Are you totally naked when you weigh yourself?



  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    hekla90 wrote: »
    A morning weight after peeing/defecating and being less on water weight due to not drinking all night is a cheater weight(to me). I personally don't count those weights as my weight though I do occasionally weigh in the am. I usually count my midday gym weight after I've eaten a meal and have drank some fluids. Doesn't matter as long as you are consistent and the trend goes down ultimately. Personally I'm more interested in what my "I'm a person and I eat and drink fluids weight" is than what I weigh dehydrated and completely void of food and fluids because that's not how I live day to day. It's a personal preference though.

    I can understand this, it makes it's own kind of sense and honestly over weeks/months the trend will still be there.

    Prefer the after peeing option simply because I like the consistency and feel like it can really vary how much is in the bladder to start the day depending on when I worked out and took fluid during the day.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    hekla90 wrote: »
    A morning weight after peeing/defecating and being less on water weight due to not drinking all night is a cheater weight(to me). I personally don't count those weights as my weight though I do occasionally weigh in the am. I usually count my midday gym weight after I've eaten a meal and have drank some fluids. Doesn't matter as long as you are consistent and the trend goes down ultimately. Personally I'm more interested in what my "I'm a person and I eat and drink fluids weight" is than what I weigh dehydrated and completely void of food and fluids because that's not how I live day to day. It's a personal preference though.

    But weighing yourself when you've got a belly full of food and water isn't your true weight either..
  • Caitoriri
    Caitoriri Posts: 87 Member
    Yup. The same.

    My husband will weigh with clothes at random times of the day and then complain about his weight and it drives me nuts.

    My fiance does this too. I have to tell him, "Take off your jeans/you just ate/you haven't used the bathroom" etc. every time.
    He's getting better, but he'll still weigh himself after a day or two of work parties and heavy sodium intake and complain about how fat he's gotten. :|
    It's taking a long time to hammer in the fact that "You Don't Gain 2kg of Fat Over Two or Three Days, It Just Doesn't Happen."
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    hekla90 wrote: »
    A morning weight after peeing/defecating and being less on water weight due to not drinking all night is a cheater weight(to me). I personally don't count those weights as my weight though I do occasionally weigh in the am. I usually count my midday gym weight after I've eaten a meal and have drank some fluids. Doesn't matter as long as you are consistent and the trend goes down ultimately. Personally I'm more interested in what my "I'm a person and I eat and drink fluids weight" is than what I weigh dehydrated and completely void of food and fluids because that's not how I live day to day. It's a personal preference though.

    But weighing yourself when you've got a belly full of food and water isn't your true weight either..

    I eat every day so some amount of food is usually in me when I'm going out and about at work etc. so I do consider that to be part of my weight. I don't live my life dehydrated and void of urine and feces constantly, so it doesn't make sense to me that my "true" weight is the one where I'm completely empty. To me, those weighings are more a morale boost than an accurate weight so I don't count those personally; I could easily lose several pounds of water weight overnight if I just wanted to feel good about a number in the morning that I'll regain as soon as I eat breakfast or drink some water. Your weight is changing constantly so I just prefer to account for the fact I eat and drink throughout the day. Personal preference, most people seem to prefer the am water weight number method.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    L_Master wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    A morning weight after peeing/defecating and being less on water weight due to not drinking all night is a cheater weight(to me). I personally don't count those weights as my weight though I do occasionally weigh in the am. I usually count my midday gym weight after I've eaten a meal and have drank some fluids. Doesn't matter as long as you are consistent and the trend goes down ultimately. Personally I'm more interested in what my "I'm a person and I eat and drink fluids weight" is than what I weigh dehydrated and completely void of food and fluids because that's not how I live day to day. It's a personal preference though.

    I can understand this, it makes it's own kind of sense and honestly over weeks/months the trend will still be there.

    Prefer the after peeing option simply because I like the consistency and feel like it can really vary how much is in the bladder to start the day depending on when I worked out and took fluid during the day.

    Yep, it's ultimately about the trend. I've never had to lose weight I've always been at a healthy weight so maybe that's why my practices are different. My weigh can vary substantially depending on how long I've been asleep (sometimes I sleep >14 hours because I work night shifts won't sleep well for a few days and then my body wants to play catch up) so if I've been sleeping 16 hours I'm hella dehydrated and probably will weigh in 4 or so lbs less than I normally would.
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    Nah. I don't bother taking my clothes off.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    MidwaysT wrote: »
    If you weigh yourself, poop, and then weigh yourself after, your weight will be up. Always. Scientific fact.

    The law of mass conservation says that this cannot possibly be true.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member

    hekla90 wrote: »
    A morning weight after peeing/defecating and being less on water weight due to not drinking all night is a cheater weight(to me). I personally don't count those weights as my weight though I do occasionally weigh in the am. I usually count my midday gym weight after I've eaten a meal and have drank some fluids. Doesn't matter as long as you are consistent and the trend goes down ultimately. Personally I'm more interested in what my "I'm a person and I eat and drink fluids weight" is than what I weigh dehydrated and completely void of food and fluids because that's not how I live day to day. It's a personal preference though.

    But weighing yourself when you've got a belly full of food and water isn't your true weight either..

    Too me weighing in the morning makes the most sense.

    Do you eat the same for breakfast everyday? I assume not.

    So if your weighing muddy after a meal or two have you lost weigh or have you just had a smaller meal?

    Seems to add more variables.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2016
    If you weigh yourself, poop, and then weigh yourself after, your weight will be up. Always. Scientific fact.

    Nope. Not everyone is only stimulated to defecate following ingestion of additional food or liquids to their GIT. As such a person with no additional inputs, but a definite output, is going to weigh less. That is a scientific fact.

    OT: When actively trying to lose weight? First thing upon waking, after urination, naked. When I'm not? Not usually, no.

    XXMISFITGIRLXX Posts: 10 Member
    Yes! First thing in the morning I go to the toliet, strip naked and weigh myself.
    XXMISFITGIRLXX Posts: 10 Member
    I am totally naked at all times. Life is hard.

    Ha ha! That what was funny ;)
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    If you weigh yourself, poop, and then weigh yourself after, your weight will be up. Always. Scientific fact.

    Nope. Not everyone is only stimulated to defecate following ingestion of additional food or liquids to their GIT. As such a person with no additional inputs, but a definite output, is going to weigh less. That is a scientific fact.

    OT: When actively trying to lose weight? First thing upon waking, after urination, naked. When I'm not? Not usually, no.

    haha, people missing the sarcasm, but no surprise there as it is text. Yes, it is a fact that I should weigh less after I poop, however, that isn't always the case (yay scale errors). Just having a little fun :smile:
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    I am wearing underpants only
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I always weigh myself before I get in the shower, so yes, I'm usually naked...but it doesn't really make a difference. I've weighed in with a light tank top. It's not like I'm wearing a 20lb weighted vest to bed. lol
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
  • DropofHoney
    DropofHoney Posts: 58 Member
    I usually start off fully dressed.. then I take my shoes off.. stand on it, strip off my sweater, stand on it, Take my pants off.. Stand on it.. (by now I'm almost in tears lol) I figure when I'm down to the skivies it's as good as it's gonna get..
  • DropofHoney
    DropofHoney Posts: 58 Member
    I wear a top but only because one of my children may burst in on me and get scared to death by the sight of their naked mother (they are only young and really don't understand the concept of privacy).

    My kids are 12 & 10 and don't understand the concept of privacy....unless it's the older one in the bathroom, then he does. Lol!

    I wear nothing when i weigh myself, though.

    I figure if my kids walk in on me nakid I'm not paying the therapy bill.. Teach them!!! lol
  • ChocolateMjau
    ChocolateMjau Posts: 19 Member
    I am nudist since 2008. So for sure I weight nude. :smiley:
  • alismommy1992
    alismommy1992 Posts: 72 Member
    Yup im a naked booty too :)
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    I weigh every morning naked. Ive done both with and without clothes to see the difference, sometimes weigh a pound more with clothes on.