Venting a little read at your own risk!! lol



  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    I read this post for what it is...a suggestion for some nothing more. I agree to a point, I wore my HRM today for 12 hours just to see how any calories I would burn. Look at my profile pic and you will see the total 900 of them were from just doing what I do everyday at work, the other 1700+ came from Running on an incline of 2.0 @ 5.5 MPH for 30 minutes, Walking on the treadmill at 10.0 incline for 30 minutes and P90X Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps.

    This will be the only day that I count anything other than real "work outs" because in a way I agree with him. I to am tired of seeing, cleaning the house or walking for 10 minutes, if you are serious you will make a serious effort. I am 50 years old and I do not make excuses.
  • kathy1117
    kathy1117 Posts: 27
    really though, cleaning is exercise 2 older ppl. my granny has a physical therapist and counts cleaning and a 10 min walk great excercise. besides if some1 was cleaning for hours at a time thats continous movement, therefor exercise. dont ya think? aside from older ppl, theres also ppl w illness or disease where exercise for them would b different from yours
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Why do you care what other people do? Focus on your own fitness and stop judging other people.

    Agreed...what's the point of saying "people need to get out and walk" and then state that mowing the grass isn't exercise? Sure, a riding mower shouldn't count, but if I'm pushing a mower isn't that walking AND pushing? Cutting my yard and the yard for the foreclosed house next door on a 90 degree day logged over 1000 calories on my HRM.

    I wonder how many calories our poster used pontificating? Don't forget to log them!!!
  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    I agree to disagree with you on this one. I clean houses for a living (I don't log them) but to some cleaning their house or mowing the lawn may be the only exercise they get. I think it's great that MFP encourages people to get up and move. To some these little things may be milestones that lead to more.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    This post makes me a little sad. I hope no one who struggles to do exercise read this and got discouraged, thinking they aren't doing exercise the "right way."

    I get what you're trying to say to some extent. I think some people would be surprised what they can accomplish if they really push themselves. But you don't know the specifics of anyone's situation, like in some of the replies you've received here. If you put yourself in any of these people's shoes, I bet you wouldn't have posted this. A day after gallbladder surgery two years ago (when I was still obese), I was using a motorized cart at WalMart, and I got all sorts of nasty looks from people. I almost lifted my shirt and showed one scowling lady the healing incisions but decided to write it off as ignorance. I hope that's what the *cleaners* and *lawnmowers* and *WII boxers* of MFP did if they read this post!
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I used to get frustrated with those that logged stuff I thought shouldn't count. After all, with everything I'm dealing with, I figure if I can do it, they can, too.

    Now, I just let it go and let people log what they want. It's when they complain that they're not losing anything that I suggest they re-evaluate what they're doing.

    Here's why: Some time back, hubby and I were doing the Wii workout thingy. It was a total eye opener!! What works for one may not work for another. I had previously been exercising and doing the Wii did nothing for me. It was like a joke and I was ticked off. Hub takes his turn and my jaw dropped! He got a workout!
    Take someone who's been working out vs. someone who hasn't, it's like comparing apples and oranges. So, that 10 minute walk for someone new, out of shape or whatever is about the equivalent of an hour or two for someone who's in better shape.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I don't recognize this person as some celebrity trainer/motivator on tv.
    His rant is invalid to me. :tongue:
  • sandra4444
    sandra4444 Posts: 10
    There is absolutely no reason to be an exercise snob.

    What I find annoying are people who brag about their running/marathon stuff. It doesn't make you superior.

    ALL exercise matters. The point of logging ALL forms of exercise is to get into a state of awareness about how much or how little one actually engages in activity. It's about being mindful.
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    I don't worry about the fact that you can't spell, so please don't worry about how I log my activity.
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    wearing my HRM I burned 600 calories vacumming, steam cleaning my rugs, mopping ect.. so yes, I am going to log that!
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Eurodriver says:

    "now yeah thats a tuff workout lol i use push mower too... but not enough turf to put in as exercise and thats what i meant if people can do more.. and readying from their dairies they can should do more ... if i mowed a lawn that size i would consider it as a good workout too!"

    "lmao i went to wild wings yesterday got 10 buffalo and asked to make sure they are cooked well so they are hot as last time i order wings were cold... it was take out n once i started eating they were damn SUICIDE WINGS!!! i sweated like i ran a marathon lol must have burned atleast like 2000cals just off eating that "

    "but for those that have had surgical problems, have medical issues etc yeah a 10min walk is excellent!!!! You would be exception but those of you also have to understand that there is people that will abuse those phrases..."

    Backpedaling much? Too late, dear. You can't unring a bell.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I have the same thoughts at times about some of the activities, Who are these people
    hurting ? you? no! themselves.
    Any movement for some people is a big achievment if it keeps them motivated and pushes
    them to continue who are you to Judge?

    I have a three acre lot my husband mows (with a riding mower) twice a week, I decided
    in april to purchase a push mower to help him (around the bushs,flower beds,pool ect
    takes me about 2 hours according to my hrm I burn over 700 calories doing this!

    I wonder how many calories you burn clicking on peoples excercise diary's, and how many
    hours a day you spend stressing over other people.
    Oh..... to have such an exciting life!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I don't worry about the fact that you can't spell, so please don't worry about how I log my activity.

    you must be in my head! lol!
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Sorry i guess just saw couple people that were logging 10min walks that could walk 10miles instead...

    but for those that have had surgical problems, have medical issues etc yeah a 10min walk is excellent!!!! You would be exception but those of you also have to understand that there is people that will abuse those phrases...

    I have EXTREMLY strong lower back pain from a car accident when i was 16(2 years of therapy massage and chyropractor).. still have the pain.. doesnt stop me, i just make sure im careful with my back, stretch good, do hyper extensions and light lower back exercises and my backs getting better. Had strong left shoulder pain before too now its gone after lifting and training..

    It's okay that for some its a "BIIIG" job to clean a house.. or rinse off a car... but its not something you have to logg in as exercise.. as it is not.

    oh as previous poster said... theres alot of old people, i see a 70's lady who walks in the gym and lifts weights! and it looks likes shes struggling to get from one machine to another yet shes still there to keep her health up! Theres one old man i talk to hes 68 and the guy is about 5'10 and he can outlift me on almost everyting! he is a monster at his age.

    If you were in my area, I would challenge you to strap another 150 lbs on your body then come push mow my lawn and tell me it's not a workout. Or do my 35 minute neighborhood walk in 95 degree heat. Or do 20 minutes of step aerobics on the wii. I don't care what age you are... all the extra pounds make these things a challenge. Washing the car, to you, may mean just a rinse with a garden hose. Some of us are out there with rags, a bucket, and a scrub brush and it IS a work out for your arms.

    Just because our actions have a practical purpose along with exercise doesn't make them less worthy of caloric replacement.
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    I'm fortunate enough to have a body bugg that monitors the number of calories I burn doing everyday activities, so I know by experience that they burn more calories than some people would think. I will continue to log these activities in MFP regardless of what anyone says. I'm a single mom with a full-time job, so if I do house work, yard work, etc. and don't have time for a "real workout," no one can tell me I'm "fooling" myself. The 46 pounds I've lost so far tells me I'm living in reality.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    If you were in my area, I would challenge you to strap another 150 lbs on your body then come push mow my lawn and tell me it's not a workout. Or do my 35 minute neighborhood walk in 95 degree heat. Or do 20 minutes of step aerobics on the wii. I don't care what age you are... all the extra pounds make these things a challenge. Washing the car, to you, may mean just a rinse with a garden hose. Some of us are out there with rags, a bucket, and a scrub brush and it IS a work out for your arms.

    Just because our actions have a practical purpose along with exercise doesn't make them less worthy of caloric replacement.

    35min walk is great!!! And i bet things are harder to do when you got extra 150lbs on you... but as you stated... you still push yourself for a 35min walk and a 20min aerobics, instead of some that are logging a 10min walk for the day and thats it...

    Seems some don't have common sense; YEAH of cores if you are in a wheel chair then yes its an accomplishment to even walk for 10min. But some of you are more than capable of doing more than just cleaning a house... <----Those are the people that this is pointed towards.

    Just seems that its regular everyday thing for every person, work, walk, clean, and burn calories through out the day naturally.. damn our bodies burn 30% of calories that we intake just to digest them, if we put in every couple calories we burn and keep our daily routine the same then whats the point... we need to add things that we don't usually do to burn those extra calories...

    If all of us wore the HRM n counted every calorie we burned... damn some of us would be packing on weight like theres no tomorrow because of the calories we are burning and eating back...

    as for the spelling teachers here... its a forum don't have time to spell check every word for you that i write and i think my English is pretty damn good considering its my 4th language...
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    21 year old thinks he knows it all... what's new? :bigsmile:
  • mendogirl
    mendogirl Posts: 87
    at least the people are moving and doing something. those "tiny" exercises could be making a big difference for them. it's better than doing nothing. some people don't have the ability to be doing intense exercises all the time. but they deserve credit for making an effort, even if it is a small one.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'll cut you some slack. You're obviously very young with limited views and experience - Your reference to an Old Man who is 68 at your gym!

    Many people and myself included were couch potatoes for their entire lives. I had never exercised for the sake of exercise except for a few weeks at a time until I turned 49 and weighed 205 pounds and only then realized the value of a strong body. You may not realize what that means. Then as others have said, add medical issues and 50, 75, 100 pounds and see what kind of problems you have to deal with besides the fact that you are starting at square one. I'm sorry but a skinny kid like you doesn't have the same point of view as for instance I do.

    I am very proud of myself at the age of 54 for getting a dog for the purpose of inspiring myself to walk a good 45 minutes twice a day at a good clip "for an old lady". I do strength training videos for 30 minutes 4-5 days a week and ride my bike with the dog while he runs along side me sometimes instead of the second walk. Sorry, but being a small business owner means I "work" 24/7. I consider myself dang lucky to be able to find the time to exercise for a good hour and a half to 2 hours a day AND keep track of everything I eat, journal, etc. I also prepare all of my own food for my husband and myself. I cook everything from scratch. Try that and see how long that takes. I am not talking lean cuisine or hamburger helper depending upon your point of view. Nothing wrong with people who want to eat like that, but I choose not to. I get up at 6am every day and work through until 9pm taking breaks for myself through out the day for eating, exercising, etc.

    Drop us a line when you get to be an "old man" of 68 and let us know how you are doing. I hope you can achieve the physique you are looking for and can gain some perspective in the mean time. You are welcome to look at my diaries and criticize me to your heart's content. I'll just consider the source.

    Your profile is blocked for "friends" to view unlike many others here who are open to suggestions. Your only hint is that you are tired of being called "too skinny" and you just want to look better - as in not skinny. Some times beauty can be found on the inside.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I don't recognize this person as some celebrity trainer/motivator on tv.
    His rant is invalid to me. :tongue:

    Nor WILL YOU! Ever! = D