Am I the only one.....

that can't tolerate the taste of reheated chicken or any poultry really? I love baked chicken. I used to make an extra serving so I could take it for lunch but I have found that I no longer can stand the taste once it's been reheated. Does anyone else taste a major difference when reheating poultry?


  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    No, never noticed a difference...
  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    Nope just had leftover chicken thighs for dinner that I had in the fridge since Saturday. Salmon on the other hand or pork for me has to be freshly made.
  • Sweetiepiestef
    Sweetiepiestef Posts: 344 Member
    It tastes the same to me but it is dry after being re-heated and I hate that!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    How are you reheating it? If you nuke the hell outta the chicken (2min@100%), yeah, it's gonna taste overcooked and rubbery. If you warm it slowly (4min @ 60%), it will be warmed, not overkilled.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    If I'm at home, I reheat in the oven and it still tastes weird to me. Maybe it's just in my
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I don't like it microwaved. Maybe only take it for lunch if it's prepared in a way that is good cold. Heat everything else.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    adding a bit of chicken stock...I boil a cup of water with a small spoonful of Better Than Bouillon chicken flavor then add to whatever meal you are re-heating. If you add a drizzle of 3 part water to 1 part corn starch then add it to the chicken stock you have a gravy. Pepper to taste.
  • awholenewworld
    awholenewworld Posts: 61 Member
    In a pinch you can wrap it in a damp/wet paper towel to microwave it. Keeps it from drying out on you.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 611 Member
    I like to purchase rotisserie chickens. The skin on holds the moisture in and the fat helps with the flavor.

    Reheats nicely.
  • tmorm
    tmorm Posts: 32 Member
    Reheated chicken tastes disgusting, would rather have it cold than reheat it.
  • spastickone
    spastickone Posts: 2 Member
    I don't like that or reheated pork.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    Yep it does taste gross! I know where you're coming from!
  • Tresiel
    Tresiel Posts: 98 Member
    I find every meat tastes a bit different once re-heated. I still eat it and enjoy it though.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Do you live the skin on? If not, reheated chicken tastes awful.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Throw it into a soup, curry, chili, noodle bowl, stir fry, a cold salad, a wrap, on top of a pizza and you may be able to salvage it without noticing a big difference.
  • crabbybrianna
    crabbybrianna Posts: 344 Member
    Reheated chicken and turkey is disgusting. It doesn't even matter how it's reheated. Oven, stovetop, or microwave. Jut the smell is enough to put me off. I can eat leftover poultry cold, though. It only seems to be a problem when it's heated. I had some leftover chicken the other night and made soup with it, but couldn't eat it after I made it. The smell was pretty bad. Let it cool in the fridge overnight and ate it cold. Was totally fine.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    Yeah, I also tend to eat leftover poultry cold. Chicken sandwiches, chicken salad, chicken avocado wraps, chicken dipped in bbq sauce/hot sauce, etc, etc
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    It's a little dryer once reheated because it's now overcooked a bit. But you could eat it cold in a salad or sandwich. Or just heat it gently and just so it's warm enough for your taste. Or add to something with moisture like soup or top with a sauce or gravy or a little oil/butter.
  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    I am not a fan of reheated meat either, particularly pork and chicken. The change in texture doesn't matter to me but the some sort of aromatic 'stank', it's difficult to describe...
    I just do what others have already suggested: dice it up and either use it in another recipe cold (chicken salad) or heat it up with another food like stir fry or dahl (lentils).
    If you must reheat the chicken 'en chunk', I'd recommend squeezing some fresh lemon or lime over the top AFTER reheating. The bright flavor of fresh citrus works wonders.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I don't like reheated poultry. I eat cold leftover chicken but never reheated. I also don't like leftover turkey. I gave our Thanksgiving turkey leftovers to our dogs because nobody else in my house would have eaten them.