Office Workers



  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    I buy Chobani flips like crazy. I also pack a lunch everyday. But some things I bring/stash:

    100 cal packs of almonds
    A baggie of my protein powder and scoop- Almond milk in fridge
    Fresh Fruit
    Frozen Breakfast muffins from home
    Progresso Soup
    Deli Turkey/Sliced Cheese for a roll up
    Oatmeal (mix in PB2)
    Fruit Roll up (I MUST BRING THEM as a "stash" would last 1 day)
    Rice Cakes
    Wheat Thins - laughing cow cheese

    ...yes... my file cabinet is a mini store at times. Without options I will fail.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    nothing except my water bottle. i brown bag my breakfast, lunch, and snacks, but all of that is in the fridge in the break room. if i want a snack i have to get up and go get it.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    a lunch box.
  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member
    My problem is what people bring in....I know I know its my responsibility, but everyone in my office has gained major weight..especially the formerly skinny!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    I have a 16oz Tervis Tumbler that I fill with water at least twice a day. For snacks, I like Quaker mini rice cakes, apples, etc.
  • queenjaquita
    queenjaquita Posts: 7 Member
    I'm trying really hard not to deviate from my pre-planned meals and snacks so all I have at my desk in an emergency bag of cashews just in case. I drink a lot of water and I enjoy an afternoon tea. All my other snacks are planned ahead of time and kept with my lunch in the fridge so if I want one I have to get up and get it. It makes me think about it a little more instead of just eating what's on hand.
  • space_case
    space_case Posts: 89 Member
    I try really hard not to snack between meals, but I usually have a Zone bar or other protein bar stashed in my purse or those Sargento's Balanced Breaks. They are 180 cals and have cheese, nuts and dried fruit. They are supposed to refridgerated, but I've eaten them room temp more than once and not died haha
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    Count me among those who would snack more if snacks were in the desk. I build in snacks to my daily totals and bring them with me in my lunch bag. There's always at least one piece of fruit, and one yogurt. I used to have a really bad snack bar/protein bar problem. Now I just eat half of one of these stabilyze bars before working out. I could easily eat the whole thing, but I discovered I only needed half to feel satisfied.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    A Quest bar (in case I forget my lunch and the weather is too awful to venture out) a refillable water bottle and my coffee mug. I keep my snacks and lunch in the office fridge, and make sure I get up from my desk every 30 minutes to stretch my legs and refill my water.
  • livelovebbg
    livelovebbg Posts: 45 Member
    Lots of things, but I'll just list what I have at work now :blush:
    - Water
    - Instant coffee, which I drink black
    - Plain instant oatmeal
    - Chocolate protein powder (to mix into my plain oats)
    - Bananas
    - Plain 2% Greek yogurt
    - Honey
    - Granola
    - Some kind of bar (cliff, KIND, Luna, Nature Valley)
    - Baby carrots
    - Guacamole
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Vcorz wrote: »
    My problem is what people bring in....I know I know its my responsibility, but everyone in my office has gained major weight..especially the formerly skinny!

    Tell me about it. I have packed it on since I have been in my position and so has a new nurse. We all just sit all day. I hate it.
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    jalapeno cheese crackers
  • space_case
    space_case Posts: 89 Member
    Vcorz wrote: »
    My problem is what people bring in....I know I know its my responsibility, but everyone in my office has gained major weight..especially the formerly skinny!

    Tell me about it. I have packed it on since I have been in my position and so has a new nurse. We all just sit all day. I hate it.

    I work in a doctor's office and it's the worst. Patients bringing stuff in. Reps bringing stuff in. Staff bringing stuff in. We are always celebrating something and it's always with a potluck.

    I actually starting eating in my car for awhile because I just needed to stay away. I've gotten better though at ignoring it.
  • 42firm03
    42firm03 Posts: 115 Member
    Tea (a few different flavors) and gum (also several flavors).

    I don't keep any food. Like several others, I pack my pre-planned breakfast and lunch each day and I don't want any temptations around. The tea and gum solve any mental hunger.
  • jennis89
    jennis89 Posts: 1 Member
    Tea bags. I think I drink about two litres of tea during my 8 hour shift. And almonds in case I get a craving for something sweet. We also get fresh fruits every day at the office so they are always available.