I keep going over my carbs and sugar in breakfast alone!!



  • viren19890
    viren19890 Posts: 778 Member
    Is it possible to multi-quote or am I asking for too much now?
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    viren19890 wrote: »
    Maybe you'd be interested in the Glycemic Index of the carbs, so you know which ones spike glucose more than others? Cooking can matter, like I boil my sweet potatoes so they have a much lower GI than when they are baked.

    So if you are getting enough protein, maybe just watch how many high-GI foods you eat? Apples and most fruits are really good, and beans, etc are excellent. I have blood sugar problems and don't even avoid the low GI stuff :) Some of my days of carbs look high, but if they are low-GI then it's fine (confirmed by my glucose meter).

    It sounds like your carbs aren't 'junk food', so that's already much better right there for any reason you'd avoid carbs. And if you eat them before you exercise, all the better. I wouldn't be too concerned :)

    I was under the impression that a calorie is a calorie regardless if it comes from "good" or "bad" sources ? I mean -I understand it'll have health repercussions but aiding in cutting phase -it'll be same right?

    That gets tricky, because I'm not convinced that carbs hinder weight loss at all unless there is some insulin problem going on. If that is indeed any sort of problem, then the slow-digesting carbs are much better on blood sugar levels, yes. The 'bad' carbs are only bad because they spike blood glucose because of quick absorption, and so they are a problem for folks like me whose blood sugars go too high. If there is no insulin problem, I don't know that carbs would be any different than any other macro. Just make sure you get enough of protein and even fat.
  • Pollywog_la
    Pollywog_la Posts: 103 Member
    Bananas and dates are pretty high in carbs if you are watching those. I avoid them myself.
    Another breakfast option could be a nice plain greek yogurt (like Fage) which is fairly low in carbs. You can add some nuts and/or blueberries (lower in carbs than fruit like bananas) for variety/deliciousness.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Stop tracking sugar and then it won't stress you so much. I didn't track sugars and it certainly didn't affect my weight loss. I also eat a lot of fruit, with milk, and a spoon of white sugar, sometimes multiple times per day in season. Never hurt me.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    viren19890 wrote: »
    Is it possible to multi-quote or am I asking for too much now?

    You can multi quote if replying from your phone then just press the quote button at the bottom of each post and they should appear in the reply box (at least that is how it works on my phone).

    As for your question I personally stopped tracking sugar as I go over all the time, tracking fiber is more meaningful for me. You can change what macros to track in the settings. If sugar is from natural sources and I'm losing weight I'm just not all that bothered if I go over.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Can't believe people still use the glycemic index ...it's like the last 20 years never happened

    OP ...swap out sugar for fibre tracking, don't worry about carbs ..focus on calories then hitting protein and fat minimums ...don't weigh the bits of fruit you don't eat
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    As far as weight loss goes, calories are king. It's probably good to not eat tons of sugar, but it's irrelevant for weight loss.
  • jazzyjasper68
    jazzyjasper68 Posts: 2 Member
    You should aim to eat more protein for breakfast, I try to have an egg and spinach (I got the idea off here) every day: eating protein for breakfast helps to keep you full for longer. You should eat bananas after working out, not before, try eating an apple about half an hour before doing your workout. Fruit does have a lot of sugar but it is good sugar, unlike that in cakes and biscuits. Fruit sugar isn't stored the same way in the body, whereas eating carbs from bread etc is stored as fat if you don't use it for exercise. For example, eating biscuits at night and then going to bed, will result in the carbs being stored as fat in the body.
    Your protein shake is high in calories, or is that for whey and creatine? My whey protein shake is 100 calories and 20g of protein.
    Hope you can get your eating to where you want it to be.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Can't believe people still use the glycemic index ...it's like the last 20 years never happened

    OP ...swap out sugar for fibre tracking, don't worry about carbs ..focus on calories then hitting protein and fat minimums ...don't weigh the bits of fruit you don't eat

    Well, we also disagree on whether cutting down on carbs for diabetics is a preferred plan of attack, so let's not try to debate about diabetic topics like GI together. Fortunately this isn't a thread where the OP seems to have any insulin problems, so the difference of opinion doesn't seem reckless. It's fluff here, yeah.

    Although, monitoring fiber intake instead of sugars amounts to the same thing as GI pretty much, so maybe we were more on the same page than you realized.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016
    This isn't a thread on diabetes and I have never even intimated that watching carb intake is a requirement for those with diabetes ...watching carb intake does not mean spuriously low numbers

    What does monitoring fibre intake is the same as GI mean? :huh:

    I monitor mine as a minimum intake for digestive purposes
  • jacklad1337
    jacklad1337 Posts: 1 Member
    Eat a smaller breakfast and have more frequent but smaller meals, perhaps the dates, banana and shake with water just for breakfast, keeps your metabolism going too
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Eat a smaller breakfast and have more frequent but smaller meals, perhaps the dates, banana and shake with water just for breakfast, keeps your metabolism going too

    Frequency and size of meals is personal preference only
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    viren19890 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for chiming in.

    I'm using the app so don't know how to multi quote and reply to individual posts. So it'll be a write here.

    I have no sugar constraints or restrictions I need to worry about but I read that it could restrict in weight loss.

    My banana have been measured with the skin and now I realize that could be the causing issue. Apple is with skin but I eat it with skin too but stopped eating cuz of sugar.

    I eat banana and creatine right at 5:15 am and 5:35 am I'm in the gym working out. During I take my protein shake 200 Cal's with 4 grams sugar with another 5 grams of creatine. At 8 am I go to sleep and get up at 10 am and eat breakfast with sweet potato and dates 4 of them, came out to 20grams.

    Sweet Potato was steamed and then I ate that in two sittings, it means I ate half at that time and other half like an hour or so later.

    Around 12 or so I take my skimmed milk with another scoop of protein.

    Carbs ratio is 40%, Protein is 35% and fat 25% and I'm always under the fat level by 5-10 grams.

    Also before going to bed I check if I'm like 50-100 calories lower than my target and then I walk until I'm at 200-300 Cal's deficit before going to bed.

    I'm vegetarian and only drink milk and no meat products.

    Zero eating from outside and one coffee from Macdonald's 2 cream 2 sugar but I make sure I burn that right after drinking the coffee lol

    I tried lowering my Carbs ratio to 30% but that's just unhealthy I learned. Vegetables are carb intensive.
    I am losing fat consistently though.

    What else could be changed?

    You are not on a low carb diet, so just ignore the sugar. It is not a good idea healthwise to eat a lot of e.g. candy (basically because it means spending your calories and carbs on 10 bags of candy will make you replace other foods), but there is no reason to track sugar. Even if you were on a diabetic diet, you would be tracking carbs per meal, not specifically sugar.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    How about bacon and eggs for breakfast. That will get you no sugars or proteins, fill you up and hold you longer. It's what I do
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Drop the banana, apples have less sugar (about half, at least the ones in the UK) and no starch. Look for smaller fruits, or eat a half at once.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    kgb6days wrote: »
    How about bacon and eggs for breakfast. That will get you no sugars or proteins, fill you up and hold you longer. It's what I do

    OP is vegetarian.
  • viren19890
    viren19890 Posts: 778 Member
    Thank you all for chiming in.

    Protein will keep me full in the morning? isn't carbs suppose to do that? -what I do is - For example if were to eat a buckwheat pancake- I'll measure and it's 200 grams. So i'll eat 100 grams right then and there and 30 -45 mins later another 100 grams.

    This has boosted my metabolism to a gangster level.

    Before the end of the day I walk so much -just to make sure I end the day lower than my total calories. Usually I'm able to pull all the things down fat,protein and carbs - but sugar sometimes doesn't even budge lol.

    The calories I earn-I don't always eat-sometimes I eat 15-20 grams roasted peanuts (unsalted) before going to bed.
    Now I've started drinking green tea without honey.

    Thanks again. I eat vegetables all day long so I don't need to worry fiber I think right?

    Thanks again.
  • KR226
    KR226 Posts: 14 Member
    Protein takes longer to digest in the body than do carbs. That's where the fuller idea comes from. It triggers certain hormones to make you feel more satisfied. If you want to cut sugar, switch to things like a black bean and veggie scramble/hash, and Greek yogurt. It's balanced in both protein and carbs and will help you feel more full. Your fruit before exercise thing is just fine, because you need carbs to give you energy. Bananas are okay, so your muscles won't cramp up. Also, I'd suggest using half of your normal serving of protein powder, and mixing it with unsweetened coconut/soy milk.
  • ecdce
    ecdce Posts: 129 Member
    viren19890 wrote: »
    Thanks again. I eat vegetables all day long so I don't need to worry fiber I think right?

    There are different types of fiber, and it's good to make sure you get all types, but it's not something you need to worry or stress about. Fiber is awesome; it helps keep you full, regular, and healthy. Most people aren't eating enough, but you'll know you're getting too much fiber if you have a lot of gas and upset stomach or cramping. So, it's best to increase the fiber you get slowly.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    viren19890 wrote: »

    This has boosted my metabolism to a gangster level.

    What? Why do you think it has boosted your metabolism?