Struggling a lot with eating

Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
edited January 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Can't go too long on a cut without losing the will to live, sort of. Have little energy in the gym anymore, can't remember the last time I actually felt energetic. I either crash and eat too much or get scared of food altogether and eat little. Is there any specific diet that can help with any of this. I've read so much on carb backloading for example and heard about its supposed benefits on energy levels, but I don't trust it. 165 cm tall, 10:6 lbs, male, 32, gym x 4 per week. Want to lose another stone or two I think. Thought half a stone might do, but would rather lose more now.


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    How drastically do you cut? (as in, what's your daily calorie goal?)

    Sounds like you're just going too low.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @juggernaut1974 2200 a day, aiming for a 0.5 lb loss per week (about a 250 calorie deficit). I've tried higher and lower and still feel the same.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Do you weigh and log all your foods? Do you aim to be close to your calorie intake? Also, how is your water intake? I feel like absolute crap if I don't drink enough water.

    What is your macro percentage breakdown?
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited January 2016
    Yeah I weigh and log everything, I get very anal over exact calorie numbers (I don't like being more than a few calories off), I binge drink water, 40c/30f/30p on training days and 30c/40f/30p on rest days.
  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    I would try to eat 2450 a day and walk for about an hour a day to get the 250ish deficit. (bringing you back to 2200 net)
  • ErinR82
    ErinR82 Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with Portranser! Try upping your intake and also upping your exercise for a net effect. Also, what is your diet like? Are there foods that you avoid or have eliminated?
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    I am concerned that you need to speak with a health professional. Even if you are being light hearted about "losing the will to live", I would be concerned that there might be a kernel of truth in there somewhere. If you are drastically below calories (there's an energy problem right there) because you are scared of food (not a good thing sweetie), I wonder if would help to talk with someone about what's going on. Bottom line, low energy is a symptom of depression and in my personal experience low energy also brings on depression. Sort of a nasty cycle. Anyway. I'm concerned that your body image self-talk might be overly negative and causing the food fear. The ht/wt stats you gave seem pretty healthy, btw. While you might get some good practical advice here (like above), I want to suggest that you speak with your doctor. Best of luck to you.
  • murao
    murao Posts: 1 Member
    You can also try to change what type of foods you're eating if that's the problem, maybe you're not eating what you'd like to be eating when there's many options out there
    try something new!
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited January 2016
    @murao @AbsolutelyAnnie @ErinR82 @Protranser I've sort of pushed porridge to one side recently, which I really like but I don't feel as energetic through eating them as I'm apparently supposed to. Plus adding milk to them and having to eat a certain amount to feel like I'm not wasting my time just makes filling in a diary a little more complicated. I mean it's not complicated at all in the grand scheme of things, but tracking is mind numbing for me so it's just something I do to try and make it a bit more tolerable. But generally the food I eat is the food I like, but it can be difficult if someone has made pasta bake for example and I'm panicking thinking I want to eat some of that but how do I track that when I've had no control over it? And tomorrow I'm in Newcastle (my local city) and I've discovered there's an actual shop dedicated to brownies and they have a peanut butter and nutella brownie I'd love to try, but no macronutrient information for that so I can't track it. Same problem for just about any similar situation. Basically anything new I'd like to try I cannot because I could not make it work. I've tried eating higher calories before but same problem with how I feel. I can't even decide on how I want to eat really. Carbs before working out or carb backloading, 5/2 diet, etc, bit frustrating not knowing for sure.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    @murao @AbsolutelyAnnie @ErinR82 @Protranser I've sort of pushed porridge to one side recently, which I really like but I don't feel as energetic through eating them as I'm apparently supposed to. Plus adding milk to them and having to eat a certain amount to feel like I'm not wasting my time just makes filling in a diary a little more complicated. I mean it's not complicated at all in the grand scheme of things, but tracking is mind numbing for me so it's just something I do to try and make it a bit more tolerable. But generally the food I eat is the food I like, but it can be difficult if someone has made pasta bake for example and I'm panicking thinking I want to eat some of that but how do I track that when I've had no control over it? And tomorrow I'm in Newcastle (my local city) and I've discovered there's an actual shop dedicated to brownies and they have a peanut butter and nutella brownie I'd love to try, but no macronutrient information for that so I can't track it. Same problem for just about any similar situation. Basically anything new I'd like to try I cannot because I could not make it work. I've tried eating higher calories before but same problem with how I feel. I can't even decide on how I want to eat really. Carbs before working out or carb backloading, 5/2 diet, etc, bit frustrating not knowing for sure.

    Hmm, that would be tough to not eat foods unless you thought you had perfect calorie counts. Sounds like you have a little Perfection Paralysis going on.
  • ErinR82
    ErinR82 Posts: 50 Member
    For the foods you want to try, I would definitely just find something similar... most items will be made with similar ingredients and shouldn't be too far off. Watch your portion size and you can make it work.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @kshama2001 If I'm counting I just don't see the point in not trying to be exact because otherwise I may as well not count?

    @ErinR82 I can't imagine there is anything similar to nutella and peanut butter brownies. But if weightwatchers inexplicably start selling their own low calorie version, you can consider me pleasantly surprised.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    @kshama2001 If I'm counting I just don't see the point in not trying to be exact because otherwise I may as well not count?

    @ErinR82 I can't imagine there is anything similar to nutella and peanut butter brownies. But if weightwatchers inexplicably start selling their own low calorie version, you can consider me pleasantly surprised.

    I am exact with food I prepare myself, which is the vast majority of my meals. I accept that I cannot be exact while eating in restaurants or family meals, and rather than avoid these situations, I accept some imperfection.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 791 Member
    Maybe this will sound weird but maybe try each one for 2 weeks during which you write down or make notes here on how each diet type makes you feel, at the end compare the notes. Then at the end decide which you want to use to finish your cut or for the next time you cut.
  • ReadyWillingEager
    ReadyWillingEager Posts: 56 Member
    Here's the thing: if you want to be able to enjoy fun new foods, restaurants, family meals, etc., you're just gonna have to accept that it can't be perfect (with logging). As long as you're logging accurately with your foods you prepare and that's what you're eating MOSt of the time, you'll be fine. If I eat something that's not in the mfp database, I find something similar and chose one with mid-high calories just to be "safe". As in, there will often be options of a similar food with lower calories but I don't choose that one because it might be too low. Honestly, you might just be getting too stressed about the counting and perfection aspect. Yes, it's important to be accurate but not so much that it sucks energy from you! Hope you can take something from that.
  • ErinR82
    ErinR82 Posts: 50 Member
    Weightwatchers may not be a good plan for you to follow if you feel like it doesn't allow you the variety that you're looking for. Food is like anything in life... you might have to shop around to find the right fit. :) Try a different diet plan... try a few. You might find some work better than others and you don't feel as restricted. If you're doing something that isn't sustainable, you're not really setting yourself up to be successful. Don't get to that point... just try other options!
  • EItaAuringer
    EItaAuringer Posts: 2 Member
    One rule I've be living by all my adult life: throughout the day, never go without food for longer than 3 to 3.5 hours. You'll never get hungry enough to overeat. Understand that there are no bad foods, eat a little of anything you want and you'll avoid cravings down the road. Also make sure to allow yourself a workout break now and then to give your muscles time to regroup...
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    If you really want that brownie, go to the shop, buy one, savor it with a good hot coffee if that's your thing... and don't even log it. If it's a one-off treat, just call it that, come up with a reason for the reward if you need to, and move on. If you feel like you must log it, then do a quick-add of about 500 calories - but for something like that, on a rare occasion, I consider it perfectly healthy to enjoy it and not even put it on the count. Purists would think that is wrong, but mental health is important, too - and an obsession with getting every single detail recorded every single day is not healthy. Just my $0.02.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    @shabaity I'm trying IF currently. Not sure if that's wise seeing as the man behind the apparently most popular version (the one I'm doing) says it's for people at 12% BF or lower (I'm about 17% I think). I'd try Carb backloading, but as it is prescribed seems to rule out fruit and I can't help but think nobody should ever do without at least some fruit. I'd basically be cutting that and oats out just so I feel I have a legitimate reason to eat a brownie or something like that. I mean other than IF I don't really have any alternative diet 'system' in mind to try. My ideal aim is just to get this cut done successfully, track for a couple of weeks more as I reverse diet. And then build muscle whilst using my best judgement in regards to eating. That's the plan at least.

    @ReadyWillingEager Do you ever have to find some generic entry for something like pasta bake or some other meal someone else has made and try and estimate your portion size?

    @ErinR82 Oh I wouldn't sign up to anything like that, it's just my local supermarket has a shelf full of their branded food so just figured if there was a lower calorie version of something nice, it'll be there. The sustainability thing is why I've never committed to Carb Backloading, because sometimes I just like peanut butter in porridge or on toast in the morning. Are there any weight watcher alternatives who are any better that you know of? I like checking things out at least.

    @KareninCanada How rare is rare exactly in your mind? I'm curious as to how often the people more rational and sensible than me allow themselves to do such things. I like the idea of having a brownie with coffee, it sounds pleasant if I could do it guilt free without then looking at myself in any reflective surface after. It looks weird to everyone I think, that or I look really vain.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »

    @KareninCanada How rare is rare exactly in your mind? I'm curious as to how often the people more rational and sensible than me allow themselves to do such things. I like the idea of having a brownie with coffee, it sounds pleasant if I could do it guilt free without then looking at myself in any reflective surface after. It looks weird to everyone I think, that or I look really vain.

    This doesn't sound vain to me. Off and on throughout this thread you've sounded to me like you have some issues with body image and your relationship with food and that you would benefit from discussing this with a therapist. These things don't usually come in a vacuum so this would likely benefit other areas of your life as well.