20 Pounds by Easter 2016!



  • hollynurse803
    hollynurse803 Posts: 11 Member
    WOO HOO!!!!first weigh-in of 2016. down 7.2 lbs in 2 weeks! I've decided to only weigh in every 2 weeks and focus my goals daily wi
  • Janetwoods
    Janetwoods Posts: 9 Member
    First update of the challenge for me

    Height 5'1

    SW: 162
    CW: 160.9
    GW - Easter - 142
    GW - Ultimate - 122

    Down .8lbs over last week. Part of me wishes for more, but it's going the right way, and I know it will take time. I am also happy that I tracked every day last week except for one, and where improvements can be made. So all is good!
  • margieshoe
    margieshoe Posts: 20 Member
    Joining group now. Better late than never
    SW 205 (Jan 2015)
    SW 185 (Jan 2016)
    CW 180
    GW 165 (Easter)
    GW 145 Ultimate

    5 lbs down since Jan 1. The first 5 always come off quickly. Now the journey really begins.
  • jole721
    jole721 Posts: 24 Member
    I am in for this challenge, I have been struggling lately and my weight has gone up instead of down.
    CW 267
    GW 247
    Looking forward to getting back on track!!
  • adrndks
    adrndks Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined MFP and want to join the group; I too want to lose 20 lb.'s by Easter and need support!!!!
    Height: 5'5
    GW: 140 by Easter
    Second GW: 130 by June
    How do I join you all?
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    Congratulations to everyone on your first weigh-ins!

    I'm trying to lose 30lbs by June, so 20 by the end of March might be do-able.

    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 30
    Original Start Weight (2007-ish): 226
    Optimal Goal Weight: 145-150
    Starting Weight Janaury 2016: 180.5
    Goal for June 2016: 155 or less

    I started the Fat Smash Diet (Ian K. Smith, printed 2006) on January 4 and I've already lost 5lbs. The first nine days is "detox" (basically vegetarian, clean-eating, lots of fruits and veggies, etc). Phase II is a 3-week "Foundation" stage...building lean proteins and whole grains in limited quantities, heart-healthy fats, etc. After than is Phase III, a four week "Construction" phase that is based on maintaining the portion control from the previous 4 weeks, based in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, but allowed in a few of those indulgences (alcohol, desserts, pastas, etc).

    My goal is to be at or near 160 by the end of Phase III (March 3rd!), then start adding in more intense weight training to shape and tone. I don't want to be "skinny" or "thin"...I want to be strong, confident, and feel beautiful. I don't need to be a size 2 or 4 or even 6...I'd be happy being comfortable in an 8!

    (My personal super secret goal is that I won't be recognized as American on my France trip this summer :smiley: ...Oops! Secret no more!)

    Good luck, everyone!
  • kz_dc
    kz_dc Posts: 23 Member
    I'm late to this challenge but I am in! Would love to look cute in a nice Easter dress and bonnet!

    SW: 182
    CW: 150
    GW: 135

    I'm going to aim to drop 10 pounds (so reach 140) by Easter. That's a little under a pound a week, which seems right for me. Let's do this!
  • Indygirl_81
    Indygirl_81 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in!
    Height 5'2
    SW 259.5 (1/3)
    SW for challenge 250.5 (1/10)
    GW for challenge 220
    GW for 2016: <180
  • wtryba
    wtryba Posts: 13 Member
    lisota6 wrote: »
    I'm in too. I'm hoping accountability will help keep me on track. I'm sick of feeling like crud and ready to get healthy. Losing weight these last couple of years feels like it has been an impossible task. I'm 48 going through perimenopause and my body seems to have a mind of its own.

    Count me in
  • christinaross713
    christinaross713 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in!
    SW: 160
    GW for challenge: 140
  • mrskeown220
    mrskeown220 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in too!
    Height : 5'0
    SW: 250 (April 2015)
    CW: 178
    GW: 158
  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    I'm in too
    Cw 184.4
    Gw 150 (June 2016)
    Iw 135
  • efeaker
    efeaker Posts: 17 Member
    CW 193
    GW 170
  • Joanncummings
    Joanncummings Posts: 16 Member
    Lost two lbs. I am trying!
  • casiparmer
    casiparmer Posts: 2 Member
    My husband is military and he can run circles around me. I have quit tobacco (smoking and vaping). My goal is to give him a run for his money when he gets back to the states. Add me please if you'd like.
  • jtophinke
    jtophinke Posts: 61 Member
    MlleKelly wrote: »
    Congratulations to everyone on your first weigh-ins!

    I'm trying to lose 30lbs by June, so 20 by the end of March might be do-able.

    Height: 5'7"
    Age: 30
    Original Start Weight (2007-ish): 226
    Optimal Goal Weight: 145-150
    Starting Weight Janaury 2016: 180.5
    Goal for June 2016: 155 or less

    I started the Fat Smash Diet (Ian K. Smith, printed 2006) on January 4 and I've already lost 5lbs. The first nine days is "detox" (basically vegetarian, clean-eating, lots of fruits and veggies, etc). Phase II is a 3-week "Foundation" stage...building lean proteins and whole grains in limited quantities, heart-healthy fats, etc. After than is Phase III, a four week "Construction" phase that is based on maintaining the portion control from the previous 4 weeks, based in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, but allowed in a few of those indulgences (alcohol, desserts, pastas, etc).

    My goal is to be at or near 160 by the end of Phase III (March 3rd!), then start adding in more intense weight training to shape and tone. I don't want to be "skinny" or "thin"...I want to be strong, confident, and feel beautiful. I don't need to be a size 2 or 4 or even 6...I'd be happy being comfortable in an 8!

    (My personal super secret goal is that I won't be recognized as American on my France trip this summer :smiley: ...Oops! Secret no more!)

    Good luck, everyone!

    Love the super secret goal! The key is to not wear white tennis shoes lol. It's kinda like Hawaii wear everyone wears slippers and the tourists wear everything else.
  • mandijablonski
    mandijablonski Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in!
    SW 227
    CW 224.8
    Easter GW 205
    IUSE2BAHEAVYHITTER Posts: 105 Member
    Im Making some progress lost a few
  • kmelton82
    kmelton82 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi. A little late in joining, but I'm in! We can do this!

    CW: 245
    GW: 225
  • lolliplop76
    lolliplop76 Posts: 3 Member
    Oops. Got my stats all wrong :blush:

    Height - 5' 6"
    SW: 181
    CW: 163 (2lbs off from first weigh in this morning
    GW: 145 (Birthday)

    Ultimate goal weight: 135