Need Feedback on This new diet I created for myself



  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    The supplements are definitely helping. I have no energy loss.

    Supplements don't give you energy, but it your (or your employer's) money.
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    The calorie goal is the one set by MFP which is set for me as a 5'10", 220 lb male trying to lose 30 lbs at 1.5 lbs per week.

    Sounds okay.

    kwkeegan wrote: »
    I am am consistently under that goal by around 400 calls but always have more than 1600 cals at least per day.

    I assume that is net so that if you didn't count exercise, you daily goal is about 1500? You should eat back at least half your estimated exercise calories.
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    The exercise is always clocking in at around 500 cals burned plus I walk about 12000 steps per day bc of lightly active work as a project engineer. I log everything into the app. I am trying to lose weight. Whenever I reach my goal weight at that point I will consider switching

    Like has been said, it better to do something more sustainable.

    kwkeegan wrote: »
    gears into a more douche like muscle building type approach.

    So I guess you are not here to make friends?
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    I am completely fine doing this 7 days a week until my goal weight is reached. Also, I might add that money is not an issue concerning the random supplement mention as I am on a T&L budget so I'm not paying for anything.

  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    edited January 2016
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm trying to picture what a "more douche like muscle building type approach" is and failing.
    This reminds me of my son, when he was younger and added sound effects with his action figures. One of his favorites was "douche", like a whoosh and an explosion together. His older siblings and I tried to discourage him from using it, but were unsuccessful until explaining to him the meaning of the word. He was sorely disappointed at the definition.
  • kwkeegan
    kwkeegan Posts: 24 Member
    So does lose the fat, then add the muscle not make any sense? I'm not starving myself and I'm getting way more protein than I am slated for from MFP
  • hsmith0930
    hsmith0930 Posts: 160 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    What a T & L budget? I want in if it means I don't have to pay for anything. :)

    About to comment the same thing. I want in!
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    Travel and living, I travel for work so they pay for all my food, etc

    Which doesn't include supplements. You may get away with it, or they may fire you.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    So does lose the fat, then add the muscle not make any sense? I'm not starving myself and I'm getting way more protein than I am slated for from MFP

    If you are truly adding 400 calories to the deficit that your MFP goal already put you and (and it's unclear if you are talking about net or gross calories), you will be losing muscle *and* fat on your plan. While some muscle loss is always going to happen during restriction, you can take steps to minimize this loss, including keeping to a reasonable deficit.

    Losing the fat and then adding the muscle makes perfect sense. But your plan doesn't seem to be set up to do that.
  • kwkeegan
    kwkeegan Posts: 24 Member
    My thought was getting to a healthy weight was priority number 1 then I can maintain as I work on the glamour muscles. I'm already fairly muscular just have to drop this excess
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    So does lose the fat, then add the muscle not make any sense? I'm not starving myself and I'm getting way more protein than I am slated for from MFP

    No. Because when you lose weight, you lose both muscle and fat. And when you lose weight fast, you lose more muscle.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    So does lose the fat, then add the muscle not make any sense? I'm not starving myself and I'm getting way more protein than I am slated for from MFP

    The amount MFP gives you is pretty low if I remember.

    But anyway, overgoing it on the deficit is going to make you lose more muscle than necessary. That's counterintuitive to wanting to gain it.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,654 Member
    Nuke_64 wrote: »
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    Travel and living, I travel for work so they pay for all my food, etc

    Which doesn't include supplements. You may get away with it, or they may fire you.

    Maybe he's a traveling salesman for GNC!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited January 2016
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    My thought was getting to a healthy weight was priority number 1 then I can maintain as I work on the glamour muscles. I'm already fairly muscular just have to drop this excess

    If you are at a unhealthy weight, then it's the fat -- not the muscle -- that is the problem. Muscles aren't just for "glamour." Why would you want to lose more of them than absolutely necessary?

    Losing muscle mass won't make you any healthier.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    My thought was getting to a healthy weight was priority number 1 then I can maintain as I work on the glamour muscles. I'm already fairly muscular just have to drop this excess

    @ninerbuff care to address this?
  • kwkeegan
    kwkeegan Posts: 24 Member
    You guys are so concerned with the muscle loss. I do not care. At this point I am trying to lose weight, period. If some muscle is lost in the process oh well. Just forget about that.

    And for those concerned about my spending, any supplements, shakes, etc that is part of my diet is acceptable. Hence the 'living'.

    Y'all really know how to get off topic around here.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    It is much harder to put on muscle than it is to retain it. You're setting yourself up to lose a significant more amount of muscle than you need to by eating so few calories (not eating back exercise calories) and not adding in some resistance work.

    The most successful eating plans are the ones you plan to do forever. Eat how you both like and plan to while watching your calories and macros.
  • kwkeegan
    kwkeegan Posts: 24 Member
    I'm not eating so few calories

    Ex: Goal Daily Cal intake : 1700 + 900 Exercise - actual intake 2000 cal

    I end up 600 in the green
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm trying to picture what a "more douche like muscle building type approach" is and failing.

    Same here. I'd love to know exactly what that plan is like.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    Ok, so you're 5 foot 10, 220 pounds, and I'm guessing your age at 30, which is probably a little high. You exercise (at least) 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes. So I calculate your TDEE at 3200 calories/day. You are eating (at least) 1600 calories per day, which makes your deficit (at least) 1600 calories per day. This is higher than necessary for the 1.5 pound per week loss than is your goal. Also higher than most people would consider healthy or desirable for long term results. I agree that the shakes are probably going to make it harder in the long run because you're not teaching yourself anything about how to eat well without them.

    This basically sounds to me like the slimfast diet that was so popular a decade or two back. Pretty sure you can do better for yourself.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    I'm not eating so few calories

    Ex: Goal Daily Cal intake : 1700 + 900 Exercise - actual intake 2000 cal

    I end up 600 in the green

    600 in the green would be 600 plus your preset deficit. Your net should be close to zero.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    I'm not eating so few calories

    Ex: Goal Daily Cal intake : 1700 + 900 Exercise - actual intake 2000 cal

    I end up 600 in the green

    600 in the green means 600 less than you were supposed to for losing at a normal rate. (assuming the exercise calories were correct)
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    edited January 2016
    kwkeegan wrote: »
    You guys are so concerned with the muscle loss. I do not care. At this point I am trying to lose weight, period. If some muscle is lost in the process oh well. Just forget about that.

    And for those concerned about my spending, any supplements, shakes, etc that is part of my diet is acceptable. Hence the 'living'.

    Y'all really know how to get off topic around here.

    so...what sort of feedback were you looking, for, exactly? This all does seem like legitimate feedback to me.

    Also, lose the fat then add the muscle back does not make perfect sense, no, because when you add back muscle, you're going to also have to add back some fat in the process, and then, presumably, lose it again. So it would be easier for you in the long run to try to preserve as much muscle as you can NOW, because it will prevent you from having to add back more fat as you add more muscle when you bulk for a longer time later.