter m&ms because yum. And you buy a big bag and it's so easy to just take a handful of them and then another, and those suckers are high in calories! So when I really crave them I will buy an individual bag so I'm not tempted to eat a half pound bag of m&ms. I love being able to tell people that I've lost 77 lbs eating chocolate every day. ;)
  • kathy0224
    kathy0224 Posts: 43 Member
    Mine is donuts!... I'm obsessed with donuts.. but I don't give them up I make sure I allow myself ONE cheat MEAL a week after eating clean and fitting the right foods into my macros.
    . Once I learned most franchise donut chains have their donuts shipped in frozen, it was easy to quit.

  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    Mine was snack cakes and diet coke. Since I can't eat just one snack cake, I don't buy them at all. Instead, if I want a dessert, I have to make it from scratch. The diet coke I still drink, but I only buy X amount at a time, and I don't run out and buy more as soon as I run out of it at home. Instead, I wait until I go to the store. And I buy them in much smaller packages. No more 10 2 liters at a time. Instead, maybe 2 or 3 1 liters or a pack of those little 12 ounce bottles.