January 2016 Weight Loss Challenge



  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 675 Member
    Name: Ebony
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (1st January): 283.7 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st February): 275 lbs

    1st January: 283.7
    8th January: 280.2
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: lost 3.5 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: I struggled this week with exercising, I had no energy due to being sick and stuff. Now it's over and I can get back to it. I will hit my goal this month!
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 666 Member
    edited January 2016
    Name: Lisa
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'9"

    Start Weight (1st January): 326
    Goal Weight (1st February): 316/311lbs

    1st January: 326 lbs
    8th January: 321.2lbs
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: I lost 4.8lbs woohoo!
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: I had a cheat day this week but I still managed to go back to eating well and exercise and it paid off. YAY!

  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Name: Katie
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'7

    Start Weight (1st January): 144
    Goal Weight (1st February): 140

    1st January: 144
    8th January: 144
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0
    Weight lost/gained this month: 0

    Successes/struggles this week: I can't believe I haven't lost anything. I've been 143.6 for a week. I only had one day where I went over. Disappointed is an understatement.
  • SDMHudson
    SDMHudson Posts: 84 Member
    Happy Friday!!!!

    Name: Selena
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'3

    Start weight (Jan 1): 193.5
    Goal weight (Feb 1): 188.5

    Jan 1: 193.5
    Jan 8: 191.0
    Jan 15:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 29:
    Feb 1:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -2.5
    Weight loss/gain this month: -2.5

    Successes/struggles this week: Been really focused with week and recommitted myself to sticking to my meal plan. Once I did one day I realized it wasn't that bad and that I can do it. Also been getting my cardio in, laying off the weights until after my PT test on the 21st. My goal for next week is to be under 190 and to never see the 190's again... IN MY LIFE.
  • lizsohl05
    lizsohl05 Posts: 20 Member
    Name: Liz
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (1st January): 192
    Goal Weight (1st February): 184

    1st January: 192
    8th January: 186.6
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 5.4
    Weight lost/gained this month: 5.4

    Successes/struggles this week: Much of this loss was water weight following the holidays, but an exciting jumpstart to 2016. Had a couple of tummy issues that kept me from the gym more than I wanted this week, but thrilled that the holiday break didn't keep me from jumping right back in. Looking forward to what's ahead!
  • StepWise123
    StepWise123 Posts: 180 Member
    Name: Denise
    Height: 5.4

    Start Weight (1st January):146
    Goal Weight (1st February):142

    1st January:146
    8th January:145
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week:1
    Weight lost/gained this month:-1

    Successes/struggles this week: Birthday week! Even though I had some cake, I ate it early in the day, rather than after dinner while sitting on the couch! Got a FitBit for my birthday and love the incentive it gives me to increase exercise and stay balanced with the calories.
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    Name: LuckyAndi
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (1st January): 182.9
    Goal Weight (1st February): 180

    1st January: 182.9
    8th January: 180.1
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.8
    Weight lost/gained this month: -2.8

    Successes/struggles this week: I think I am finally getting my eating back on track. I did go over a couple of days, but I was also under some. I guess it balanced out. I haven't incorporated exercise yet, and I probably won't for a while. I'm not sure I have the motivation for it right now. I'll continue to watch my food and cook more at home. That makes a HUGE difference for me.

    Now, I just have to make sure I don't splurge today (or for the next 3 weeks). After a successful weigh in, I tend to sabotage myself. I really need to stop that.
  • Coleen312
    Coleen312 Posts: 322 Member
    Name: Coleen
    Age: 50
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st January): 179
    Goal Weight (1st February): 174

    1st January: 179
    8th January: 175.5
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3.5
    Weight lost/gained this month: -3.5

    Successes/struggles this week: I'm just happy the holidays are over and I can get back on track. This week was a very good week for me. I usually have struggles and this week not so much. I'll bask in this feeling for a little bit since I know it won't last! lol!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,446 Member
    Name: Chris
    Age: older
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight: 140.4
    Goal Weight (1st February):

    1st January: 140.4
    8th January: 137.4
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3.0
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: :)
  • sharae216
    sharae216 Posts: 162 Member
    edited January 2016
    Name: Sharae
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'3

    Start Weight (4th January): 336.2
    Goal Weight (1st February): 325

    4th January:336.2
    11th January:
    18th January:
    25th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:
  • hugheseva
    hugheseva Posts: 227 Member
    Name: Eva
    Height: 5' 1.5"

    SW on 5/1/15: 168.5 Lbs

    Start Weight (1st January): 140 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st February): 136 lbs

    1st January: 140 lbs
    8th January: 139 lbs
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 1 lb lost
    Weight lost/gained this month: 1 lb lost

    Successes/struggles: It's still a mirage... I had been down at 137 several times and gained it back during the holiday season. Unfortunately, there are still some tempting chocolate bonbons around from Christmas. :) But I don't despair. Training is up and I will be back in full gear soon.
  • treebek
    treebek Posts: 261 Member
    edited January 2016
    Name: Tammy
    Age: 44
    Height: 5'8"

    Original Start Weight (11/9/15): 235.2
    Start Weight (1st January):213.2
    Goal Weight (1st February): 203

    1st January: 213.2
    8th January: 210.8
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 2.4
    Weight lost/gained this month: 2.4

    Successes/struggles: had a pretty good week. Actually glad to be through the holidays and back to a normal schedule, normal eating, etc.

    I can already tell that my weight loss is getting back to what it was before the holidays.

    Doing good on my mini goals too!

    I've set some mini goals for myself for January:
    1) Go alcohol free for the month of January
    2) Achieve 30 pounds weight loss milestone (only 5 pounds away!!)
    3) Continue to log every day and stay within calorie goals
  • cdudley628
    cdudley628 Posts: 547 Member
    Name: Caitlin
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'1"

    Start Weight (1st January): 151 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st February): 142.5 lbs

    1st January: 151 lbs
    8th January:149.5 lbs
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.5 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.5 lbs

    I think I mostly lost water weight. Trying to get back into the groove of things hasn't been easy for me
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    Name: Robyn
    Age: 48
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st January): 157
    Goal Weight (1st February):147

    1st January: 157
    8th January:153
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 4lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: 4lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Been really good with the exercise - following a program called UltraFit but doing it at my pace, lower weights and not as intense as I want but it is what I can do ... and it's all planned out in 6, 12, and 18 week increments - one less thing I need to plan :smiley: Trying to get in daily walks of at least 1 mile in addition to the fitness program.
    Diet - not bad - I'm much more aware of what I am eating and I've cut back the mindless noshing especially at night-getting more water in and cutting back on the alcohol has also helped.
    53 days until March 1st and the weather here in New England should start to turn with warmer longer days (sunrise will be an hour earlier than it is now too)
  • ThisIsRockNRoll
    ThisIsRockNRoll Posts: 13 Member
    Name: ThisIsRockNRoll
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (1st January): 199lbs
    Goal Weight (1st February): 180lbs

    1st January: 199lbs
    8th January: 193.9lbs
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 6.1lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: 6.1lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: I've been making some really delicious food! And my cravings for sugar and bread have been eradicated through desire for protein and fat, or by making low carb versions of all those sugary treats I used to crave. As for struggles, I still haven't managed to get into regular exercise. But I will!
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member

    Name: kalyn
    Age: 24 (turning 25 in January)
    Height: 5'6

    Start Weight (12/30): 193
    Goal Weight (2/1): 185

    1st January:193
    8th January:193.6
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +0.6
    Weight lost/gained this month: +0.6

    Successes/struggles this week:
    well this was not what i expected or planned. but it is what it is.i was lower and now my scale jumps. just my luck.there's always next week though.
  • ddebruhl
    ddebruhl Posts: 49 Member

    Name: Dinah
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (1st January): 195
    Goal Weight (1st February): 190

    1st January: 195
    8th January:194.4
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week:0.6
    Weight lost/gained this month:0.6

    Successes/struggles this week: i have stuck to my calorie goal everyday. But I am struggling without sweets. The cravings are real!
  • winterchildel
    winterchildel Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 2016
    Name: Elly
    Age: 25
    Height: 168cm (~5'6'' ?)

    Start Weight (1st January): 72 kg (~159lbs)
    Goal Weight (1st February): 69 kg (~152lbs)

    1st January: 72kg (159lbs)
    8th January: 70,7kg (156lbs)
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1,3kg (3lbs)
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: I set a target of 1500 calories per day, which requires prepacked lunches with real food. I snack a lot since our office is full of food the whole day due to birthdays, etc.
    I have been struggling not to go to the gym every day just because I feel stressed out. I had a rest day on Thursday and plan on resting on Saturday as well. I am to reduce my workouts from 2 strength (Body Pump, focus on heavy weights)+ 2 cardio (Body Combat, HIIT) + 1 balance/relaxation (Body Balance, Yoga or Pilates) to 3-4 in total per week, incl. relaxation. I would like to optimise my workouts as to minimise injury stress and balance out things. Workouts shouldn't leave me so worn out my technique starts suffering or I get injured due to sloppiness and have to take a forced break.
    I still struggle with carbs, though I am set on getting most of my nutrition from real unprocessed food.
  • Wurfpfeil
    Wurfpfeil Posts: 6 Member
    Height: 5'6 (168 cm)

    Start Weight 67 kilos (147.7 pounds)
    Goal Weight 63.5 kilos (140 pounds)

    1st January: 67 kilos
    8th January: 66.2 kilos
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: .8 kilos (1.8 pounds)
    Weight lost/gained this month: .8 kilos (1.8 pounds)

    Successes/struggles this week: I'm doing the whole30 this month, and it's difficult to find acceptable food when you're outside of the house. I worry that I am not doing enough. The winter also makes it difficult to be physically active.
  • FutureTrophyWife
    FutureTrophyWife Posts: 29 Member

    So, here goes:

    Name: Lisa
    Age: 49 >
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st January): 161.5
    Goal Weight (1st February): 152

    1st January: 161.5
    8th January: 160.5
    15th January:
    22nd January:
    29th January:
    1st February:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 1.0
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 1.0

    * Successes/struggles this week: Success - I got on my treadmill 6 days this week! :) That is a record for me. My time on the treadmill ranged from 33 minutes to 3 hours (walking with incline and reading a book). I also got on the treadmill before going to work -- another 1st for me. I did sit-ups and crunches 3 days. :) /
    * Struggles - Fast food & fried food. Leftover holiday food! Office Treats!! :# It is hard to resist office treats like donuts and chocolate. I do not buy donuts, but it is hard to say 'no' when they are laying around the office.
    * I hope to lose these pounds faster so I will not get discouraged. This 'Challenge' is definitely motivating me! Thank you everyone!

    Wishing you a wonderful start to the brand new year! Good luck everyone!