Any other lazy people?

I am SO lazy! Any tips that you've used to get yourself moving or working out?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I used to be, then I found a workout I really enjoyed. That's the biggest piece of advice I can give you. Doesn't matter if it's dancing, hiking, swimming, playing softball, or whatever. Find an activity you enjoy doing and you'll do it more often.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I'm not exactly a go-getter, but after nearly a year of consistently working out, I find I'm not quite as lazy as I thought- just didn't have much energy before. Commit to it for a while and see if you don't like the way you feel.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm pretty lazy. I found a workout I enjoy and now it's become part of my life. There's no "missing a workout" unless I'm really sick. Find something you love.
  • farbs
    farbs Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah i'm lazy too - I used to only do running for my cardio, which I don't enjoy - but, even though its early days, I've started playing tennis as I really enjoy it - and it's getting me up in the mornings! Hoping to continue to play it 3-4 times a week and as I get some energy back, get back into weights

    So as other people have said...find something you love doing to get you out there.
  • woodsgirlkim
    woodsgirlkim Posts: 3 Member
    I just started and I feel so lazy all the time... I feel this way due to an unhealthy lifestyle. I found a video on YouTube called Zumba dance workout fitness for beginners step by step by just new. It was simple enough for me to follow and got me up.... I find if someone knows that I need to workout I'm more apt as long as they ask me about my journey to feel better about myself. Good luck! Friend me if you want.
  • Caitoriri
    Caitoriri Posts: 87 Member
    edited January 2016
    After I found the Zombies, Run! app I finally started running and I haven't stopped.
    As a habit, I mean. I haven't been running non-stop for 6 months. That would be ludicrous.
    But really, gameifying exercise really helped me.

    Oh yeah, also - going straight into exercise after getting home (from work, or otherwise). I bike from the train station to my house, and when I get home I throw on my exercise clothes and head right back outside. I find if I sit down "for just a second" after I get home, that second can turn into hours. If I do it while I'm on autopilot I do it without excuses.
  • UltimateMedu
    UltimateMedu Posts: 46 Member
    Oh me too trust me! I literally had to force myself to try a workout (my problem is always the first step) and after that workout I enjoy them every time I do. Not sure if it makes sense but take that first (or next) step and try it out and try other types of course too! You never know, you may like it. :smile:
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    I'm super-lazy and slothful but I'll pretend I'm not and then pow, stuff gets done. The gym gets gymmed.
    Dunno, it's like magic.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I used to be lazy buy then I realised I prefer being active and feeling good about myself and my body than being lazy and feeling fat!
  • MandyJ758
    MandyJ758 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    My secret to not be lazy and to get up and hit the gym is self motivation for me...
    When I wake in the morning with this voice in my head, 'we can go tomorrow' I kick him out the door and think of my goals I've set for myself. I tell myself I'm not going to get there by laying in bed.
    Works for me
  • lizkharvey
    lizkharvey Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks, every one! This is all very motivational!! I just gotta do it. Hope I can find something I love, too. Haven't, yet.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Caitoriri wrote: »
    After I found the Zombies, Run! app I finally started running and I haven't stopped.
    As a habit, I mean. I haven't been running non-stop for 6 months. That would be ludicrous.
    But really, gameifying exercise really helped me.

    Oh yeah, also - going straight into exercise after getting home (from work, or otherwise). I bike from the train station to my house, and when I get home I throw on my exercise clothes and head right back outside. I find if I sit down "for just a second" after I get home, that second can turn into hours. If I do it while I'm on autopilot I do it without excuses.

    This! I have to get straight home from work, get changed, and go straight back out the door. If I sit down, that's it i'm not going anywhere lol

    As others have said, find something you enjoy, I always got dragged to the gym by my partner as he really enjoys it, but I never did, I used to be counting down each nanosecond until it was all over and it's so hard to get motivated to do something you don't like (not my fellas fault, I used to hide how I felt about it as I knew how much he liked it, and I knew deep down I should be doing something.)

    Then I decided to go back to things I used to enjoy years ago, and for me that happens to be yoga and running, so now it's not so bad, I still have to kick myself up the backside at times but once you get into a routine it makes it so much easier to motivate yourself.
  • stmokomoko
    stmokomoko Posts: 98 Member
    Problem with me is that there's no heart rate increasing activity I enjoy. So I don't know how I'm going to stay on this regimen, of HIIT/strength I'm on.

    I treat and dread it like punishment, very important and necessary punishment. :s
  • motterotter
    motterotter Posts: 701 Member
    Laziness is an underrated quality I do things i enjoy like zumba ( dance) or kickboxing or hiking but cannot be motivated to get on a treadmill
    I think moving in a way thats fun is better and feels less punishing than doing some thing you don't enjoy for the sake of doing it like running on a treadmill going nowhere
    Reminds me of a hamster in a wheel in a cage
  • bkhadijah
    bkhadijah Posts: 22 Member
    I could never spend two hours at the gym. Even an hour would be pushing it. I get bored easily. What works for me is short workout dvd's like Zumba and 30DS. 20-30 minutes long. Theres a bunch of stuff on youtube as well. Something is better than nothing. As for getting motivated to turn on the dvd... it helps if I do it in the morning. Get it out the way and be done with it.
  • katefitz96
    katefitz96 Posts: 5 Member
    I find that making concrete plans to work out really motivates me to do it. If I block off an hour in my calendar, I feel more obligated to spend at least most of that hour on fitness. Also, I do short, varied workouts to keep my attention from wandering. I'm not the type of person that can do the same thing for half an hour, so I use 5-10 minute workout videos on youtube or elsewhere. When I start to get bored, I switch to another workout. It also forces me to pay more attention to what I'm doing rather than running on autopilot.
  • katherinegracex
    katherinegracex Posts: 1 Member
    I'm currently using spotebi beginner workout plan. It's four weeks and only working out 3 times a week.(workouts are 30 minutes) I just started and I'm in very bad shape so I just take it slow and when my laziness kicks in I just remind myself "I hate doing dishes but I still do them" and just work out. During my workout I remind myself that its ok it's taking me longer to do it and that taking breaks is ok and as long as I get through my work out I'm good. Hope this helps!
  • larali1980
    larali1980 Posts: 162 Member
    I think most people are lazy. I know I am!!!!! The only thing that got me out the door this morning was seeing this:


    Checking exercise off my to-do list seems to motivate me. I love seeing all my to-do things crossed through at the end of the day.
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    I am not really lazy, I love physical work, give me an outside job to do, paint the house, rake the yard, anything physical, but EXERCISE, YUK, I do kind of enjoy Zumba but getting myself started is a big problem.

    If you can find an activity that seems more "productive" (i guess that is the right word) that also burns calories it doesn't feel so much like exercise.

    Dogs are great, they need long walks, I can do 4 miles a day easily walking the dog, but by myself it would never happen,

    Forget what mom told you about being efficient, Make 4 trips up those stairs to put away laundry instead of one, Don't Vacuum the floor, sweep it, (then vacuum if it still needs it)

    don't use a riding mower with a bag to pick up debris, PUSH then Rake

    strap on some ankle weights so that every step you take in a normal day is a couple lbs heavier

    Quit looking for the close parking spaces, park as far away from the store or office as you can

    Don't drive through the car wash, get out the water hose and do it yourself,
    Follow with a good hand waxing (that's a real work-out)

    Add some energy and zip to your romantic encounters

    just think about the little things you do every day and instead of doing it the simple and efficient way, find a way to make it utilize a little more energy to accomplish the same task.

    This is the only thing that works for me, Granted it is not like a regimented exercise program, and you really can't log the calories, but trust me it is better than sitting around saying "ill exercise tomorrow"

  • CardiganandFlannel
    CardiganandFlannel Posts: 232 Member
    Just do something you like that requires movement. Even shopping. Just part in the back!
  • lynnstrick01
    lynnstrick01 Posts: 181 Member
    I just keep thinking of more things to add to the list.... get up and walk over to your boss or colleague to ask a question instead of hitting speed dial.

    take the stairs not the elevator,

    even when you are just relaxing and watching TV, kick your feet, do leg lifts, or lift small hand weights

    Best watching TV exercise ever, its just toooo easy just tighten and loosen your stomach muscles
    its kind of like a really low impact sit up. If you think it doesn't work just try doing it through an entire 30 minute sit-com.. ( you will feel it)

    don't have the bag boy load your groceries into the car do it yourself

    when unloading groceries, don't carry as many bags as you can in 1 trip,.. take one or 2 bags at a time, make more trips to and from the car.

    all of this seems so simple, but over a days time you would be amazed how many calories you could burn, there is a website.. I cant remember which one it is, that counts calories for things like this.. you simply input your gender, height and weight, then choose an activity, enter approximate number of minutes for that activity, and it will tell you approximately how many calories you burned,

    just for fun, i entered 20 minutes cooking, 10 minutes ironing, 10 minutes unloading car, 10 minutes mopping and 20 minutes of sex that came up to 424 calories.. for 80 minutes of daily activity that you would't even notice that is more calories than a boring 60 minute walk on a treadmill ( at 3mph which is average walking speed)

    Give me the daily activities any day

    Again the calculation will not be exact, it depends on how vigorously you approach each activity, your burn could be a little more or less, but it still gives you a number that you can track and be fairly close
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    Oh my, how I could seriously sit on the couch all day long and be totally content. In the summer I have very little problem being active and not so lazy (plus my work schedule is busy) in the winter my work schedule slows, the weather is yucky and I am such a bum! I find that knowing if I don't stay active or at least get in my workout that I don't get to eat as much sure helps! I love food...and snacking. Once the results start showing then it's hard to keep me on the couch though! I'm saying this from experience because last year I almost hit my goal then some stuff happened and I gained back some of it. I'm back in it now and slowly getting my motivation back!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I see some people mentioning the Zombies Run app...I got as far as downloading it. I haven't put on a real pair of sneakers to do cardio since last May probably. I really do want to try this app though.
  • lizkharvey
    lizkharvey Posts: 65 Member
    Never heard of the Zombies Run app.. sounds interesting lol
  • lizkharvey
    lizkharvey Posts: 65 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    I think most people are lazy. I know I am!!!!! The only thing that got me out the door this morning was seeing this:


    Checking exercise off my to-do list seems to motivate me. I love seeing all my to-do things crossed through at the end of the day.

    I LOVE THIS :love:
  • lizkharvey
    lizkharvey Posts: 65 Member
    I just keep thinking of more things to add to the list.... get up and walk over to your boss or colleague to ask a question instead of hitting speed dial.

    take the stairs not the elevator,

    even when you are just relaxing and watching TV, kick your feet, do leg lifts, or lift small hand weights

    Best watching TV exercise ever, its just toooo easy just tighten and loosen your stomach muscles
    its kind of like a really low impact sit up. If you think it doesn't work just try doing it through an entire 30 minute sit-com.. ( you will feel it)

    don't have the bag boy load your groceries into the car do it yourself

    when unloading groceries, don't carry as many bags as you can in 1 trip,.. take one or 2 bags at a time, make more trips to and from the car.

    all of this seems so simple, but over a days time you would be amazed how many calories you could burn, there is a website.. I cant remember which one it is, that counts calories for things like this.. you simply input your gender, height and weight, then choose an activity, enter approximate number of minutes for that activity, and it will tell you approximately how many calories you burned,

    just for fun, i entered 20 minutes cooking, 10 minutes ironing, 10 minutes unloading car, 10 minutes mopping and 20 minutes of sex that came up to 424 calories.. for 80 minutes of daily activity that you would't even notice that is more calories than a boring 60 minute walk on a treadmill ( at 3mph which is average walking speed)

    Give me the daily activities any day

    Again the calculation will not be exact, it depends on how vigorously you approach each activity, your burn could be a little more or less, but it still gives you a number that you can track and be fairly close

    Firs thing I thought.... Wow where are you from? I wish I had "bag boys" hahaha!
  • JQuinnLife
    JQuinnLife Posts: 102 Member
    It's not about being lazy, it's about setting up a habit.

    My habit now is to drink my pre-workout on the way home from work and go straight to gym. Anyone who has ever drank pre-workout knows you can't *kitten* around after you drink it, you NEED to work out.

    After doing that for a couple weeks, now I can't help but go to the gym right after work.

    So set up a habit, and laziness will never enter the frame.
  • CampLondon
    CampLondon Posts: 239 Member
    LEAN, MEAN, POP PILATES MACHINE. – Kiersten D’nae Turpin
  • justin_1434
    justin_1434 Posts: 686 Member
    I'm lazy AF lol
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    i'm lazy but i'm also a stickler for routine so I found some classes at my gym that I like and I go to them every week, just knowing that it's part of my regular routine is enough for me to get off my *kitten* and go. if it wasn't a planned out thing it would never happen.