too "small" for encouragement?

cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
anyone else feel that because they're not obese or only need to shed a few more pounds that they don't get the support or encouragement they need/deserve (and i don't mean just on mfp, but irl, too)? i don't think enough people realize that no matter how many pounds you need/want to lose, it's a struggle and not always a piece of cake (no pun intended). if i hear one more, "you're fine just the way you are" or "you don't need to lose any more weight", someone's getting hurt!


  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    Yes, I agree 100% :) I also find that it's hard for myself to be motivated, because deep down I know that any weight loss I want to achieve is pretty much vanity, rather then health. But as you said, it's a struggle no matter where you're at. It's nice to hear those things, but it's also difficult to stay motivated.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i like skinny people too :)
  • shuttlebug1
    shuttlebug1 Posts: 41 Member
    Most of my friends are twice my size (no exaggeration), so I don't even tell them I'm watching my weight. My husband thinks I'm skinny enough already, but I know better. So I completely understand where you're coming from.
  • acave9406
    acave9406 Posts: 124 Member
    I can't love this enough!:drinker:
    Alot of my friends and family just make me feel worse saying i'm trying to be "anorexic" blah blah blah. My goal is a healthy goal and what's so bad about changing so you dont feel uncomfortable in you're own skin??
  • Hey there!
    I totally understand how you feel, a few of my friends who are a bit bigger than me have started dieting and they can do very simple exercise and stop drinking soda for two weeks and lose more than 15 pounds. Myself, on the other hand, am a rather athletic person and have a body type that's naturally very short and stocky, so losing weight not only is hard, but it's not very noticeable at first. However, it DOES show up. Over the past few months, I've gone from a size 8 to a size 4, and it really does pay off, but for a person like me, it takes a lot of discipline because I'm already rather healthy, it's more about building muscle and toning certain areas now.
    But I think that every person has the right to have support to the weight of their dreams as long as they don't take it to extremes. It's all about being comfortable with yourself, and if that's able to happen, then a healthy diet and exercise is just an example of you showing respect to your body (so says the girl who ate 4 pieces of pizza today)....anyways, I totally support you, your weight loss makes me so happy for you, keep it up! Girls like us have to stick together after all :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    It really sucks being a guy close to the end because people can't tell the difference at all unless they make a habit of wearing skin tight clothes all the time, which I don't. It's much harder to lose the "last 10 lbs", but no one realizes it until they are attempting to do it or they've done it.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    and sometimes it's not always weight-loss that's the goal. toning/firming is the next step after losing weight and it's not as easy as some people think it is for "smaller" people. just because the weight is gone doesn't mean the muscle fairy appears and makes everything look good!
  • Well I believe no matter what size, all people deserve encouragement!
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I know where you're coming from. As far as MFP goes I actually selected friends who had similar measurements/goals so that they were more familar with our struggles as "skinny people". You can always be my friend; I'm usually pretty good about cheering people on.
  • deenie169
    deenie169 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I can relate to this. My biggest weight was 144, but a good weight for my height and frame is about 20 lbs less....and I feel like a jerk when I talk about losing weight when some of my friends have a goal that is two or three times that.

    We each have our own path (and our own struggle) so the important thing is to know that I am here to encourage others and they are here to encourage me. it's not a competition for me. MFP is really just a tool for me to be honest and accountable about what I am trying to do.

    I wish you good luck with your healthful goals.
  • and sometimes it's not always weight-loss that's the goal. toning/firming is the next step after losing weight and it's not as easy as some people think it is for "smaller" people. just because the weight is gone doesn't mean the muscle fairy appears and makes everything look good!

    I totally agree! Although I think I'm at a healthy weight, there are a few areas of my body that could use a little extra toning, and that work is far header than just shedding pounds
  • I can't love this enough!:drinker:
    Alot of my friends and family just make me feel worse saying i'm trying to be "anorexic" blah blah blah. My goal is a healthy goal and what's so bad about changing so you dont feel uncomfortable in you're own skin??

    I hate when people make light of anorexia. That sucks. We're all just here to better ourselves.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Hey there!
    I totally understand how you feel, a few of my friends who are a bit bigger than me have started dieting and they can do very simple exercise and stop drinking soda for two weeks and lose more than 15 pounds. Myself, on the other hand, am a rather athletic person and have a body type that's naturally very short and stocky, so losing weight not only is hard, but it's not very noticeable at first. However, it DOES show up. Over the past few months, I've gone from a size 8 to a size 4, and it really does pay off, but for a person like me, it takes a lot of discipline because I'm already rather healthy, it's more about building muscle and toning certain areas now.
    But I think that every person has the right to have support to the weight of their dreams as long as they don't take it to extremes. It's all about being comfortable with yourself, and if that's able to happen, then a healthy diet and exercise is just an example of you showing respect to your body (so says the girl who ate 4 pieces of pizza today)....anyways, I totally support you, your weight loss makes me so happy for you, keep it up! Girls like us have to stick together after all :)

    congrats to you! and yay for pizza:)
  • laylalana
    laylalana Posts: 6 Member
    "Thank you" is usually what I say after being given a compliment. Really, it is like asking your husband does your butt look big something - should they point to your thighs and say - yep, your right - better get on stair master and work that off? Just saying - if you look good to other people..that is really not a bad thing.. Maybe they are bigger than you are, and feel that if you need to loose weight, what does that mean about them? Looks like you have done a lot of work and so enjoy the compliments...
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    I don't have that problem personally (because I'm around 80 lbs overweight right now... LOL!!), but I do know some people who DO have that problem.
    The way I see it, if a person wants to loose weight, then they should get to be encouraged as well. (unless it's an unhealthy situation.. LOL)
    My sister-in-law looks great at her current weight. But she still sees some problem areas she wants to work on. I tell her she looks awesome all the time, but also encourage her on her weight loss journey. It makes her feel good and keeps her motivated to reach her goal. :flowerforyou:

    If you have a goal in mind that you know you can reach, then I say GO FOR IT! :heart: :happy:
  • widmar
    widmar Posts: 72
    Nothing wrong with getting in shape for yourself. Regardless of how much you have or want to lose, you still deserve support, because it isn't easy. So congrats to you for taking care of yourself.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Yes, I can relate to this. My biggest weight was 144, but a good weight for my height and frame is about 20 lbs less....and I feel like a jerk when I talk about losing weight when some of my friends have a goal that is two or three times that.

    We each have our own path (and our own struggle) so the important thing is to know that I am here to encourage others and they are here to encourage me. it's not a competition for me. MFP is really just a tool for me to be honest and accountable about what I am trying to do.

    I wish you good luck with your healthful goals.

    thank you:)
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I know where you're coming from. As far as MFP goes I actually selected friends who had similar measurements/goals so that they were more familar with our struggles as "skinny people". You can always be my friend; I'm usually pretty good about cheering people on.

    thanks - sent a fr:)
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Nothing wrong with getting in shape for yourself. Regardless of how much you have or want to lose, you still deserve support, because it isn't easy. So congrats to you for taking care of yourself.

    thank you!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    we are in the same boat. i get told the same thing. also oh i wish i were your weight, you are so lucky, you can eat anything you want. obviously if i could eat anything i want i wouldnt have gained weight. i work hard and i deserve tohave my joy without somebody stealing it away from me. i know hubby doesnt mean to, but he says it too, you look great, why do you have to exercise so much. i guess that wont change and it annoys me, but that is my encouragement to stay healthy, thinking that people are saying stuff like that and i can always say, you dont know how hard i work to keep this way.
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