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Lifting weights didn't fix skinny fat-need help (WOMEN ONLY PLS)



  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    By "flab" do you mean fat, or just loose skin? You may not be trying to lose weight, but are you trying to lose body fat? If you mean loose skin, there may not be anything you can do about that in some places depending on your age. If you mean fat, there are a lot of good suggestions in this thread.
  • TrishaCisneros
    TrishaCisneros Posts: 171 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    OP, could you state the following:
    * your height
    * your weight
    * how many calories you've been eating
    * how much weight you gained while lifting
    * what lifting program you're following
    * if you're using a homemade lifting program, what exercises are you doing and how often are you doing them

    That would help us to help you better.

    quoting, in case you missed it.

    also, lifting doesn't automatically fix skinny fat. Diet plays a huge roll.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    Then you probably weren't skinny fat. You were probably just overweight.

    If you are happy with the level of muscle mass you have, i suggest you cut your calories and continue lifting. Making sure to keep adequate protein levels during this phase and continuing with weight lifting will help with retaining muscle mass.

    Some say run a "small" deficit, but i don't see any reason it has to be so small. Especially considering you have been at this for a year and don't feel you've seen the progress you're looking for. I say run a moderate deficit for 12 weeks and see what happens.

    I would agree with this, it seems to fit the knowledge I have acquired. To keep the muscle you don't want an extreme deficit but I'd probably do a "cut" for 3 months or so, you may lose a small amount of muscle in the process but keep on with strength training and adequate protein to limit that. Don't be discouraged. You have great muscles, just have to drop the fat to see them! Make sure your logging is accurate, it matters more now that you're down to the last few pounds.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Rainbow, I was underweight when I started. Skinny fat means your weight is fine, but you don't have much muscle and are pretty flabby. Sumiblue, I don't care that much about losing weight. I just want to lose my flab. I have actually gained weight since lifting weights, but it seems to be muscle and not fat. I did lose some fat, but it wasn't much at all.

    I'll try to keep a closer eye on my calories and eat at a small deficit. Merely losing weight is easy, but getting in shape (build muscles, improve stamina and endurance, lose flab, eat the right amount of calories and macros, etc.) is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be.

    If you are underweight and want more muscle you need to AT LEAST eat at maintenance. You might gain strength but you won't put on muscle eating at a deficit. A slight surplus will yield faster results.

    OP said she WAS underweight. She's been lifting for over a year, already seen muscle gains (which leads me to believe she was also eating in a slight surplus since she still has unwanted fat).
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    How in the world is this a women-only question?

    I am wondering how heavy the OP is lifting and what, specifically, she means by "moderate" cardio workouts and "regularly."

    In other words, we need more information.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    There is alot of information missing as asked for my others. I was always told by my trainer that if I was doing "moderate" cardio regularly that is was counter productive to muscle gain.
    To build muscle =lift heavy+ eating at maintainence or slight surplus ,limit cardio
    To show it off drop body fat = lifting heavy + eating at small deficit, some cardio
  • lisaipri
    lisaipri Posts: 9 Member
    You need to do more cardio, what does moderate cardio mean?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    christch wrote: »
    There is alot of information missing as asked for my others. I was always told by my trainer that if I was doing "moderate" cardio regularly that is was counter productive to muscle gain.
    To build muscle =lift heavy+ eating at maintainence or slight surplus ,limit cardio
    To show it off drop body fat = lifting heavy + eating at small deficit, some cardio

    this is untrue. but, m'kay
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Cardio can be done while building muscle. As long as you're eating enough you'll be fine.
  • Okay, so let me make sure I have this right...

    I need to:
    1) not do any cardio
    2) do more cardio
    3) eat more
    4) eat a little less
    5) eat moderately less
    6) eat at maintenance
    7) lift heavy (which is what I've been doing)

    because I am:

    1) body dysmorphic
    2) underweight
    3) overweight

    Got it. Thanks.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    edited January 2016
    Okay, so let me make sure I have this right...

    I need to:
    1) not do any cardio
    2) do more cardio
    3) eat more
    4) eat a little less
    5) eat moderately less
    6) eat at maintenance
    7) lift heavy (which is what I've been doing)

    because I am:

    1) body dysmorphic
    2) underweight
    3) overweight

    Got it. Thanks.

    No, what you need to do is answer the question:
    What are your stats???
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Okay, so let me make sure I have this right...

    I need to:
    1) not do any cardio
    2) do more cardio
    3) eat more
    4) eat a little less
    5) eat moderately less
    6) eat at maintenance
    7) lift heavy (which is what I've been doing)

    because I am:

    1) body dysmorphic
    2) underweight
    3) overweight

    Got it. Thanks.

    No, what you need to do is answer the question:
    What are your stats???


    Stats not snark
  • SunnyPacheco
    SunnyPacheco Posts: 142 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Okay, so let me make sure I have this right...

    I need to:
    1) not do any cardio
    2) do more cardio
    3) eat more
    4) eat a little less
    5) eat moderately less
    6) eat at maintenance
    7) lift heavy (which is what I've been doing)

    because I am:

    1) body dysmorphic
    2) underweight
    3) overweight

    Got it. Thanks.

    No, what you need to do is answer the question:
    What are your stats???

    This. If you post a question on a forum you're going to get many different answers and they're going to be pretty wide-ranging since you haven't been very specific or given much information. Rather than get snippy or sarcastic why not answer some of the questions that have been asked in this thread so others can give more informed answers.

    What is your height/weight/calorie intake/BF% if known? What are your goals? What do you do for weight lifting? What do you mean by lifting heavy? Having you been progressively upping the weight you lift? How often do you lift? What do you mean by moderate cardio? How often do you do that? Do you track your food intake? If so, do you weigh your food?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Okay, so let me make sure I have this right...

    I need to:
    1) not do any cardio
    2) do more cardio
    3) eat more
    4) eat a little less
    5) eat moderately less
    6) eat at maintenance
    7) lift heavy (which is what I've been doing)

    because I am:

    1) body dysmorphic
    2) underweight
    3) overweight

    Got it. Thanks.

    Or you can give people some stats and information that would allow them to offer you real answers.

    Because if you're 5ft 8" and 165lbs the solution to removing a layer of fat from above your new muscles may be quite different as compared to if you're 122lbs. And if you happen to be 115lbs the right answer may be different yet again.

    Ooops. Testosterone influenced answer, please ignore.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Okay, so let me make sure I have this right...

    I need to:
    1) not do any cardio
    2) do more cardio
    3) eat more
    4) eat a little less
    5) eat moderately less
    6) eat at maintenance
    7) lift heavy (which is what I've been doing)

    because I am:

    1) body dysmorphic
    2) underweight
    3) overweight

    Got it. Thanks.

    No, what you need to do is answer the question:
    What are your stats???


    Stats not snark

    Yep. I also liked the question about which lifting program was followed and how heavy she was lifting. Plus while we're asking for info, I might as well throw one more in, in case the OP feels comfortable sharing: pics of problem area(s)
  • kiara1066
    kiara1066 Posts: 119 Member
    The best way to truly help you is knowing your stats. You want advice when you provide this information it will give us a better idea until then it's pure speculation. And honestly skinny fat happens to both genders as others called out. I think a guys opinion is just as helpful as a girls. Best of luck with enjoying the guesswork until we understand your stats.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Lean body starts in the kitchen. You say you eat healthy diet, but see if you're maybe eating too much fats (even if they're healthy fats), sugar, carbs...every body is differently so you have to find diet that works for you.
    As far as exercise goes you need to combine cardio and weights. One does not work without another.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    OP since you've given no solid details, I'm making the following profile for you:

    130 lbs
    You've been doing planks, sit ups, curls, tricep kickbacks, and "some machine that works your legs, not the one where you lie down but the other one."
    You also do elliptical 20 minutes 3x/wk

    I suggest eating at maintenance and getting on a solid heavy lifting or bodyweight training program. Your cardio level is fine.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    GsKiki wrote: »
    Lean body starts in the kitchen. You say you eat healthy diet, but see if you're maybe eating too much fats (even if they're healthy fats), sugar, carbs...every body is differently so you have to find diet that works for you.
    As far as exercise goes you need to combine cardio and weights. One does not work without another.

    This isn't necessarily so. It all depends on your goals.
    Weights are for strength and body composition. Cardio is for cardiovascular health and maybe for an extra calorie burn.
  • stephernorris
    stephernorris Posts: 8 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    OP since you've given no solid details, I'm making the following profile for you:

    130 lbs
    You've been doing planks, sit ups, curls, tricep kickbacks, and "some machine that works your legs, not the one where you lie down but the other one."
    You also do elliptical 20 minutes 3x/wk

    I suggest eating at maintenance and getting on a solid heavy lifting or bodyweight training program. Your cardio level is fine.

    Maybe you can help me, I have the same problem with getting rid of the extra fat. About 5 years ago I had my body fat tested and it was at 39%!!! Almost obese! I weighed 145 and didn't look overweight, just had way more fat than muscle. After I revived myself from shock/depression I started lifting more, last year I started the les Mills program but tapered off last summer and now my pants are getting tight so I'm back at the gym.
    I'm 5'4"
    140 lbs
    Size 10 pants
    Cardio 60 min a day 4/5 days a week (usually a class, circuit training/pump)
    Lifting for 30 min after, arms & back every other day and legs and butt every other day on weight machines
    1300 calories a day, 100 grams protein, healthy fats, I eat a small amount of healthy carbs, oatmeal, fruit usually for breakfast - for some reason my body just really likes to hold on to fat and won't let it go!