But what did you really do to lose weight?



  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    I tracked what I consumed as honestly and accurately as I could. I bought a food scale to use to weigh solid foods.

    I experimented to find a calorie goal and macro balance that kept me satisfied.

    I eat foods I like and I don't eat foods I don't like. I don't "eat clean" by any stretch of the imagination. I mostly eat smaller portions of the types of foods I've always eaten and will continue to eat after I've lost all of the weight I want to lose. My freezer is full of handy frozen meals and frozen steam-in-bag veggies so that I can fix a meal in 10 minutes or so whenever I'm hungry.

    I don't exercise. I know that I won't exercise on a regular basis during maintenance either so I'm losing weight in the way I mean to continue.
  • daross16
    daross16 Posts: 107 Member
    Well, I lost 55 pounds over the course of a year. I started at 1700 calories (based on my stats) and 20 min of exercise daily. Sometimes that was walking, belly dance dvds, or Richard Simmons dvds. Sometimes I took cheat days every week and sometimes I didn't. Sometimes I added weights and sometimes I didn't. For a while I increased my weight loss goals from one pound per week to two pounds per week (decreasing my calories) and then I backed off for a while and slowed down. Sometimes I added an hour of running or 20 minutes of circuit training 5 days a week and sometimes I did that 3 days a week. I slowly started to pay more attention to macros and protein intake and micronutrients. Overall, I kept my calories lower than what my body uses and made changes based on what works best for my lifestyle.

    Is that a reasonable amount of detail?
    Pretty reasonable
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Logged everything I ate, and stayed under calorie goal, for extended period of time.

    Later, added walking every day, for about 40-60 minutes during lunch.

    Then, even later, added C25K every other day. Now, I'm running 30-60 minutes a day.
  • Negative_X
    Negative_X Posts: 296 Member
    Ate less, moved more. Tracked every calorie going in and all my workouts. Cut out junk food, sweets and most processed crap. Initiated a total life style overhaul/change.
  • daross16
    daross16 Posts: 107 Member
    I logged food and exercise. Use the mpf calculator to determine your goals weekly, then follow suit. Stay in a deficit. I didn't have a specific diet plan, but did try to eat a lot of veggies and less bread. I also worked out up to 3x/day on work days.
    AM: exercise dvd (like 30 day shred)
    mid am: treadmill power walk
    PM: walk, jog, or circuit with weights.
    Weekends were either a longer run or 45min-1 hour long workout dvd(check out the firm or Denise Austin).
    I also started strength training with a power lifting team after losing the weight. Lifting earlier would have been good, but the coach invited me late in my weight loss journey. Using weights and eating enough protein will help you minimize muscle loss as you lose weight(higher % loss will be fat).
    Oh my gosh! Three times in a day? I barely have enough energy to roll out of bed
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Signed up for MFP when I first heard about it and then didn't use the account for like two years. Finally started using it and it was set to lose one pound per week at 1310 cals per day or some such. I couldn't eat that little and failed each day, so I came to the forums to read up on how the hell people did this??? From what I read I decided I needed more foodz and changed account to half lb per week. This suited my lifestyle nicely. Somewhere along the way I got a heart rate monitor to record my Les Mills Fitness workouts. Even prior to MFP and still now, I do a lot of their classes for exercise. I did pick up jogging for a bit when the classes were being annoying. It was nice to have something I could just open the door and exercise, not be tied to anyone's schedule, track/music selection, etc

    I use the MFP iOS app to view the weekly calorie histogram --> net calorie average and calories remaining for the week . Even though so days I would eat/exercise way more, some days less, so long as I was somewhat close to my weekly target (over or under), I knew I was okay.

    I actually ate a lot of fast food, simply because I didn't much like cooking, meal planning or that sort of thing or do it often enough. I didn't and still don't exercise daily, but at some point was doing up to three hours of cardio classes back to back because I liked them and wanted the calorie burn

    Oh and food scale of course. I remember one of the first things I learned when I got the scale was that I could eat WAY more chicken!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Calories in less than calories out


    Which means

    Weighing all food, logging it accurately, hitting calorie defecit across the week

    Moving more...walking more

    Getting fit and strong...3 x workouts a week in the gym, 1 with a PT .lifting heavy! progressive weights! getting cardio fitter

    And not following fads or making excuses
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Calories in less than calories out


    Which means

    Weighing all food, logging it accurately, hitting calorie defecit across the week

    Moving more...walking more

    Getting fit and strong...3 x workouts a week in the gym, 1 with a PT .lifting heavy! progressive weights! getting cardio fitter

    And not following fads or making excuses
    Mostly this; probably more in and out then Rabbit though.

  • daross16
    daross16 Posts: 107 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    I tracked what I consumed as honestly and accurately as I could. I bought a food scale to use to weigh solid foods.

    I experimented to find a calorie goal and macro balance that kept me satisfied.

    I eat foods I like and I don't eat foods I don't like. I don't "eat clean" by any stretch of the imagination. I mostly eat smaller portions of the types of foods I've always eaten and will continue to eat after I've lost all of the weight I want to lose. My freezer is full of handy frozen meals and frozen steam-in-bag veggies so that I can fix a meal in 10 minutes or so whenever I'm hungry.

    I don't exercise. I know that I won't exercise on a regular basis during maintenance either so I'm losing weight in the way I mean to continue.
    Lol. I appreciate the honesty
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    daross16 wrote: »
    I logged food and exercise. Use the mpf calculator to determine your goals weekly, then follow suit. Stay in a deficit. I didn't have a specific diet plan, but did try to eat a lot of veggies and less bread. I also worked out up to 3x/day on work days.
    AM: exercise dvd (like 30 day shred)
    mid am: treadmill power walk
    PM: walk, jog, or circuit with weights.
    Weekends were either a longer run or 45min-1 hour long workout dvd(check out the firm or Denise Austin).
    I also started strength training with a power lifting team after losing the weight. Lifting earlier would have been good, but the coach invited me late in my weight loss journey. Using weights and eating enough protein will help you minimize muscle loss as you lose weight(higher % loss will be fat).
    Oh my gosh! Three times in a day? I barely have enough energy to roll out of bed

    I wanted it really bad!
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    I put my stats in MFP and I count every calorie. I choose not to eat breakfast so that I can eat more of the foods I enjoy even if they are higher calorie while still staying in a deficit. I want to exercise more, but I really like being lazy. Occasionally, and I mean every once in a while, I do yoga or walk around the park. I've lost 35 pounds.

    That's almost exactly me, too. I'll go for a week exercising 3-5 days, and then do nothing but count calories for a couple months. I've lost 18lbs since August on 1480-1600 calories.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I logged the food I ate everyday on MFP and tried my best to hit my goal. I weighed my food with a food scale to get as accurate as I could. Some days I was over, some days I was under, and some days was right on target. I exercised when I could and ate back my exercise calories that my HRM reported I burned.

    Calories In, Calories Out.

    The end.
  • daross16
    daross16 Posts: 107 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Signed up for MFP when I first heard about it and then didn't use the account for like two years. Finally started using it and it was set to lose one pound per week at 1310 cals per day or some such. I couldn't eat that little and failed each day, so I came to the forums to read up on how the hell people did this??? From what I read I decided I needed more foodz and changed account to half lb per week. This suited my lifestyle nicely. Somewhere along the way I got a heart rate monitor to record my Les Mills Fitness workouts. Even prior to MFP and still now, I do a lot of their classes for exercise. I did pick up jogging for a bit when the classes were being annoying. It was nice to have something I could just open the door and exercise, not be tied to anyone's schedule, track/music selection, etc

    I use the MFP iOS app to view the weekly calorie histogram --> net calorie average and calories remaining for the week . Even though so days I would eat/exercise way more, some days less, so long as I was somewhat close to my weekly target (over or under), I knew I was okay.

    I actually ate a lot of fast food, simply because I didn't much like cooking, meal planning or that sort of thing or do it often enough. I didn't and still don't exercise daily, but at some point was doing up to three hours of cardio classes back to back because I liked them and wanted the calorie burn

    Oh and food scale of course. I remember one of the first things I learned when I got the scale was that I could eat WAY more chicken!

    Do you have like the "premium" mfp or the regular free one?
    Also, I feel like I need to eat more. I'm in a dilemma though cause I don't get paid till the end of the month and I'm trying to make the food I have last for like 2 more weeks.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Calorie deficit, that's what it is for everybody!

    I ate less and worked out more. Because of that I lost 61 lbs and put on muscle! I used ketosis for six months which really helped with my appetitie, but mainly eliminated sweets almost completely.

    When it comes down to it, the magic formula is "burn more calories than you take in" and it will happen.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Calories in less than calories out


    Which means

    Weighing all food, logging it accurately, hitting calorie defecit across the week

    Moving more...walking more

    Getting fit and strong...3 x workouts a week in the gym, 1 with a PT .lifting heavy! progressive weights! getting cardio fitter

    And not following fads or making excuses

    all of that. but summed up as ' i ate less and moved a whole lot more'

    and for the people who say they dont like to exercise ... i used to say that too. i was wrong.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited January 2016
    I changed how I approached eating. This resulted in a caloric deficit. Then one day it didn't. And then I maintained. And I stayed active.

    ETA: When I say I changed how I approached eating what I mean is: I stopped thinking only of "quick and tasty". I stopped prioritizing nutrient poor, hyper palatable foods over nutrient dense foods. I started trying new foods. I learned how to prepare nutritious and delicious foods. I learned to read labels.

    From there, I discovered what worked for me. I learned what food tasted good and filled me up. I learned what food left me starving an hour later. I learned what foods worked with, rather than against my goals. I learned that by building my diet around delicious nutrient dense foods I was more likely to not over eat.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    When I first started out trying to lose weight, I didn't use MFP, but I understood that I needed to eat less and move more. The two simple things I did were start swimming three times a week and cut out eating something sweet after dinner every night.

    Later on came MFP, a gym membership, more understanding of food choices etc., but those were the two changes that got me started.
  • jnewheiser
    jnewheiser Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 60lbs by eating less. While it's vague, it's true. I never worked out cause I hated it. I didn't eat very different foods than I used to eat before. I still ate pizza once a week. But I just ate less of it. Instead of eating 3 sushi rolls when I went out, I ate one. Instead of eating 3/4 of a large pizza in 1 sitting, i'd eat half of a small pizza. Instead of eating an appetizer and an entree when I went out to eat, I'd order only an entree and frequently half it the moment it arrived and take it home.
    I kept it off pretty easily for about 5 years, though I'm back cause I gained 20lbs this year when I got a new and much more stressful job that also has free food around everywhere.
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    Portion control. That's is. No eating clean. No exercising. I work a desk job. It was literally calorie counting, portion control and finding a daily calorie intake I could live with. I currently range between 1700 and 1900 calories a day. I've lost 50 pounds in 5.5 months.

    NOW . . . I did start this process with a juice clense. Then meal suppliment shakes. Then all preportioned frozen food. Which comprised the first two months.

    An example of what I eat these days

    Sometimes eggs and toast, but I get up late, and I stay up late

    Subway foot long meatball


    Homemade pizza - I slice
    french fries- 3-4 ounces
    Ranch dressing - 2-3 tablespoons


    Cinnomon roll - homemade