What are your 5 top must have foods

goofynat Posts: 68 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Day 2 - Just looking for advice.
I am worried about feeling hungry and not having anything good to eat to fill me up.
What are your 5 top must have foods in the house to fight hunger, and satisfy your tastebuds (besides fruit and veggies).
and advice helps..
cheers ~ Nat :)


  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    old fashioned oatmeal, unsweetened almond milk, oranges, apples, double fiber bread
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    Bacon, eggs, spinach, coffee, meat. That's probably not what you're looking for but I eat them almost every day. :happy:
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Good Question:

    1) Laughing Cow Cheese
    2) Yogurt (either low fat or greek)
    3) Chicken Breast
    4) Tuna TUNA TUNA
    5) Eggs
    6) Almonds
    7) Mustard
    8) Fiber Bars
    /....oh you said 5..sorry..those are my top 8
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    The actualy list is much longer, but since you asked for 5 I've narrowed it down to these:
    1) Low fat cottage cheese (so versatile)
    2) PB2 - Bell Plantation powdered peanut butter (also versatile)
    3) All-Bran Whole Wheat Bran Flakes (great for breakfast or a snack)
    4) Fresh fruit: apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, sweet cherries
    5) Bell & Evans boneless, skinless chicken breast (Bell & Evans b/c it's antibiotic, hormone free, etc. and of excellent quality!)
  • ♥jewel♥
    ♥jewel♥ Posts: 839
    mini wheats, Sun Rype fruit bars, fibre one peanut butter & chocolate bars, yogurt, peanut butter
  • westbrja
    westbrja Posts: 111 Member
    I like the Special K Protein bars when I'm craving sweets. The chocolate and peanut butter are my favorite, but they come in different varieties. Also I bought some Jolly Time 100 calorie bags of popcorn. There was a surprising amount in each bag and it satisfies that salty craving. Good Luck!
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    low fat crackers, greek yogurt, almonds, popcorn, no sugar jello pudding (60 calories).
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    Luna Bars
    Almond Butter
  • motion767
    motion767 Posts: 1
    My favorite thing that leaves me full is avocado-guacamole! Its an easy to fix "superfood". I use it as a sandwich spread(sourdough bread, turkey, guacamole) or buy corn tortillas cut it up like a pizza and bake them in the toaster oven as chips.
  • dwilliam116
    dwilliam116 Posts: 18 Member
    I go to Costco and get the big bags of Pacific Gold beef jerky. If fills you up, is 80 calories for one good sized piece (5 calories from fat) and 11 grams of protein. It is also gluten free and has no trans fat and no preservatives.
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    Chicken breast
    Sugar free Jello pudding
    100 calorie kettle corn
    Tootsie pops
    Crystal light
  • supershala
    supershala Posts: 30
    1. I like to keep Fiber One bars handy. I keep them at home and also carry one in my purse for emergencies. You can get the normal ones, which are 160 calories, or there is a 90 calorie option.

    2. Yogurt ( I like Yoplait Light )

    3. Laughing Cow Cheese and Keebler Reduced Fat Crackers ( 1 wedge of cheese + 5 crackers = 105 calories )

    4. Bananas! ( I know you said besides fruits and veggies, but bananas are tasty and filling )

    5. Turkey Burgers ( Home made or the frozen kind )
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    homemade hummus (with less tahini than most recipes call for); steel cut oats; unsweetened vanilla almond milk, string cheese, and soy delicious mini ice cream sandwiches for a yummy treat (sweetened with agave).
  • 1. boiled eggs - they're low calorie and the protein helps satisfy your hunger
    2. smoothies - what a fun way to get some extra nutrients! Our local smoothie shop can also mix in extra things like caffeine or vitamins (even an appetite suppressant) to help out
    3. oatmeal - delicious and nutritious!
    4. rice cakes - not the best for you in the end but they have a nice satisfying crunch
    5. stevia- to satisfy my sweet tooth on any occasion :p
  • kristie778
    kristie778 Posts: 51
    1. Greek yogurt, with honey - or if you're near Trader Joe's, they have pomegranate flavored which is delicious
    2. Hummus to eat veggies with - makes it a lot more appealing to eat carrots, celery, or broccoli if I have hummus to dip them into
    3. Vitamuffins - double chocolate...tastes great and they are only 100 calories and have fiber and vitamins
    4. Sandwich thins (100% whole wheat) - to toast and add a little Smucker's low sugar strawberry preserves, or to make a PB&J or veggie sandwich with. Only 100 calories for the roll that has 2 slices.
    5. Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts - I pre-portion and bag them in little snack baggies so I won't go crazy.
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    1) Unsweetened almond milk
    2) Kashi Go Lean Crunch
    3) Fage 0% greek yogurt
    4) Truvia
    5) Almonds/walnuts
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    that's tough because you said besides fruit and veggies (which would make up most of my top 5), so...

    (1) Almonds
    (2) Nonfat yogurt (but I would add fruit)
    (3) Oatmeal (but I would add fruit)
    (4) Cottage cheese w/ salsa
    (5) Tuna (w/ veggies in a low carb tortilla)
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    you'll see some repeats from previous posts here:
    1) light string cheese (or light cheddar cheese sticks)
    2) low fat cottage cheese (with various add-in including fruit, salsa, sea salt and pepper)
    3) sugar free jello pudding cups
    4) single serving 100 calorie popcorn (butter or kettle corn)
    5) vitamuffins

    Good luck with conquering those cravings!
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Glad you asked this question. I'm going to use the info everyone is giving :0)
    Mine are:
    Light string cheese
    raw almonds
    almond butter on almost anything
    yogurt with big chunks of fruit in it
    shredded wheat (any version) dry-just a handful
    Fiberone bars
    Fruit Leather
    Light Kettle Corn
  • CarmenSox
    CarmenSox Posts: 110 Member
    1. Cliff protein bars
    2. Kellogg's Special K bars
    3. Kellogg's Fruit Crisp
    4. Tuna
    5. Apples

    I too have more than 5 but these are the items I eat the most of. Ok I had to add one more...

    6. Skinny cow Ice cream sandwiches
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