How to deal with girlfriend ruining my diet?



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited January 2016
    I always eat just half an entree but wanted to point out that guys can do this as well - my fiance and I split an entree when we have dinner before a movie and so it is not practical to bring some of the food home. We also split an entree over the holidays when we ate with my family and then his family without enough time between meals.

    Other than those types of situations, when I go out to eat, I always plan to bring some food home. To make yummy food last longer, I eat it slowly and mindfully. Eating it with high volume, low calorie vegetables helps as well.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    Well, here's one attempt at a tip, and I'm not sure how it will work but give it a shot.

    Stop it with the "food will go to waste" thing. This is a personal pet peeve of mine because the only people I ever see worry about food going to waste are people who use that as an excuse to eat more food than they know they should. And you know it's an excuse because they never say "I don't want food to go to waste so I need to learn how to cook less and not put more than one serving on my plate," or "I don't want food to go to waste so I need to buy some Tupperware so I can take leftovers for lunch the next day," it's always "I don't want food to go to waste so it better get in my mouth right this minute."

    Stop. By the time more food than you need gets plated up and set in front of you, the waste has already occurred, regardless of how much of it you do or do not eat. If you're that worried about it, ask your girlfriend to share an entree, or have her leftovers packaged up so you can take them for lunch. Food waste is a real issue in the world, but like any other issue of waste, the solution is to cut down on unnecessary consumption, not to increase it.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    oduca wrote: »
    rybo wrote: »
    Stop blaming her for your own shortcomings.

    I don't understand why people don't read the whole thread. I admitted that it's my fault. It's my decision to overeat. Now I need to overcome that. So far you guys had given me great strategies to deal with my weak self control.

    But seeing "Stop blaming her for your own shortcomings", yes I had acknowledge that's it's my fault. Please, I need more elaboration on how can I correct my shortcomings. Tips or tricks would help a lot more.

    Like I said before, when I see food I eat them, so rather not see junk food. I'm a very weak person, and I get very depressed on why I can't control my overeating.

    Today I will try to drink more water and eat more veggies like you guys suggested.

    Thanks again guys.

    I could see where these kinds of responses may hurt a little, but I would actually suggest that you want all perspectives. You never know which one might click

    For instance I hesitated to post this but here goes. You could think of the food as "her leftovers" and just not eat it. I mean that's kind of gross. It may be a little sad when they take the plate away but better in the garbage than on your rear
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Since you call her your "girlfriend" and not just "my hookup", I'm assuming you have more than just a little emotional energy invested in this relationship. It that's the case, then TALK to her about how she can support YOU emotionally. Here are some prompts for you:

    "I love spending time with you, but eating out poses some challenges for my healthy living plan. I'd really appreciate it if you'd support me in this thing. Can we maybe split a meal rather than getting two entrees or find a couple of places that we both enjoy where I can make some healthy choices, or maybe find something to do together that doesn't involve eating out?"

    If she's pissed off by ANY of those suggestions, than she's not your "girlfriend."
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    OK, so you admit that she's not ruining anything, and that it's your decision. That's good.

    Now you need to talk to her. Explain that you are trying to lose weight and that eating out all the time makes that difficult. Go through recipe sites like Skinnytaste together, and pick out things you'd both like to try. (Seriously...I've never made anything from Skinnytaste that I've been disappointed in).

    Finally, take a look at the book, "The Beck Diet Solution". It's not a diet book or a meal plan; it addresses the mental and emotional aspect of losing weight, including feeling out of control around food, and, yes, making excuses ("I don't want it to go to waste" is a big one).

    Some of the exercises in the book seem over-the-top to me, but there was a lot of good that I took away from it.
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    Sounds like your girlfriend has more sense than you. She gets free food, eats what she wants, leaves the rest for you to clean up and you complain she's forcing you to do it.

    Wisdom up there.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    stop whining?
    break up?
    talk to her?
    define rules?
    learn to manage going out?

    Lots of choices.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    oduca wrote: »
    Hi guy,

    I'm having a hard time dieting. I don't mind eating broccoli and chicken breast every single day, but my problem is my girlfriend, 1)she always want to go to out. Often when we go out, 2)we eat out. Also, when I buy her food she doesn't finish it so 3)I often have to eat her food. Is there any tips would be very helpful.

    1)then take her out.

    2)you can try to do this less. Cook for her. Chicks dig that. Also, when you do eat out, opt for lower calorie options. Check out nutrition info before you go.

    3)no, you don't. She won't dump you for not finishing her food and if it doesn't get eaten, it's not gonna hunt you down and kill you in your sleep. And if she does dump you over her waste of food, your diet problems are solved.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    I got the greatest idea all of a sudden! What about whenever you go out to eat with your girlfriend, only order food for her and then your portion is whatever she doesn't eat! From what you wrote, it seems like your girlfriend likes to leave a lot of food on the plate, maybe 1/2 or 1/4 of her meals? Otherwise you wouldn't feel so guilty about throwing it away, I can totally imagine it. (I am the same way, I don't like to throw food away)

    Also you could just order 1 meal for the both of you so you won't have to wait for your turn until your girlfriend is done eating. You can explain all of this to her by talking about your weight loss goals.
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 661 Member
    When you go out you could plan to share. She obviously doesn't want an entire plate, so she'll probably be fine with it. Order a salad (dressing on side) and an entree and split it. It will save you money too.
  • rainbowblu
    rainbowblu Posts: 119 Member
    My Fiancé is the SAME way!!!! He ONLY wants to go out to eat. I made a compromise with him. Once a week I'll go out to eat with him IF he picks a place with healthy options or an online menu so that I can plan my meal. You have more options beside chicken and broccoli, but if that's what you like-most restaurants can serve you that.

    He also brings cupcakes, donuts, beer, pizza, and others things home. It used to be hard, but I CANT blame him or anyone else for MY Success or failure, you will ALWAYS be tempted. There will ALWAYS be food everywhere. You have to get to a place where you can have control over the food.

    Find other ways to go on a date. Take a healthy cooking class together, Walk around the Zoo, go bowling, take a painting or pottery class. Finally, No one is forcing you to eat her leftovers. Plan them into your diet, tell her not to bring them home, or toss them out.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I think people are just responding to the language that you used. You said your girlfriend is "ruining" your diet. No, your choices are what is impacting your diet. And you said you "have" to eat the food she doesn't eat. No, you're not obligated to eat it. You choose to eat it.

    If the issue is that when you see food you want to eat it, that's what you need to address. Any successful plan to maintain a weight loss will require us to navigate a world with a variety of food choices. We have to learn how to say "no" and focus on what we really want to eat.

    He may not have picked the best words.. but as a guy whose gone through this.... (not to say this is everyone or even a majority) but i've had many women downplay my weight loss journey. Dieting is not seen as the most masculine activity. I've had some women just say "Oh, you can just stop drinking beer and drop 20 pounds" or "don't lose any more weight, you're too skinny" when you are still BMI overweight... or the "you can eat pizza, its no big deal for you guys it comes off so easy". In some ways, yes, its easier for guys to drop weight. I can say, however, people tend to not be as supportive.

    Well, like I said, one might want to get a new girlfriend. Maybe not the OP but there are relationships that are seriously threatened when one partner loses weight.
  • Kitty_Nikki
    Kitty_Nikki Posts: 44 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Be nice to yourself and give yourself the diet you deserve. A balanced diet with things you love in moderation.

    Don't punish yourself with too much or too little. You are good enough to be at your best.

    This. This is so important. Your body does so much for you, in turn you should be taking care of it too. Remember to be kind to yourself. It's so easy to slip into negative self-talk, don't succumb to it. You need to figure out what is best for you, why do you feel the need to clean her plate in addition to yours? Address that first, then explain to your girlfriend that you need to eat out less until you can control yourself.

    You don't need to blame her, but you also don't need to blame yourself. Blame doesn't get you anywhere. You're human, you will make mistakes. Dig down deep and use all the will power you have to follow through with the things you need to do.

    Most importantly, forgive yourself when you slip up and get back to work.
  • GlenzioFitness
    GlenzioFitness Posts: 253 Member
    Just break up with her, you dont need that negativity in your life
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    Sounds like your girlfriend has more sense than you. She gets free food, eats what she wants, leaves the rest for you to clean up and you complain she's forcing you to do it. You don't need to be her garbage disposal.

    Next time make her pay for it, that way it's not "your" food being wasted. Eat what you want of your own food. Go dancing or some fun activity to have a date that's not just about food.

    Man up and make your own decisions. It's your life.

    If the girlfriend is not on board with you living a healthier lifestyle move on.
  • beatyfamily1
    beatyfamily1 Posts: 257 Member
    You don't have to eat her food. You have the power to say no. When my husband wants take-out I'll have him stop at subway for me or I'll just pass on it.
  • ldowdesw
    ldowdesw Posts: 222 Member
    Eat before you go out, you'll save a fortune
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    Stop blaming her for your bad choices. You don't "have" to finish her food. You CHOOSE to finish her food. Eating out doesn't have to mean you blow your calorie count - you could pick lower-calorie items.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    If your girlfriend usually has trouble finishing her food then plan for that when you go out. Order a smaller item/no sides for yourself since you know you are going to have a portion of hers, get one thing and splt it between the two of you right away or just take the leftovers home for another meal.

    There are some places where dh and I split an item between us because the portions are so large. If there is food leftover we always bring it home and someone will finish it later. We only eat out once a week or month to save money but sometimes go get drinks only.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Maybe your girlfriend does not want to eat chicken and broccoli every day...