Do any of you have this problem?



  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    So just to play devil's advocate to the other opinions - she may be TRYING to compliment you. I realize it's not coming across that way, but some people are just really uncomfortable when it comes to talking about weight. If she has struggled with weight issues, it could be difficult for her to be positive about your loss. She doesn't want to ignore your success, but she just doesn't quite know how to express herself.

    It's always good to look at things from a different perspective, so thank you for pointing this out. I also believe it has a lot to do with what @mkakids posted.

    OP, if it bothers you, I'd say might as well learn now how to address these types of comments directly rather than choosing avoidance. You may hear comments from other people as you lose more weight that make you uncomfortable so no time like the present to learn skills in handling them. Just my $0.02.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    I have started getting those comments now that I am 25 lb away from my goal. Some of it is the way I carry my weight and how I dress. I don't look as heavy as I am because I have decent legs and carry most of my excess in the belly which doesn't show unless I lift up my blouse or sweater. Some of it is that I look so much better than I used to (125 lb gone) and people are seeing me in comparison to the old me rather than as a separate person. My usual answer is "Yeah, there is still too much but I hide it well".

    This. My waist is tiny so people say oooh you're so skinny stop calorie counting. If they saw my *kitten* and thighs they would stay quiet. Only you know what's right for you, and if it pisses you off tell her to shove it!
  • BoaRestrictor
    BoaRestrictor Posts: 194 Member
    Obesity is normalized these days. She's jealous and in denial and projecting it on you. Just ignore her.
  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    "I've clearly got this under control." Conversation over without offending those who you don't wish to offend. to the rest, "that's what all the fatties say." lol

    I started getting the comments about 25-20 pounds from a good healthy weight and got tired of it.
  • RoseMillerCoon
    RoseMillerCoon Posts: 3 Member
    More good answers! Thanks :)

    And to those who said she may be trying to compliment... Nope. I ruled that out. Last night I told her I was going to add a little calories because 1200 is probably too low and her response: Good!! I am sure you have gotten too thin. (I've tried to explain and reason with her about it and now I'm just sick of it. Reasoning and explaining is a waste of my time and not getting me anywhere. Frustrating.)
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    If you don't want her opinion about your body, diet, weight loss, etc, then stop talking to her about it.
  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    Some of that can be cultural. I have known a couple of men who really liked round women- and men- and who think that thin is dangerous. A casual friend of mine who weighs lots more than I ever imagined confided how comforting she found her round self. But when someone who knows that my knees hurt or that I miss wearing my red silk dress or that I am really working at being healthier does or says something that I consider to be sabotaging, I smile and say, quite calmly, "If I stay at this weight I am going to die years earlier," and change the subject. I need to remember that because it's true. I don't give a rat's behind what anyone else thinks about my weight, my hair, my shoes, or my attitude. OK, if EVERYBODY says I smell funny I will take a shower. But so far that's never happened. I try to move away from toxic people. I usually need the exercise anyway.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    More good answers! Thanks :)

    And to those who said she may be trying to compliment... Nope. I ruled that out. Last night I told her I was going to add a little calories because 1200 is probably too low and her response: Good!! I am sure you have gotten too thin. (I've tried to explain and reason with her about it and now I'm just sick of it. Reasoning and explaining is a waste of my time and not getting me anywhere. Frustrating.)

    I swear I would respond, "I know you think that. But just so you know, I think you're bonkers about that!" Hey, if we're trading opinions on it, we're trading opinions on it, lol. It wouldn't stop her, probably, and she might even get mad, but she shouldn't. It really is rude for her to keep telling you that when it's clear you don't know what to say. Just say whatever you like (within reason, of course).
  • White_hibiscus
    White_hibiscus Posts: 1,594 Member
    Fizzgig168 wrote: »
    This is going to sound mean and nasty, and I don't mean it to be, but there's no way to say it nicely, so here goes: In my experience, when people say things like this to you when you *know* you're still pounds and pounds away from a weight you feel good about, it's almost always because they resent the hell out of you and are actively or subconsciously trying to sabotage you. It happened to me more times than I can count from many different people in many different circumstances. You've got some options, but they all boil down to either ignore her/tune her out, or confront her/shut her down. I went the confrontational route more often than not, and while sometimes it created serious friction, it always felt worth it to me. Getting healthy is hard enough without people pushing their crap onto you, so my advice is refuse to take it.


  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    I can understand your frustration. The best I can offer is just say, "I appreciate your concern for my health but I honestly don't understand how I could be too thin. But, you know, I respect your opinion and I hope you can respect mine enough to agree to disagree and let the subject drop."