What's your workout schedule like?

Share with me how many days and hours a day you go and what you do on any given day.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Sunday - strength training (~90 min)
    Monday - walking (30 min)
    Tuesday - conditioning/complex/circuit training (~1 hour)
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - strength training (~90 min)
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - conditioning/complex/circuit training (~1 hour), walking (30 min)
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Strength training 3x/week
    Day 1- squats, bench
    Day 2- deadlift, overhead press
    Day 3- squat variation, bench
    Each gym trip also involves pull up practice, kettlebells and 20 min of cardio

    I do a long hike every weekend, walk about 2 miles a day and stretch daily.

    I run in the spring and fall, and cycle during the summer. I experience seasonal laziness in the winter time.
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    This is my current schedule:
    Monday - Krav Maga & conditioning/circuit/complex
    Tuesday - full body strength
    Wednesday - Krav Maga & Zumba
    Thursday - full body strength & step class
    Friday - Krav Maga & group exercise class I run at work
    Saturday - full body strength training

    I do cross training & change out what I do except for the Krav Classes. I like to run, sprints, in the spring & fall. I usually do some minimalist/density strength training in the summer & late fall. I also do yoga once a week as active rest & incorporate agility, balance, acceleration/deceleration, quick change of direction drills into my workouts. I incorporate a wide variety of equipment & bodyweight exercises.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    edited January 2016
    I have a recumbent bike and an elliptical that I will do anywhere from 30 mins to 1.5 hrs combined. I'll also go on walks with my kids if weather permits.
    I was doing these sporadically but I've upped my game to every other day. Active recovery on rest days.
    This is the main list I work from for lifting but sometimes sub in/out for other things. I just incorporated dumbbell uppercuts. (30) I do these as quickly as possible, doesn't take more than an hour.
    Squats- Sumo, Goblets, Prisoner - 30 ea. can't do a$s to grass because of my knees...
    Kettle ball swing- 30
    Lumberjacks - 30-40
    Halos- 30
    Wrist curls - 20
    chest fly- 30
    chest press- 30
    shoulder press- 30
    Lat raises- 20
    Lat backs? 20
    Bent over rows-20
    Curls- 30
    Tricep dips-10
    Heels lifts In- 30
    Heel lifts out- 30
    Heel Lifts reg- 30
    Wall pushups- 30
    Twists- 50
    Kick Backs- 40 (20 per side)
    Foot Sweeps-40 20 per side
    Deadlifts - 20
    Hip Abduction- 20 per side
    Thigh Glider -10 (I haven't used my glider since my knee slipped out in November.)
  • DrifterBear
    DrifterBear Posts: 265 Member
    I had a specific routine but wasn't getting results. I recently changed to Crossfit and the workouts change everyday.

    M/T/F Crossfit 60 min
    T/TH Running ~4 miles
    Sat Road biking ~2 hours
  • isobelwhitcomb713
    I either bike or run 6 days per week. I run 40-80 minutes or bike 25-50 miles. I'm pretty lousy at doing strength and this is something I've accepted. During the school year I also do soccer and rock climb so I consider that my strength
  • cookielover_96
    cookielover_96 Posts: 177 Member
    I use to go everyday and stayed a long time when I started out. I now go 4x a week.
    M: 25min. cardio
    T: Leg, 10min. cardio
    W: 25min. cardio
    T: Arm, 10min. cardio

    The days aren't exact because I sometimes switch around and put rest days in between one of those days.
  • mlcollins89
    mlcollins89 Posts: 87 Member
    M: NIke Training Club circuit (45min), Strong Lifts
    T: NTC circuit (45min)
    W: NTC circuit (45min), Strong lifts
    Th: NTC circuit (45min)
    F: NTC circuit (45min) Strong lifts
    Sat: off
    Sun: yoga

    The Nike workouts vary but they're usually HIIT. I really like their workouts.
  • mistyhag
    mistyhag Posts: 1 Member
    I try to get at minimum a 30 minute workout 4-6 days a week. I get bored easily, and exercise is NOT a passion of mine, I only do it because I know I am supposed to. Because of this, I have to go to a class and I have to keep it mixed up. Normal week is as follows...I try not to have more than 1 rest day in a row. I don't care how many calories I have burned (however I DO track the calories)...but instead try to get/keep my heart rate in the range my physician/physical therapist told me to for the length of time I need it to be. At some point, I will add at least one day per week of yoga into the routine.

    M: 45 minute lunch CardioMix class
    T: 30 minute lunch Express Cyclefit class or a 60 minute 6pm Zumba class
    W: rest
    TH: 45 minute 5:30pm Cyclefit class
    F: 30 lunch personal trainer session or 60 minute 5:15pm RIPPED class
    Sat: 60 minute morning Step class or Zumba class or ride bike outside
    Sun: 60 minute morning Cardio Jam and/or 60 minute BallZone class or ride bike outside or a rest day
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    SL plus accessories m-w-f. I am not medically cleared for cardio so u don't do it at the moment
  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    Varies, but roughly follows something like this:

    M: OFF, or 60-90 min easy spin on the bike
    Tu: 1.5-3 hours, with some high end endurance
    We: 1-2 hours endurance spin
    Th: 2-3 hours with intervals
    F: 1-2 hours endurance
    Sa: 2-5 hours either intervals or group riding
    Su: 2-5 hours endurance, maybe some tempo

    That can vary a good bit, but is the rough framework. All cycling.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    It varies and I've moved some stuff around for the New Year but basically right now...

    Monday: some kind of cardio AM/Lifting PM
    Tuesday: Cycling (climbing day) - 60 minutes
    Wednesday: Cycling AM 60 minutes/Lifting PM
    Thursday: Cycling 60 minutes flat tempo ride
    Friday: recovery day - usually Yoga in PM after work
    Saturday: Cycle to gym and workout with trainer and cycle home
    Sunday: 3-4 hour ride so long as the honey do list is taken care of. Group rides should be starting up next month.
  • whooRAWRowlbear
    whooRAWRowlbear Posts: 47 Member
    I'm getting back into working out with my primary focus being to go back to running 5ks with my best friend.

    MWF: C25K training
    TR: Strength training (full body dumbbell workout)
    SS: walk, yoga, light activity
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Monday - bench and accessories
    Tuesday- squats and bench accessories
    Wednesday - bench and accessories
    Thursday - deads and bench accessories
    Friday - bench and accessories
    Saturday - team training. Bench and alternating squats and deads.
  • Lovoas
    Lovoas Posts: 138 Member
    I am a beginner at this, but this is what my daily routine looks like:

    6AM - Wake up.
    7AM - Breakfast.
    9AM - Jog/Elliptical for 15-25 minutes.
    10AM - In between snack like a fruit or something.
    1PM - Lunch.
    2PM - Jog/Elliptical for 20-30 minutes.
    3PM In between snack
    6pm - Dinner
    7-8PM - Cardio 20-30 minutes .Strength (Push ups, sit ups, crunches, etc) - for 10-20 minutes.
    10pm - Bedtime.

    This is my new routine as of Monday. And I don't get hungry, or too tired/exhausted. I try to burn half the calories I consume per meal, so if I consume, let's say... 350 calories for breakfast, I'll aim to burn 125.

    Advice is welcomed. I want to be able to go from 290lb to 200lb. I lost 4lb since Monday unless the scale lied to me.

    I'm also on a 1.700 Calorie max diet, but don't seem to get hungry enough to reach that amount. I guess my issue wasn't dieting, but being active. I dunno.
  • missjessau
    missjessau Posts: 17 Member
    Monday - Rest (usually just walk to the next station, etc)
    Tuesday - Weights and Run, Swim or Ride (usually aim for 45min of cardio)
    Wednesday - Rest (usually just walk to the next station, etc)
    Thursday - Weights and Run, Swim or Ride (usually aim for 45min of cardio)
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Triathlon superset - swim squad, bike coached session, run/jog/walk off the bike
    Sunday - Long run or ride or both, or ride up massive hills

    If I am able to I try to make it to any coached run, swim or bike sessions. I find I work harder.
  • CAKarlos
    CAKarlos Posts: 6 Member
    M/Th: Personal Trainer-45 min
    T: Pure Barre-55 min
    W: Swimming-45 min
    F: Road Bike Ride-25-50 miles-2-3 hrs
    S: Pure Barre-55 min
    S: Road Bike Ride-20-30 miles-2 hrs

    When temps get warmer, I replace one Pure Barre for another day of bike riding. Always prefer an outdoor workout to an indoor one!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    mine varies but in general...

    mwf, weights and cardio in am; jog pm
    t/th - cardio; jog pm

    weekend- whatever i feel like lol if i missed a day at the gym i usually make it up; usually get a jog in both days
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Yoga X 2 everyday
    Body beast Friday-Wednesday
    Asylum Monday-Saturday

    Got my strength training, HIIT, and flexibility covered.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    For January, I'm doing a 30 day yoga camp, so everyday includes yoga.

    Sunday: rest
    Monday: pole
    Tuesday: pole
    Wednesday: pole
    Thursday: rest
    Friday: pole
    Saturday: pole

    Sometimes, I'll substitute pole with a T25 or Insanity Max 30 dvd.