Venting a little read at your own risk!! lol



  • jpaw1002
    jpaw1002 Posts: 322 Member
    H/o, in this guys defense he said hes tired of people who COMPLAIN and say there not loosing. Are any of yall posting back on here one of the ones hes talkin about? I see people in their mid 50s-60s running and lifting weights all the time. They have special classes at my gym for the older crowed. My mom works w/ a 52yr old who runs. She runs the 15k in an hr and 56 mins. and that was after she broke her ankle in 3places and had surgery on it w/ plates and screws. So before you jump down this guys throat take a step back and actually LISTEN to what he is saying, hes saying hes tired of people complaining and their not really doing anything to fix it. I work at a restaurant where im CONSTANTLY running around and on my feet all day, sometimes i work doubles, but i never count that towards my work out goal b/c ur body gets used to it. You have to change your work out & what you eat b/c your body gets used to it and it wont change.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Ive been reading a bit on how people are "trying" to loose weight and i guess what they call "exercise". And i think it is just pointless and ridiculous that people are adding things like
    -Washing car
    -a 10min walk
    -Mowing the grass
    -Wii boxing :S (have you seen anyone get ripped off playing video games for 30min? and do you really think that you burn what the game sais?)

    You should quit putting things like that in your diary. Add things like
    -weight lifting
    -exercise videos
    -push ups/sit ups
    -dancing as ive seen lots of people here like
    -LONG walks like at least 45min/1hr or greater walks...

    Hey!!! What is the difference between wii games and exercise videos? :frown:
    I am sore for DAYS after doing a 30 minute wii active work out! Also I LOVE Zumba on the wii. It gets my heart beating and gets me sweating just as good as any exercise video!
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    Sorry i guess just saw couple people that were logging 10min walks that could walk 10miles instead...

    but for those that have had surgical problems, have medical issues etc yeah a 10min walk is excellent!!!! You would be exception but those of you also have to understand that there is people that will abuse those phrases...

    I have EXTREMLY strong lower back pain from a car accident when i was 16(2 years of therapy massage and chyropractor).. still have the pain.. doesnt stop me, i just make sure im careful with my back, stretch good, do hyper extensions and light lower back exercises and my backs getting better. Had strong left shoulder pain before too now its gone after lifting and training..

    It's okay that for some its a "BIIIG" job to clean a house.. or rinse off a car... but its not something you have to logg in as exercise.. as it is not.

    oh as previous poster said... theres alot of old people, i see a 70's lady who walks in the gym and lifts weights! and it looks likes shes struggling to get from one machine to another yet shes still there to keep her health up! Theres one old man i talk to hes 68 and the guy is about 5'10 and he can outlift me on almost everyting! he is a monster at his age.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Why do you care what other people do? Focus on your own fitness and stop judging other people.
  • daniellerp
    daniellerp Posts: 21
    I could not agree with you more! I truly don't feel that some of the activities you are allowed to put up are actual "exercise".
    However, just to play devil's advocate here, when you first sign up on this site it asks you to state your daily activity level and some people are truly sedentary. Therefore mowing the lawn or a short walk might truly be out of their daily "normal" amount of activity. If someone weighs 350 pounds it would be a heck of a lot more work for them to vacuum or mow the lawn than it would be for you or I.

    I do often count short walks (30 minutes to the park with a baby on my back and another in the stroller) but almost always find myself finishing the day under my calorie amount. (I'm trying to lose pregnancy weight so my appetite isn't what it was when I was pregnant). I completely see what you are saying about using the activity calories as a way to cheat in another snack. Really, anyone who does that is ultimately shooting themself in the foot. I would think it is likely people who have a long standing tradition of overeating and/or food addiction. At least being a part of this website is a step in the right direction. :)
  • Zoe678
    Zoe678 Posts: 134 Member
    Why do you care what other people do? Focus on your own fitness and stop judging other people.

  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I am at 314 pounds right now. My ticker says I have lost only 15 pounds, but I have lost in total 43 pounds since January. I have PCOS, hypothyroidism, Vitamin D and Vitamin D deficiencies, a bad ankle due to an ankle break ten years ago, and severe anemia. I have my setting at lightly active even though I am sitting a lot of the time, although I have a ton of nervous energy so I am constantly moving. at first I could barely do anything. Walking five steps made me tired. then I started doing my old turbo jam dvds and then we got a membership to the Y and we started swimming and then I started going on my own and started doing the seated elliptical and then the regular elliptical and now I do Zumba and tonight I did a circuit training video that was way harder than the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I have been here since March but I am just now getting stamina to do harder more intense stuff. I have completely changed the way I eat, and I still have a very hard time walking because of my ankle and the fact that my body doesn't metabolize vitamins correctly and I don't have the muscle strength in my legs because of it. It isn't for lack of trying either. I have been wanting to try the C25K program but every time I try my legs lock up and I can't move. I log my grocery shopping trips because I spend a lot of time in the store walking around at a good fast pace, which I can do only because I am holding onto a cart. if I wasn't forget it. Also, I do my shopping alone and usually buy at least 3 cases of water and load everything onto the belt myself load it into the trunk of the car and then take it into the house where my husband helps me put it away. That is a lot of work for me! Also, I don't clean often so when I do I log it. To do laundry I have to stand on my tip toes because I am short and can't reach the bottom of the washer to get things out. By the end of the task I am drenched in sweat. Also, when I play wii boxing, I do full body boxing and work up a HUGE sweat. I don't just stand there using only my arms. My heart rate is speeding and I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. Also, Zumba for the wii is a great workout too. Don't tell me what to count as exercise and what to not count. I am moving. I am definitely losing. And I am definitely doing something right.
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    i logged a ten min walk today! that was only because it rained and i didn't think my little boy would like being soaked!
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    I choose to mow my lawn with a push mower. I have about 3/4 of an acre, and it takes me a little over 2 1/2 hours to complete it. I come back into the house more sweaty than when I do "real exercise" like weight lifting. I wear a BodyBugg, so I know that I'm burning calories, and I need to replace at least some of those calories.

    Most of my work days are sedantary, so I need to record when I have unusual activities like mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, or (gasp) even shopping. I allow myself a few extra calories on those days, and am still continuing to lose weight.

    Please stop criticizing those of us who have to do chores rather than work out at the gym!

    now yeah thats a tuff workout lol i use push mower too... but not enough turf to put in as exercise and thats what i meant if people can do more.. and readying from their dairies they can should do more ... if i mowed a lawn that size i would consider it as a good workout too!

    and thats what i was getting at as stated.. a girl was posting a 1500cal burn from standing at work wiping a counter then eat those cals and wonder why shes not loosing anything!
  • es0torok
    es0torok Posts: 66 Member
    First, he's not being judgmental, he just being opinionated.

    Exercise that counts for each person may vary. If I ran 5 miles everyday, I probably would not log an evening stroll. But if I mow my large Texas yard in 100 degree heat and maintain a heart rate of 140-160 for one to two hours, I will record it.
  • Kudzu
    Kudzu Posts: 87 Member
    Do you feel better now that you have vented? I think that it is great that you are very fit and capable of detailing many cars in your business. How did you list your normal daily activities? Active? Very Active? I hope you can appreciate how fortunate you are and how lucky you are.....Not everyone is lucky like you.

    Have you ever been 100 lbs overweight? Have you ever tried to exercise while being overweight? It is a struggle sometimes just to breathe much less walk, or lift weights, or run, or jog or wash cars, or vacuum. I do a sedentary job, and listed my daily activities as such. Any type of movement/exercise is better than none, and you have to start somewhere. Since I don't wash cars for a living or on the side, I do count this in my exercise when I do actually wash mine, when I clean my house I do count this since it is not an every day occurrence. Since this is a self help site and everyone has their own profile, and in no way does what I log effect anyone else, why would it bother you?

    Just wondering....................:ohwell:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I don't know.. you may be right, but.. I had some wicked spicy chimichangas the other day and I must have burn at least seven hundred calories pushing out that chocolate manatee. I was sweating and crying and everything.

    To each his own I guess.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    i logged a ten min walk today! that was only because it rained and i didn't think my little boy would like being soaked!

    i take the 10min min walk back if its once in while.. but if you can do more and still only walk 10mins.. cmon!!

    PS. get the rain cover for your stroller got one for my boy n its awsome when we go for a walk when theres chance of rain.. though he freaks out when we cover the stroller lol he freaks out cuz he cant look around
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    I don't know.. you may be right, but.. I had some wicked spicy chimichangas the other day and I must have burn at least seven hundred calories pushing out that chocolate manatee. I was sweating and crying and everything.

    To each his own I guess.

    lmao i went to wild wings yesterday got 10 buffalo and asked to make sure they are cooked well so they are hot as last time i order wings were cold... it was take out n once i started eating they were damn SUICIDE WINGS!!! i sweated like i ran a marathon lol must have burned atleast like 2000cals just off eating that
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    <--- Able to climb mountains and stuff from "playing a video game."

    I run, too, but other than that, I pretty much just do EA Active Sports 2 on the Playstation.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    went back and reread what you said. Ok, sorry about my mini rant. I get what you were talking about. anyways, I very rarely eat back even a half of what I burned. I could technically get away with calling myself sedentary, but I would have to eat a lot more and I don't think I would lose anything by eating that much. therefore I set myself as lightly active so that I can eat less and not have to eat as much.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I think it's really hard to gauge what someone else "should" or "should not" be doing. What works for me might not work for you or someone else.

    When I started out, I started with small changes. I didn't start with 60 minute Zumba classes and 12 glasses of water every day. I started with (gasp!) taking short walks and cutting out soda. I lost 35 pounds by walking and minding my calorie intake. Once I lost that weight I was able to start trying some high impact stuff.

    I don't understand the point of mocking someone's journey. Do you really think you can shame them into becoming thin? Or is this just about cutting other people down?

    If washing the car helps someone get on the path to a healthy life then I think that's great.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    How about you not worry so much about other people and concentrate on yourself? It's not a classroom competition, no one's being graded on a curve, and what I call exercise doesn't detract from you or your thing the slightest whit.

    If YOU were someone like ME who has been confined to a motorized cart while shopping or visiting tourist attractions because of a debilitating, agonizing back injury (car accident 18 years ago resulting in ruptured and herniated disks in my back), you WOULD consider 25-30 minutes walking in a grocery store exercise, and you'd be danged proud of it, too.

    You don't consider something someone else does worthy of classification as "exercise?" Fine, whatever. Why would you feel the need to openly ridicule those who don't measure up to your subjective standard? Knocking others doesn't make you fitter any faster, you know.

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Bully for you. I have a back injury too and reaching inside the refrigerator hurts like hell.

    I'll log what I want and you feel free to log what you want.

    Have a nice evening.
  • Kudzu
    Kudzu Posts: 87 Member
    So you have accomplished something.....made us all think about our exercise! Thanks......I think!