2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • FullLifeNeil
    FullLifeNeil Posts: 50 Member
    Very happy to help as a mentor. 43 yo male. Lost around 40 pounds and now focussed on lots of fun exercise (Spartan Races for one example). I'm also currently completing a certificate in nutrition (mainly for my own interest) but would be able to help out where I can. Feel free to add me or send me a message and see if I can help you. I promise no "5 foods to avoid for weight loss"!
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello. This is my first time in the forums in a long time. I heard about this thread from a good friend and thought maybe I could be of service to a "noob". I have been on MFP since summer of 2012. I have been running since spring of 2013. I have been doing yoga (specifically HOT is my favorite) since fall of 2014. What I would be looking for in a mentee would be someone who is either an new or aspiring runner or yogi. I am looking to mentor someone who is completely committed to doing this for themselves. I'm not perfect and I'm not looking for someone who's aiming to be perfect. I'm looking for someone who won't ever give up.

    "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great" -Zig Ziglar
  • jloring90
    jloring90 Posts: 12 Member
    Can't help posting on a noob forum! I am a noob on MFP. Tracking calories and logging fitness noob. Though not to "trying" to lose weight. Like many here, I try it, and don't commit, pile on some excuses, sprinkle on some whining, and that is my history of health.
    Now I got something to truly motivate me.
    So I am looking for a mentor to couch through my areas of weight plateaus and nutritional holes.
    About me: 25, microbiologist, had an injury that started my "decline". Now three years later, wanting to be a 25 yr old with the ability for adventure and shenanigans. Already on coarse for losing my weight in 7 months. Work out rate varies from 4 to 6 days a week. 2 hours per day. I am committed to being me again.
    Thank you for your time.... in advance.
  • clippergear
    clippergear Posts: 16 Member
    I am just starting this process tomorrow (Monday, January 11th, 2016). I am female, 47 years old and single. I have 100 pounds to lose so I could definitely use some help. I have had some injuries so I have a recumbent bike for exercising and am will be learning Tai Chi as well. I plan on having herbal life shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a lean cuisine for dinner (I am a terrible cook). I have 3 dogs, pet shrimp, am a Professor and live in Southwest Florida. I am one of those people that "when I put my mind to something I do it" but still could use some help and support. Thanks in advance.......Stacy
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I am just starting this process tomorrow (Monday, January 11th, 2016). I am female, 47 years old and single. I have 100 pounds to lose so I could definitely use some help. I have had some injuries so I have a recumbent bike for exercising and am will be learning Tai Chi as well. I plan on having herbal life shakes for breakfast and lunch and then a lean cuisine for dinner (I am a terrible cook). I have 3 dogs, pet shrimp, am a Professor and live in Southwest Florida. I am one of those people that "when I put my mind to something I do it" but still could use some help and support. Thanks in advance.......Stacy
    Welcome aboard! Please see below and let me know if you need me:
    zcb94 wrote: »
    I'd be honored to help a few young ladies get healthy in 2016. As a mentor, I might not know much about nutrition or fitness, but I can relate to certain experiences and will gladly cheer on/encourage anyone who needs it/be a listening ear when needed, especially from a Christian perspective. I've logged faithfully for quite a while, gained control of diabetes and lost a total of 60 lbs despite having to "do life " from a wheelchair. Before getting a major wound, I loved to ride a horse and use one of those hand-bike machine thingamajigs for exercise (and used to play/love baseball), and I believe that all food is safe for dieters as long as you're not allergic/intolerant to it (I'm looking at you, chocolate and fries!). If you think you might need me, please let me know! :)

  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 10,241 MFP Staff
    This list has been updated. Thank you to everyone has volunteered so far!

    Please ping me if you've found your noob(s) and want your name crossed out.
  • mistermmx
    mistermmx Posts: 7 Member
    Heck yeah! If there's an MFP pro, or even just somebody who's willing to help motivate and encourage, I would be more than grateful!

    I am quite knowledgeable about nutrition and weight training, and have gone from skinny to above-average in terms of muscle and leanness, but have never been able to go beyond above-average.

    This year, I am putting aside all excuses, getting my act together, and achieving the body I want!

    Which is why I created a thread to document my journey. If the thought of failing my supporters isn't enough to motivate me, nothing will!

  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I will happily take a mentor if you are handing them out. A little about me I am a 35 year old male with 3 kids. Over the last 2 years I have but on about 65 lbs. I am also a chef and I work around food all the time. I have a gym membership and was doing good with going almost daily until the Christmas break came around.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    The list has been updated with new mentors - continued thanks to everyone who is volunteering!
  • vyaron97
    vyaron97 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, I am a young female adult. Who is 5'7" and was constantly picked on by weight and size. I want to lose 145lb but I can never find the right amount of motivation. Can someone please help, I would like a mentor that might be able to work around my class and work times thank you!
  • Dont_Want_To_
    Dont_Want_To_ Posts: 4 Member
    I am ready to lose this weight looking for help. I am 40 years old looking for someone to go easy at first cause I have hip pain. then kick my a@@ after that.
    CW 221 height 5'4 would like to lose 100 lbs
  • Sn1fan
    Sn1fan Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to have a mentor as well. I was down to 169 and in the past year got my but back up to 195. I'm so mad at myself. I would love to gt down to 150 but I need support which I'm finding hard to find. :(
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I did really well two and a half years ago and lost about 30lb to get down to 140lb. But shortly afterwards my mum's COPD resulted in her needing care and she then passed away in 2013, and shortly afterwards my dad got cancer and needed care and he died last summer. So I've basically had an awful couple of years where I had lots of stress and little free time or motivation to exercise. Now I can concentrate on myself again and focus on my own health and wellbeing, but I struggle to make a start. In 2010 I was doing triathlons and now I'm out of breath running after a bus. I'm back to 175lb (my highest ever weight) and gained 10" around my waist. I really want to get fit and healthy again. I have a very supportive partner and we're getting married in October. We're both 45... late bloomers. ;) I would really welcome some friends. A mentor would be great. <3
  • jaybirdee
    jaybirdee Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2016
    I would LOVE to find a mentor to help me on my journey. I am a 62 ( nearly) yo female. I am about 20+ lbs overweight. I really want to improve my health, meaning energy, strength, flexibility, focus and outlook. I have ADHD so I stuggle with organization, focus, planning, and consistancy. I really need to improve my diet as well as my physical condition. I have no specific health problems but there are plenty of issues in my family including diabetes, high BP and heart disease. Even though its late in the game I want to be all I can be. Does anyone want to help? I would REALLY appreciate the support.
  • julie_a_welch
    julie_a_welch Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to have a mentor. If anyone is interested in helping me. Please let me know. :) thanks. Julie
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I would love to have a mentor. If anyone is interested in helping me. Please let me know. :) thanks. Julie

    What are your goals? Type of workouts? Etc...
  • coco_nellxoxo
    coco_nellxoxo Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    I am a twenty (soon to be twenty-one) year old university student in Canada. I have been struggling with weightloss since high school and have now become fed up with starting over! I am starting this new year hungry and motivated for the change that I know comes with hard work and dedication. I think that hardest part of the weightloss journey for me right now is finding other things to do other than snack. I with love to have a mentor who is willing to take me on to help, support and motivate me during my weightloss journey! I would eventually like to get into lifting weights if that interests anyone! I am currently somewhat of a cardio bunny, but I do complete my strength workouts ever week.

    Look forward to hearing from anyone interested!

  • amandaduheme0226
    amandaduheme0226 Posts: 5 Member
    I would really love a mentor !
    If someone could help guide and encourage me to stay on track with my goals.
  • courtniekrebs
    courtniekrebs Posts: 79 Member
    Hi :) my name is Courtnie.. I am 31 years old and live in the NW.. I started my weight loss journey in June after a reality check from someone whom Im very close to. I was 175 and now am down to 155. I had 2 friends of mine do figure/bikini competitions and it's inspired me to work hard to do the same. I've been reading up on body composition and I do have the drive and motivation to do it. I need guidance from anyone who knows what to do and can help me and push me. Thank,you :)
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Thanks to the new mentors who have signed up! Reminder to people who are looking for a mentor to check the original post and proactively reach out to people you would like to mentor you.
This discussion has been closed.