Worst movies ever!



  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    Blair Witch Project. I kept yelling at the dummies to just follow the creek!

    OMG -- I was SOOOOO excited to see this movie. I had been on the website & read all about it. I talked a friend into going with me. He fell asleep and I was so nauseous for hours afterwards. It looked like someone strapped a camera on a dog and let it run in the woods for 2 hours.

    I'll add Master of Disguise with Dana Carvey (my son was little & loved it)
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Worse movie? Slither... HORRIBLY stupid, but the BEST ending song ever!!!
    Best movies? Dawn of the dead, day of the dead, Shawn of the dead, you get it, I love zombies! hahahahaha!
  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    Ok, worst movie: Black swan...it was just too wierd! Twilight...vampires that sparkle...WTF?!
    Favorite movies: 300 (not to sure if it was because of all those hunky men :blushing:

    Movie that I liked that no one else did: The Happening...I know, I know :tongue:
  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    Worse movie? Slither... HORRIBLY stupid, but the BEST ending song ever!!!
    Best movies? Dawn of the dead, day of the dead, Shawn of the dead, you get it, I love zombies! hahahahaha!

    LOL...Love the zombies!
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Death to Smoochy... I adore Robin Williams, but that was The. Worst. Movie. Ever.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I would have to say Rasing Arizona. Sad thing is the only thing I remember about this movie is hating it lol Everyone I know hated Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but I LOVED it!

    I'm totally with you on both of these! Another movie that I love, that not many others do, is Once.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    haha...I loved Hot Tub Time Machine too!!

    Usually if I don't like a movie I can't even remember it because I had no interest, but one that I do remember hating was Lovely Bones. I hated everything about it.

    I love the book The Lovely Bones but it was a prime example why books should not be made into movies! I couldn't even watch the whole thing! It was nothing like the book!
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    This movie NEVER should have been made - Godfather Part III
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Watchmen.. Hate it forever!!! :laugh:

    I actually liked Fourth Kind and Memento.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Thought of another one - Dear John based on Nicholas Sparks's book. gawd. I can't stand any of his books, and this movie in particular was horrid.
  • Silverstrand
    Silverstrand Posts: 13 Member
    If I know the movie is going to be bad (like old, campy 80's movies), I'm in. I love movies like that! I just hate when I go to a theatre with a somewhat preconceived notion of what the movie will be, and end up horribly disappointed. I've seen a lot of bad movies, but last year, the worst by FAR was Red Riding Hood. What a laughable piece of cr*p. I expected something gothic and scary, but the score/soundtrack completely ruined it, the acting was horrible, and the directing was downright awful (directed by the same person who directed Twilight). I should have known.
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    I hated Splice.......after my husband and I saw it, I turned to him and asked what the hell was that. (In my "In Living Color" voice..........HATED IT!!!!)
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Really bad movies (or so other people say;) that I like: White chicks, The convenant, Down to you, Waterworld, The Sweetest thing, Scary Movie, Hot tub time machine, Not another teen movie, Snakes on a plane, and hobo with a shotgun;)

    I love Waterworld and will watch it every time it's on tv. I even own the DVD. I was starting to think I was the only one.

    The worst movie ever: The Raven. Turned it off and took it back after 15 minutes.

    The BEST worst movie ever: Thankskilling The acting is terrible, the plot is atrocious and the effects are ridiculous but I laughed my *kitten* off.

    ahhhh i so love you for reminding me of Thankskilling!!! Might i add the movie "Monsturd" to the list...everything in it is terrrible but oh so funny....special thanks to Netflix, i watch all the rediculous movies lol
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    We actually tried watching Monsturd but it just wasn't as off-the-wall hilarious as Thankskilling. My husband actually hates Thankskilling and part of the joy of watching the movie was watching HIM get so angry about it. As if they made this terrible movie just to piss him off.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Snakes on a Plane. Really.....really, bad.

    OMG..I have the WORST snake phobia ever imaginable..i cant even look at a cartoon one without going psychotic!!!

    worst movie: ANYTHING bollywood

    best movie: Forrest Gump :-)

    Whoops, my avatar's probably not the best one for you then!!!

    WORST movies for me:
    Snakes on a Plane/Train, Sea Snakes - I've never seen anything so funny aspeople walking into a reptile shop and pointing out the deadly, kill-you-with-one-glance royal python/corn snake/etc - when they're totally harmless unless you're a mouse!!
    Blair Witch Project
    The Village
    The Happening
    Titanic (HUGE yawn)
    Never Ending Story 2
    Dragon Wars
    The Shawshank Redemption (boooooooring)
    Epic Movie

    Films other people hate that I love:
    Idle Hands (hysterical)
    Drop Dead Fred
    Young Frankenstein
    Resident Evil 1-3 (haven't seen the last one)
    Fright Night (though they're remaking it which will be interesting...)
  • tashajayne2011
    How could anyone hate DROP DEAD FRED!!?!?!

    Bad films;

    Music and lyrics
    vampires suck
    The crow salvation.
    Godfather part III
  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    Worst movie ever was Vanilla Sky...damn thing made no sense whatsoever...

    Good call. That movie sucked.

    I am going to add Showgirls. It wasn't even worth watching the naked scenes.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I don't know about bad, but I think all the James Cameron films are highly overrated. I haven't seen Titanic, and I don't ever intend to. Avatar was pretty, but the plot was basically Pocahontas in space. I like the Terminator universe, but I think the movies are so-so. I was also extremely disappointed by Aliens when I finally watched it.

    I tend to block most of the bad movies I watch, I think. Quarantine was pretty bad. I was lucky enough to be drunk when I watched that one. I watch a lot of bad horror and sci-fi for the laughs, so I don't really remember a lot of names. I do have to say, though, that I think zombie movies are generally the best of the worst.
    Burn after reading! Terrible!
    That movie was HILARIOUS. I think you just have to have a particular sense of humor to enjoy the Coen brothers films.
    Clockwork Orange. Ooooh, look at me, I'm so edgy ...such a rebel. *yawn*
    That movie was amazing and a bit psychotic. I liked it because it was a good movie and the type of dystopian sci-fi I enjoy, not because I'm "edgy".
    Ok, worst movie: Black swan...it was just too wierd!
    I was disappointed by that movie, but not because it was weird. I expect weird from Darren Aronofsky films (The Fountain, anyone?). I disliked it because it seemed too much like a rip-off of his other films. It was like he wasn't even trying.
  • mousumi30
    mousumi30 Posts: 52
    lots of them, but most recently the ugly truth, really waste of time