60lbs to lose by August 20th 2016



  • ZooRN
    ZooRN Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in too! I am trying to lose 70 pounds but want to make a serious dent before summer too
  • Mamastark12
    Mamastark12 Posts: 10 Member
    Looking at around 50 pounds... would love the motivation!!
  • katiemstamey
    katiemstamey Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'd love to join everyone as well! My weight gain has been a slow one but it's now at an all time high. Every year my resolution is to lose weight and every year I just tack on about 10 pounds to it. Moving away from home to go to school really added the pounds on quickly. I was a waitress at an Italian restaurant and that just made things 10 times more difficult. As soon as I would get off of work after a 14 hour shift I would go straight to McDonalds to get all the carbs my body craved and then I would pass out. Only to repeat this for breakfast and dinner Friday-Sunday. It REALLY adds up fast as I'm sure none of you are surprised about :) Now I'm almost 200 pounds and 5'3" and just turned 24 (December 31). I want 24 to be this amazing year and I want to get out of my weight loss struggle. I don't want my 20's to be "The decade when I hated how I looked".

    To be more accountable I'm doing a blog and recording videos (posted on Youtube) to document my weight. Tomorrow is my initial weigh in. I already feel like I'm more committed just from the people watching and cheering me on :) I just know I can't be that person "losing weight" and 6 months from now my videos say "Well, 6 months later and I've lost 5 total pounds!" lol

    Anyone feel free to add me. I'd love the support especially since we're all wanting to lose about the same amount :)
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    April, feel free to add me too!! Just getting back on track and I'm engaged too! Our wedding is most likely next spring, but haven't set the date yet. I would like to lose about 40 by then... and seriously tone up my arms!! Also, my legs and tummy... cause I wanna wear a bathing suit on my honeymoon. I haven't even owned a bathing suit since I was about 10 years old
  • bsbprincess
    bsbprincess Posts: 161 Member
    krbkrat wrote: »
    Do y'all have any non-numeric goals...???

    I hope none of you laugh at this one, lol!!

    I'm 29, and since I was about 12 I've wanted a belly ring :P I think that's one of my biggest non-numeric goals, is to feel good enough to get that done. Also, to wear a bathing suit comfortably!! Even if it's a one-piece only.

  • trishajo84
    trishajo84 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also looking to lose 60 lbs. I am just starting this today. I am engaged, but haven't set a date yet...
  • krbkrat
    krbkrat Posts: 85 Member
    I hope none of you laugh at this one, lol!!

    I'm 29, and since I was about 12 I've wanted a belly ring :P I think that's one of my biggest non-numeric goals, is to feel good enough to get that done. Also, to wear a bathing suit comfortably!! Even if it's a one-piece only.
    Love it - I think that's great!!! :)
  • aprilwebber
    aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
    krbkrat wrote: »
    I came up with some non-numeric goals:

    1) Can remove by wedding band & engagement ring without saliva, lotion, soap or any combo of the aforementioned

    2) Minimal to no thigh chaffing/chub rub this summer (I don't want to buy stock in Desitin)

    3) The bra tank tops I wear to bed aren't sports bras by morning

    4) Jeans stay where they belong (around the waist or slightly lower) without me having to pull them up constantly like I'm the late-great Chris Farley as Matt Foley in the old SNL skit where he famously stated "35 years old, eating a steady diet of government cheese, thrice divorced, and living in a van down by the river!" (thank you Wikipedia)

    5) And finally...I'm tired of being hot all the time and sweating along the hair line (and other areas...we can just leave at that)...it looks nasty and is so very uncomfortable.

    I know these are tongue-in-cheek...but there is more than a speck of truth to them...if you can't laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at?

    Do y'all have any non-numeric goals...???

    For me, I would LOVE to be able to climb a flight of stairs, or do a simple task without being out of breath!
  • aprilwebber
    aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
    I am so proud of everyone, this has connected so many people!

    How did everyone do today??

    I work overnights, so I arrived home at 7:30 this morning and am waking up now, my days are reversed. It's part of my struggle :(

    I'm going to use MFP to make sure I don't binge through the night!

  • aprilwebber
    aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
    Also, this is a moment of brutal honesty for me. But. I've only estimated my weight on here. I'm to embarrassed to actually get on a scale and check :( but that also means it's going to be hard to check progress.

    Any suggestions?
  • queenjaquita
    queenjaquita Posts: 7 Member
    I'm trying to lose 30 lbs in about the same time frame. I'm really determined to drop the weight. I've been trying hard to log my food and get to the gym at least 3 times a week. More accountability is always welcome so anyone feel free to add me!
  • farbs
    farbs Posts: 36 Member
    I'm keen to join in - would love it if you want to add me too!

    I'm 36 with two kids and want to lose 40-50 lbs
  • krbkrat
    krbkrat Posts: 85 Member
    Also, this is a moment of brutal honesty for me. But. I've only estimated my weight on here. I'm to embarrassed to actually get on a scale and check :( but that also means it's going to be hard to check progress.

    Any suggestions?

    April - no worries girl! If you aren't ready for the scale, then use something like a pair of jeans, a dress, a tshirt, etc. that you kind of know what you weighed when you wore it. Try it on every week and take note of how it's fitting. This may help make it easier - as you get closer to it fitting correctly - to get on the scale.

    You can do it! We can!

  • aprilwebber
    aprilwebber Posts: 18 Member
    krbkrat wrote: »
    Also, this is a moment of brutal honesty for me. But. I've only estimated my weight on here. I'm to embarrassed to actually get on a scale and check :( but that also means it's going to be hard to check progress.

    Any suggestions?

    April - no worries girl! If you aren't ready for the scale, then use something like a pair of jeans, a dress, a tshirt, etc. that you kind of know what you weighed when you wore it. Try it on every week and take note of how it's fitting. This may help make it easier - as you get closer to it fitting correctly - to get on the scale.

    You can do it! We can!

    I REALLY appreciate that. Thankyou so much!!
  • kkgines333
    kkgines333 Posts: 14 Member
    I'd love to join in! After I had my daughter I got too comfortable and I no longer love the person I look at in the mirror. I'm trying to make changes and I think we can all be here for each other!
  • majorjajomo
    majorjajomo Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join too! I started on New Years day and am down 7 lbs, but have about 75 to go to hit my goal weight.
    8/20 is My Nieces wedding, and I want to look good in the family photos! being down 60 lbs by then would be a big accomplishment, and I'd love some group encouragement!
  • krbkrat
    krbkrat Posts: 85 Member
    April - Anytime chica :)

    As asyk805 said earlier - the more the merrier! I'm having some issues in the newsfeed liking and commenting - hopefully will get fixed. Saw in the help section that other users are experiencing the same thing...we shall see...
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    I'm going to Germany with my boyfriend in august and would love to lose around 60lbs at least ^^ I'm most definitely in!
  • bellkat31
    bellkat31 Posts: 74 Member
    Count me in I would like to loose 70 lbs this year. Goal is to loose by September. Lost 6 lbs my first week hopefully this week goes just as well.
  • krbkrat
    krbkrat Posts: 85 Member
    Ok - here is my brutal honesty to wrap up this lil Monday...

    So I just asked my hubs how much he weighs right now...175. I am 190. I officially weigh more than my husband today (...obviously it's been for a while - duh - I've just been afraid to ask...). Scary to me. Don't like this. Don't feel dainty or sexy. Feel heavy. Very heavy.