Maybe Sugar IS the Devil - US Goverment Diet Recommendations



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Its really SAD to see (with all the information available today just a few clicks away) that some people still try to convince themselves that sugar can be good for you. There is absolutely nothing good about sugar in any form, we can tolerate loads of sugar yes, glucose is after all "biological fuel" but we should not be eating anything at all with sugar on the ingredients list.

    This is the food industry that has been cleverly programming society for years and has got us all hooked on the stuff, all they need to do is keep adding sugar to all their new products and keep us addicted so we can keep buying more of their crap products, happy to say I'm 5 years clean, Had a few relapses perhaps every now and then (cough cough Christmas cough cough) but I know I'm never gonna be a full on addict ever again. Good luck to all of you.

    I Vote for Banning Sugar!

    sugar addiction has never been proven in human trials.

    yes, sugar can be a part of a healthy diet as long as one is hitting micro nutrient goals and is within their calorie allotment.

    So I assume that you do not eat bread, vegetables, fruits, etc, because sugar is bad? Are you also calling for a ban on fruit and vegetables, because "sugar is bad"?

    Spot on! I dont eat bread, pasta, don't drink milk, pretty much any form of sugar and yes I stay far away from sugary vegetables and fruits, you cant really pull sugar out of vegetables and you cant go without eating vegetables so I guess you got me there, I eat sugar in vegetables and some fruits.

    Sugar addiction hasn't been proven in human trials because any study that threatens the food industry is shutdown before it can even make it to public eye, most people are so dam clueless how addicted they are, just look next time you go shopping how much sugar is in the trollies, on the shelves, it's everywhere.

    when the body doesn't have enough sugar in the blood it has many ways of producing sugar from fats and even proteins, I'm very active and fit, concious of what goes into my body and how I exercise, I've never needed sugars even when running the 10K charity races I attend 3-4 times per year.

    The real lie you have been programmed to believe is that sugar can be good for you. why dont you try go zero sugar for a couple weeks and see how you feel, when you try raise arguments promoting sugars trust me I know what you are going through, I was there once, its the addiction talking, kick it and you'll feel a million times better, you wont need to watch your weight and your body will look after itself.

    Or just ignore my advice and convince yourself that sugar is ok, and that these food giants are looking out for your health and not just worried about profits and shareholders, convince yourself that you are doing great just the way you are, I suspect that most if not all people suffering from some form of metobolic disease thought the same thing before they were diagnosed, Nobody is going to care about your health over their profits or the economy. Take some responsibility and read books, (you can start with "Pure, White and deadly"), the information is all over the web, you want to be truly healthy and live a long disease free healthy life then there's nothing stopping you.

    If you want to keep eating sugar becuase it tastes nice and makes you feel good then go ahead, but thats all you eating it for, but just know it comes at a hefty price in the long term.

    Sorry for stepping on people toes here, I dont post on these forums I just saw this post and it pains me to see how addicted society is to this stuff, thought even if I help 1 person move to the path of kicking the habit it would be worth this post. good luck guys, wish you all a long and healthy life :smile:

    Removing sugar, in all forms, doesnt mean you will live a healthy and long life without disease as that type of mentality would suggest that genetics has nothing to do with disease. Additionally, as already stated, science would suggest that many types of sugars can be beneficial as they are accompanied by other nutrients. Veggies, fruits and many whole grains (especially things like oatmeal) have been linked to improve many health markers.

    Additionally, you are failing to recognize dietary context as a whole. No one is promoting a diet high in added sugar, but suggesting that eating sugar will make you unhealthy is quite absurd and not founded by science.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    So it seems like the latest participants who are so vehemently anti sugar are saying "sugar bad because of Big Food" that we are being programmed to desire sugary foods simply to drive their profits, is that right? And because sugar is addictive, none of us have any choice on the matter? Is that right?

    So I'm still waiting for an answer of what harm this sugar that I have no choice but to consume (because I'm a lemming who can't think for myself) is doing to my body.

    Well for starters it's dulling your mind so that you can't see the blatant evil intentions of the food industry, obviously.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    So it seems like the latest participants who are so vehemently anti sugar are saying "sugar bad because of Big Food" that we are being programmed to desire sugary foods simply to drive their profits, is that right? And because sugar is addictive, none of us have any choice on the matter? Is that right?

    So I'm still waiting for an answer of what harm this sugar that I have no choice but to consume (because I'm a lemming who can't think for myself) is doing to my body.

    Well for starters it's dulling your mind so that you can't see the blatant evil intentions of the food industry, obviously.

  • Titan1986
    Titan1986 Posts: 6 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You aren't really stepping on anyone's toes. Your argument is like if someone tries to convince the board that 2+2=5. Your argument is so far wrong that it is too laughable to step on anyone's toes.

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Do you have any credible evidence that shows sugar to be as harmful as you make it out to be?

    Also, can you tell me what negative impacts I am having on my body since I consume added sugar?

    Other than the correlation between Sugar consumption, metabolic disease and the current obesity epidemic? or the fact that most of the people I know cant go a day without shoving something sweet into their mouths? you really have to be ignorant to believe that sugar is not bad for you and highly adictive. sure you can have coccaine in small amounts, doesn't mean you should. Ever asked yourself why you feel the need to defend sugar so much? when it really couldn't hurt to just drop it entirely?

    I mean really? people here argue that sugar is neither bad nor good. so whats the constant need to eat it? why make the choice to put anything in your body that's not going to contribute to making you healthy?

    This really feels similar to walking into the middle of a hardcore rave and shouting ecstasy is bad for you! haha! how many people will jump at the opportunity to defend drugs with everything they have while they high on the stuff?

    you really want me to give you something to read though, maybe words from people that have been studying this subject for decades,

    and like quotes at the very end of this article, I 100% agree!
    Sugar scares me too, obviously. I’d like to eat it in moderation. I’d certainly like my two sons to be able to eat it in moderation, to not overconsume it, but I don’t actually know what that means, and I’ve been reporting on this subject and studying it for more than a decade. If sugar just makes us fatter, that’s one thing. We start gaining weight, we eat less of it. But we are also talking about things we can’t see — fatty liver, insulin resistance and all that follows. Officially I’m not supposed to worry because the evidence isn’t conclusive, but I do.

  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited January 2016
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You aren't really stepping on anyone's toes. Your argument is like if someone tries to convince the board that 2+2=5. Your argument is so far wrong that it is too laughable to step on anyone's toes.

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Do you have any credible evidence that shows sugar to be as harmful as you make it out to be?

    Also, can you tell me what negative impacts I am having on my body since I consume added sugar?

    Other than the correlation between Sugar consumption, metabolic disease and the current obesity epidemic? or the fact that most of the people I know cant go a day without shoving something sweet into their mouths? you really have to be ignorant to believe that sugar is not bad for you and highly adictive. sure you can have coccaine in small amounts, doesn't mean you should. Ever asked yourself why you feel the need to defend sugar so much? when it really couldn't hurt to just drop it entirely?

    I mean really? people here argue that sugar is neither bad nor good. so whats the constant need to eat it? why make the choice to put anything in your body that's not going to contribute to making you healthy?

    This really feels similar to walking into the middle of a hardcore rave and shouting ecstasy is bad for you! haha! how many people will jump at the opportunity to defend drugs with everything they have while they high on the stuff?

    you really want me to give you something to read though, maybe words from people that have been studying this subject for decades,

    and like quotes at the very end of this article, I 100% agree!
    Sugar scares me too, obviously. I’d like to eat it in moderation. I’d certainly like my two sons to be able to eat it in moderation, to not overconsume it, but I don’t actually know what that means, and I’ve been reporting on this subject and studying it for more than a decade. If sugar just makes us fatter, that’s one thing. We start gaining weight, we eat less of it. But we are also talking about things we can’t see — fatty liver, insulin resistance and all that follows. Officially I’m not supposed to worry because the evidence isn’t conclusive, but I do.

    If Taubes, Lustig, strawmen arguments about ecstacy, and observational 'correlation' is all you have, you could have saved a lot of keystrokes and just said "No, I don't"
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    alyurete wrote: »
    it should be no added sugar at all... that's what fruit is for

    doesn't fruit contain sugar?

    Yes, that's why we don't need to add sugar.

    Does the same go for natural and added fats?

    Not sure what you mean, but I would not assume a rule for one food applies to all. So I think, no?

    There's fats in avocados, nuts etc. so no need to add oil to your steak. That's the same logic is what I'm saying.

    Sorry I'm just not getting your point. What does this have to do with not adding sugar to fruit?

    It wasn't not adding sugar to fruit, it was "fruit has sugar so you don't need added sugar [in other things]."
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You aren't really stepping on anyone's toes. Your argument is like if someone tries to convince the board that 2+2=5. Your argument is so far wrong that it is too laughable to step on anyone's toes.

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Do you have any credible evidence that shows sugar to be as harmful as you make it out to be?

    Also, can you tell me what negative impacts I am having on my body since I consume added sugar?

    Other than the correlation between Sugar consumption, metabolic disease and the current obesity epidemic? or the fact that most of the people I know cant go a day without shoving something sweet into their mouths? you really have to be ignorant to believe that sugar is not bad for you and highly adictive. sure you can have coccaine in small amounts, doesn't mean you should. Ever asked yourself why you feel the need to defend sugar so much? when it really couldn't hurt to just drop it entirely?

    I mean really? people here argue that sugar is neither bad nor good. so whats the constant need to eat it? why make the choice to put anything in your body that's not going to contribute to making you healthy?

    This really feels similar to walking into the middle of a hardcore rave and shouting ecstasy is bad for you! haha! how many people will jump at the opportunity to defend drugs with everything they have while they high on the stuff?

    you really want me to give you something to read though, maybe words from people that have been studying this subject for decades,

    and like quotes at the very end of this article, I 100% agree!
    Sugar scares me too, obviously. I’d like to eat it in moderation. I’d certainly like my two sons to be able to eat it in moderation, to not overconsume it, but I don’t actually know what that means, and I’ve been reporting on this subject and studying it for more than a decade. If sugar just makes us fatter, that’s one thing. We start gaining weight, we eat less of it. But we are also talking about things we can’t see — fatty liver, insulin resistance and all that follows. Officially I’m not supposed to worry because the evidence isn’t conclusive, but I do.

    Like I said, do you have any credible resources? You know, science? You are wasting everyone's time if you don't have anything to back it up...

    If you want to get your news from magazines and believe them to be the truth, that's fine, but don't come in here and try to dumb everyone down to fit your standards.

  • BeastForm
    BeastForm Posts: 22 Member
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    So it seems like the latest participants who are so vehemently anti sugar are saying "sugar bad because of Big Food" that we are being programmed to desire sugary foods simply to drive their profits, is that right? And because sugar is addictive, none of us have any choice on the matter? Is that right?

    So I'm still waiting for an answer of what harm this sugar that I have no choice but to consume (because I'm a lemming who can't think for myself) is doing to my body.

    I'm waiting for the next time someone says "No one literally means it's addictive or evil."
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Its really SAD to see (with all the information available today just a few clicks away) that some people still try to convince themselves that sugar can be good for you. There is absolutely nothing good about sugar in any form, we can tolerate loads of sugar yes, glucose is after all "biological fuel" but we should not be eating anything at all with sugar on the ingredients list.

    This is the food industry that has been cleverly programming society for years and has got us all hooked on the stuff, all they need to do is keep adding sugar to all their new products and keep us addicted so we can keep buying more of their crap products, happy to say I'm 5 years clean, Had a few relapses perhaps every now and then (cough cough Christmas cough cough) but I know I'm never gonna be a full on addict ever again. Good luck to all of you.

    I Vote for Banning Sugar!

    sugar addiction has never been proven in human trials.

    yes, sugar can be a part of a healthy diet as long as one is hitting micro nutrient goals and is within their calorie allotment.

    So I assume that you do not eat bread, vegetables, fruits, etc, because sugar is bad? Are you also calling for a ban on fruit and vegetables, because "sugar is bad"?

    Spot on! I dont eat bread, pasta, don't drink milk, pretty much any form of sugar and yes I stay far away from sugary vegetables and fruits, you cant really pull sugar out of vegetables and you cant go without eating vegetables so I guess you got me there, I eat sugar in vegetables and some fruits.

    Sugar addiction hasn't been proven in human trials because any study that threatens the food industry is shutdown before it can even make it to public eye, most people are so dam clueless how addicted they are, just look next time you go shopping how much sugar is in the trollies, on the shelves, it's everywhere.

    when the body doesn't have enough sugar in the blood it has many ways of producing sugar from fats and even proteins, I'm very active and fit, concious of what goes into my body and how I exercise, I've never needed sugars even when running the 10K charity races I attend 3-4 times per year.

    The real lie you have been programmed to believe is that sugar can be good for you. why dont you try go zero sugar for a couple weeks and see how you feel, when you try raise arguments promoting sugars trust me I know what you are going through, I was there once, its the addiction talking, kick it and you'll feel a million times better, you wont need to watch your weight and your body will look after itself.

    Or just ignore my advice and convince yourself that sugar is ok, and that these food giants are looking out for your health and not just worried about profits and shareholders, convince yourself that you are doing great just the way you are, I suspect that most if not all people suffering from some form of metobolic disease thought the same thing before they were diagnosed, Nobody is going to care about your health over their profits or the economy. Take some responsibility and read books, (you can start with "Pure, White and deadly"), the information is all over the web, you want to be truly healthy and live a long disease free healthy life then there's nothing stopping you.

    If you want to keep eating sugar becuase it tastes nice and makes you feel good then go ahead, but thats all you eating it for, but just know it comes at a hefty price in the long term.

    Sorry for stepping on people toes here, I dont post on these forums I just saw this post and it pains me to see how addicted society is to this stuff, thought even if I help 1 person move to the path of kicking the habit it would be worth this post. good luck guys, wish you all a long and healthy life :smile:

    yes, the evil food companies have programmed us to eat their products and have us addicted to them. *puts on tin foil hat and heads for basement*

    I don't need to go zero sugar because I have zero medical condition, I like the taste of sugar, and my blood work comes back nearly perfect every year at my physical.

    As for your comment about the information being "all over hte web" there is also information all over the web about Aliens landing in Roswell and being a part of the US don't believe everything you read on the interwebs.

    If you have some real, peer reviewed science that you would like to share with us then please feel free.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    alyurete wrote: »
    it should be no added sugar at all... that's what fruit is for

    doesn't fruit contain sugar?

    Yes, that's why we don't need to add sugar.

    Does the same go for natural and added fats?

    Not sure what you mean, but I would not assume a rule for one food applies to all. So I think, no?

    There's fats in avocados, nuts etc. so no need to add oil to your steak. That's the same logic is what I'm saying.

    Sorry I'm just not getting your point. What does this have to do with not adding sugar to fruit?

    It wasn't not adding sugar to fruit, it was "fruit has sugar so you don't need added sugar [in other things]."

    Nope. But I can see how you might think that was implied. My bad.
  • Titan1986
    Titan1986 Posts: 6 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »

    Like I said, do you have any credible resources? You know, science? You are wasting everyone's time if you don't have anything to back it up...

    If you want to get your news from magazines and believe them to be the truth, that's fine, but don't come in here and try to dumb everyone down to fit your standards.

    Ok, yup, thats what I was trying to do "dumb everyone down to fit my standards", guess I've failed horrible. oh well! I tried, you guys are just way too intelligent to fall for that.

    I'm gonna go and cry in a corner now becuase nobody would believe me, my whole day has been ruined.

    Good luck and stay healthy guys, and enjoy your healthy sugars :smile:
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »

    Like I said, do you have any credible resources? You know, science? You are wasting everyone's time if you don't have anything to back it up...

    If you want to get your news from magazines and believe them to be the truth, that's fine, but don't come in here and try to dumb everyone down to fit your standards.

    Ok, yup, thats what I was trying to do "dumb everyone down to fit my standards", guess I've failed horrible. oh well! I tried, you guys are just way too intelligent to fall for that.

    I'm gonna go and cry in a corner now becuase nobody would believe me, my whole day has been ruined.

    Good luck and stay healthy guys, and enjoy your healthy sugars :smile:

    Figured that would be the case. Didn't figure you had anything of substance to share. I am happy to let you pretend you are taking the higher road, despite your last passive aggressive statement.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You aren't really stepping on anyone's toes. Your argument is like if someone tries to convince the board that 2+2=5. Your argument is so far wrong that it is too laughable to step on anyone's toes.

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Do you have any credible evidence that shows sugar to be as harmful as you make it out to be?

    Also, can you tell me what negative impacts I am having on my body since I consume added sugar?

    I swore I was going to stay away from this discussion.


    If you're going to be the spokesperson for consuming sugar?


    As long as your abs do the talking.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Titan1986 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You aren't really stepping on anyone's toes. Your argument is like if someone tries to convince the board that 2+2=5. Your argument is so far wrong that it is too laughable to step on anyone's toes.

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Do you have any credible evidence that shows sugar to be as harmful as you make it out to be?

    Also, can you tell me what negative impacts I am having on my body since I consume added sugar?

    I swore I was going to stay away from this discussion.


    If you're going to be the spokesperson for consuming sugar?


    As long as your abs do the talking.

    and T-shirts without sleeves. ;)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sleeves are BS :)
  • BeastForm
    BeastForm Posts: 22 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently. Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Sleeves are BS :)

    And, here I am, wearing a long-sleeve T-shirt. I'm just a shill for Big-Attire, though.