Lost it and gained some back Help!!!



  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    I'm in the same boat and so frustrated/sad/mad. Lost around 50, but have put 20 back on. I ate pretty much the same way, but stopped tracking as I started working out more, and was trying to respond to hunger cues not numbers. Well clearly that doesn't work as I gained 10+ lbs as I trained for my marathon. I ran it, then brought the mileage back down, also made a point to eat less/better (even though I wasn't tracking) but bam, an extra 5-7lbs anyway. Clearly the problem is food here, but I've been back on track there since the new year and have barely stayed the same, if not gained?! It is soooooo much harder, more depressing, and frustrating this time around!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    carrieEL wrote: »
    Hi Guys, I lost around 127 lbs over a 3 yr period but have been putting it back on very quickly, I have around 22 back on..I'm so frustrated and desperate ...I feel my old self coming back with bad habits and I know it's only me who can change and do this...just struggling right now and so I start here today along with a print out on my fridge with a pic of me weighing 309 lbs and a sign that says NO EXCUSES!!! Anyone in my boat? and how did you get back at it?

    Congrats on your weight loss! So, you've realized you know how to lose weight, but not how to do maintenance. (I have the same issue after I've lost weight.) You're back on track by making yourself accountable again.

    @rabbitjb what rules do you have for yourself in maintenance?
  • carrieEL
    carrieEL Posts: 16 Member
    So we all agree maintenance is key plus we are all frustrated ...I think we have a really good group of people on this board and we should try to keep helping each other. I was wondering if anybody knows if sticking to the same meals over and over is a good or bad idea...I have a few meals I love when it comes to healthy eating and prob a hundred more I'm not so in love with and this tends to drive me over the edge towards bad high fat high carb foods. I do love Greek yogurt, protein, veges and berries so I add them in my meals a lot even when I'm not watching what I eat or should I say tracking/ journaling. I also love mac and cheese, crackers, cookies, pizza and fried food..yup I could run to the fridge as I type :pensive:
    Also is there a way to make a group on here if we all wanted to keep in touch?
  • Ogopogo
    Ogopogo Posts: 58 Member
    edited January 2016
    carrieEL wrote: »
    Hi Guys, I lost around 127 lbs over a 3 yr period but have been putting it back on very quickly, I have around 22 back on..I'm so frustrated and desperate ...I feel my old self coming back with bad habits and I know it's only me who can change and do this...just struggling right now and so I start here today along with a print out on my fridge with a pic of me weighing 309 lbs and a sign that says NO EXCUSES!!! Anyone in my boat? and how did you get back at it?

    The thing I find is, you have to develop permanent habits. Having a diet/lifestyle that helps you lose weight but is not sustainable is not going to work. That show - the Biggest Loser - that lifestyle is not sustainable, you cannot maintain that forever.

    So, create some permanent habits. In the evenings, rather than snacking on chips and other crap, I eat broccoli, apples or protein bars. I now go to bed earlier because I was a notorious late night binge snacker.

    I no longer buy my lunch when at work because it is so easy to buy crap. I take a chicken wrap (with spicy mustard because you need some flavor) or something else that is reasonably healthy. I also bring apples, bananas and protein bars - if I have to eat, I want something more healthy than chocolate bars etc.

    Develop a habit of exercise even three times per week as well. Habits you can maintain forever is the key, IMO. I lost 35 pounds a year ago and gained back 30. :-( I am starting again now and down 9 already since Christmas!

  • sgalea333
    sgalea333 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to be 200lbs in 2008 but lost 50lbs and was 150 by 210. Because I got careless I gained all of the weight back plus 15 over 5 years. so far I lost 15lbs and I am back at 200. We can lose it all again if we put the effort in! Don't give up!
  • eskimum
    eskimum Posts: 9 Member
    i feel your pain I lost 110 lbs over the course of 9 months, got too thin then tried to put a few lbs back on using sugar (ice cream and buttertarts). I discovered how much i loved it and this christmas I had gained 80lbs back(2 years) i am back on track now but kicking myself for letting myself go this long. I turned 50 this year so definitely more difficult to take it off
  • VickiLogan11
    VickiLogan11 Posts: 99 Member
    I too lost & have started to gain now. It's only when I think enough is enough & find my willpower I had 1st time round that I am able to do something about it. When I kid myself I'm no different I just carry on eating rubbish
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    carrieEL wrote: »
    Hi Guys, I lost around 127 lbs over a 3 yr period but have been putting it back on very quickly, I have around 22 back on..I'm so frustrated and desperate ...I feel my old self coming back with bad habits and I know it's only me who can change and do this...just struggling right now and so I start here today along with a print out on my fridge with a pic of me weighing 309 lbs and a sign that says NO EXCUSES!!! Anyone in my boat? and how did you get back at it?

    Congrats on your weight loss! So, you've realized you know how to lose weight, but not how to do maintenance. (I have the same issue after I've lost weight.) You're back on track by making yourself accountable again.

    @rabbitjb what rules do you have for yourself in maintenance?

    I yo-yoed for decades, this time I actually felt myself able to do this and even get to my eventual goal weight area but as I got closer I changed my mindset to how am I going to live like this..and I reduced my cut to 250 so that I had a better guess on what it would be like for life

    And like Dory in Nemo I just keep logging, I keep doing all the things I was doing to lose weight...I weigh and log, I move more and I workout ..and it seems to be working to maintain...I slowly increased my goal calories and found that I still kept losing so increased and increased ...finally seemed to stabilise at a rate that is 1500-2000 calories per week over what MFP plus fitbit plus HRM seems to estimate

    I monitor my weight over rolling 6 - 8 weeks cycles using trendweight.com to check I'm remaining within my weight range and adjust

    Maintenance isn't, to me, going back to "normal" ...it's continuing doing what I did to lose ...but it's not onerous, it just is

    Hope that helps someone
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    I'm right there with you! I went all the way back to the year of my successful weight loss and re-read all of my diaries. What did I eat, how many calories did I burn? And I'm trying to recreate that as well as I can. Also, getting an accountability partner that you check in with every single day helps. My best friends help me, and we set mini-goals for ourselves. We both log in every day for so many weeks? Then we get a day of bargain shopping together! We lose that first 10 lbs, we go out dancing! It worked so well the first time. I love food, too, so I have to have a plan that lets me eat those foods. I burn it to earn it! If I want popcorn tonight at the movies, I do more exercise to account for it. It works! I just have to live it now and in maintenance mode. If you don't like exercise, you have to find something that you do love. Rockin' Body was THE program that got me moving. Love Shaun T!
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Same boat. Working my way back down now. I have my original spreadsheet with weekly weights, measurements and some notes that I have been using to tweak my diet to be a little more effective. I did 70 pounds in 5 months and am already far ahead of that clip because of the changes I made.

    Basically I found it to be easier the second time around. I am also giving serious thought to what led me to regain and how I plan on fixing that.
  • carrieEL
    carrieEL Posts: 16 Member
    Good points guys...I also need to figure out why I am so weak with my self that I give in so easy :(
  • lotte0989
    lotte0989 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in the same position. Last 46lbs and then gained back 33lbs due to health problems that have made exercise very difficult, emotional eating in response to work stress, and over eating whilst in a happy relationship with a big guy...

    I'm 9lbs down so far in two weeks. I'm planning ahead with meals and trying a more flexible approach with my calories that seems to be working for me. Also being mindful of sugar and fat intake.

    I'm hoping to get back to my lower weight and then to lose another 26lbs to get to my ideal weight. Then comes the task of keeping it off - I think continuing to track my intake and exercise will be crucial to maintain good habits.

    Good luck everyone. :)