50 pounds to lose

hello, I am 5'6 and was shocked to find out I now weigh 211 pounds. I started walking on the treadmill for 2 days now for 30 minutes a day. I don't really know where to start or what to do. I am used to eating whatever I want with no restrictions and dieting is not really something I look forward too. I am addicted to sugar I have to eat sweets everyday and sometimes I have to way fast food. I get very cranky if I don't have my 'fix'. I need some motivation and suggestions.


  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    hello, I am 5'6 and was shocked to find out I now weigh 211 pounds. I started walking on the treadmill for 2 days now for 30 minutes a day. I don't really know where to start or what to do. I am used to eating whatever I want with no restrictions and dieting is not really something I look forward too. I am addicted to sugar I have to eat sweets everyday and sometimes I have to way fast food. I get very cranky if I don't have my 'fix'. I need some motivation and suggestions.

    Hello! I am in the same boat as you. I am an inch taller and a few pounds heavier but I also have a goal to lose 50 pounds. It seems insurmountable at times but I am taking it day by day. I started actively using MFP about a week ago when I started my weight loss journey (again) and have found it very helpful in keeping me accountable. I also get a craving for sweets during the day and have to work through it. I think the friends system may help us both. Please feel free to add me. We can try and keep each other on track!
  • zingisa
    zingisa Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I'm kinda in the same boat though I've never liked sweets but drank about 10cups+ of coffee a day with 2 full spoons of sugar in each. I started my weight loss journey 2 weeks before xmas and stopped drinking coffee then, I'm 5'5 and currently weigh 208 from about 216. Please add me as I could do with a bit more motivation
  • Bambalina22
    Bambalina22 Posts: 54 Member
    Don't drop down to 1200 cals set to lose one pound a week and eat back 70% of exercise calories if you have set yourself at sedentary. Good luck! I also have 50lbs to lose I'm 190 and 5ft7.5 all of you can add me if you want xxx
  • thistimeforsure2016
    bianca616 wrote: »
    hello, I am 5'6 and was shocked to find out I now weigh 211 pounds. I started walking on the treadmill for 2 days now for 30 minutes a day. I don't really know where to start or what to do. I am used to eating whatever I want with no restrictions and dieting is not really something I look forward too. I am addicted to sugar I have to eat sweets everyday and sometimes I have to way fast food. I get very cranky if I don't have my 'fix'. I need some motivation and suggestions.

    Hello! I am in the same boat as you. I am an inch taller and a few pounds heavier but I also have a goal to lose 50 pounds. It seems insurmountable at times but I am taking it day by day. I started actively using MFP about a week ago when I started my weight loss journey (again) and have found it very helpful in keeping me accountable. I also get a craving for sweets during the day and have to work through it. I think the friends system may help us both. Please feel free to add me. We can try and keep each other on track!

    I will add you thanks.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    You can still have sweets and fast food. You just have to fit them into your calorie goal. I'm 5'4.75" and my goal is to lose 60 pounds. So far since the last week if September I am down 23 pounds. I haven't forbid myself any food. I do find that when I am logging I will decide against something because I don't want to waste my calories on things that don't fill me up. I drink coffee every morning with sugar and half and half. I have the occasional sweet. I really like the Fiber One brownies, lemon bars and coffee cake bars. I eat one of those just about every day. And the chobani flips are really good too. I definitely have a sweet tooth. You don't have to totally give up everything you love. Although sometimes you do have to cut your portion sizes. Feel free to add me.
  • thistimeforsure2016
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    You can still have sweets and fast food. You just have to fit them into your calorie goal. I'm 5'4.75" and my goal is to lose 60 pounds. So far since the last week if September I am down 23 pounds. I haven't forbid myself any food. I do find that when I am logging I will decide against something because I don't want to waste my calories on things that don't fill me up. I drink coffee every morning with sugar and half and half. I have the occasional sweet. I really like the Fiber One brownies, lemon bars and coffee cake bars. I eat one of those just about every day. And the chobani flips are really good too. I definitely have a sweet tooth. You don't have to totally give up everything you love. Although sometimes you do have to cut your portion sizes. Feel free to add me.
  • thistimeforsure2016
    My problem is that I have no self control. I eat too much and if I have one sweet I eat uncontrollably. What can help with that. Building my self control.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    My problem is that I have no self control. I eat too much and if I have one sweet I eat uncontrollably. What can help with that. Building my self control.

    I can understand that. There are certain things I cannot have in my house. I have not had ice cream since September because that is something I have a hard time controlling. I substitute the chobani flips for ice cream and it helps me. We eat out more than we should and one thing I do is decide what I will get and pre-log it. That helps me some. As I have been losing weight I am finding it easier to stay on track. But some days are harder than others. Just don't give up. You can do this.
  • thistimeforsure2016
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    My problem is that I have no self control. I eat too much and if I have one sweet I eat uncontrollably. What can help with that. Building my self control.

    I can understand that. There are certain things I cannot have in my house. I have not had ice cream since September because that is something I have a hard time controlling. I substitute the chobani flips for ice cream and it helps me. We eat out more than we should and one thing I do is decide what I will get and pre-log it. That helps me some. As I have been losing weight I am finding it easier to stay on track. But some days are harder than others. Just don't give up. You can do this.

  • thistimeforsure2016
    Yeah I heard a saying before which motivated me and helped me my first time around: "what you don't buy you don't eat". I guess I have to just be tough on myself
  • xaminmo
    xaminmo Posts: 3 Member
    In the beginning, the most important thing is to not give up.
    Confused? keep going.
    Scared? Keep going.
    "I'll just do this one thing first?" No, keep going.
    "It just doesn't work for me?" Wrong. Keep going.
    "I could never do that." Wrong. You can. Keep going.
    "I messed up, so it's not even worth tracking." wrong wrong. You can do it. Keep going.

    Never give up.
    It's not 'for the next 50 pounds.' It's forever.
    This is a lifelong process for many of us.
    Your health is worth the effort. You are worth the effort.

    So, whatever you need to stay on track, do that.
    If you fall, keep trying.
    If you keep falling, try something else.
    If you need to see a doctor for help, there is no shame in that.

    Everything else you'll figure out over time.
    * Nemesis foods
    * Satiating foods
    * Tiny portions taste the same as big portions
    * How to have the "bad" foods without blowing your calorie limits.
    * etc

    Also, beware of the Internet. Bad advice and good advice look very similar.
  • RunningMatt77
    RunningMatt77 Posts: 162 Member
    Just cut your sugar out slowly and eat Green leaf foods. I am always here for support and motivation. If anyone needs a friend
  • cme4bb
    cme4bb Posts: 16 Member
    I'm also 5'6. Started at 212 pounds on December 7th. I'm currently 189. Yes in a little over a month. I hate the word diet. Find what works for you. Personally, I don't eat after 7pm. NEVER. I drink 5-6 bottles of water a day. No soda. No sweets. My guilty pleasure thought is instant coffee with hot cocoa every morning. I'm not a breakfast person so it gives me a little energy boost with some calories and gets my digestive system going for the day. I eat what I would normally eat for meals, but after I make my plate, I take away half and put it back in the pan. The first week was excruciating, but after that, I just wasn't that hungry. I still get a craving for sweets occasionally. What works for me?? Jolly Ranchers! Yep even at 9pm, if I have a mad craving for any food whatsoever, I eat a Jolly Rancher. I've found that by cutting my portions in half (I still eat around 1100 calories a day), drinking a ton of water (after one month I noticed a HUGE difference in my skin too), no sweets or sodas and not eating after 7pm (very strict with myself on that), I've lost weight like crazy with no exercise. I have also lost 3" each on my hips, waist and bust. 15" altogether so far. I'll start toning later, first I'm focused on losing 40 pounds. The reason for me doing it that way, is because I get discouraged easily when there is no scale movement. My ultimate goal is 135-140. I weigh every single day as well because I like to know my variations, whether it's period bloating water weight, or even if I had a few extra bites at dinner. It keeps me accountable. Sorry for writing a book. Like I said, find what works for you!! :-) Good Luck!!!!!!
  • cme4bb
    cme4bb Posts: 16 Member
    And as Kgirl said, I log everything. I also add something in to see if it will fit into my calorie goals and if it doesn't, then I won't eat it!!
  • MeganD_96
    MeganD_96 Posts: 143 Member
    Hello, I started at 211.6 on October 29th and I'm now down to 200.2. I have my goal set to lose 1lb a week and eat roughly 1,510 a day. You're more than welcome to add me.
  • LucyLydiatt
    LucyLydiatt Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I have a total of 60lbs but I've currently lost 10lbs so now have 50 to go! Anyone is welcome to add me for motivation and support as I could really do with some too ☺️
  • Shrinking_Erin
    Shrinking_Erin Posts: 125 Member
    My husband and I are definite sugar lovers. After spending a month in the uk with his fam we decided to cut all sweets out for January to kind of reset ourselves. It sucked for the first week but I just accepted that it was going to be hard and pushed on. I'm down 11 pounds and him 8 pounds. We feel so much better for not having sugary treats every day.
  • thistimeforsure2016
    cme4bb wrote: »
    I'm also 5'6. Started at 212 pounds on December 7th. I'm currently 189. Yes in a little over a month. I hate the word diet. Find what works for you. Personally, I don't eat after 7pm. NEVER. I drink 5-6 bottles of water a day. No soda. No sweets. My guilty pleasure thought is instant coffee with hot cocoa every morning. I'm not a breakfast person so it gives me a little energy boost with some calories and gets my digestive system going for the day. I eat what I would normally eat for meals, but after I make my plate, I take away half and put it back in the pan. The first week was excruciating, but after that, I just wasn't that hungry. I still get a craving for sweets occasionally. What works for me?? Jolly Ranchers! Yep even at 9pm, if I have a mad craving for any food whatsoever, I eat a Jolly Rancher. I've found that by cutting my portions in half (I still eat around 1100 calories a day), drinking a ton of water (after one month I noticed a HUGE difference in my skin too), no sweets or sodas and not eating after 7pm (very strict with myself on that), I've lost weight like crazy with no exercise. I have also lost 3" each on my hips, waist and bust. 15" altogether so far. I'll start toning later, first I'm focused on losing 40 pounds. The reason for me doing it that way, is because I get discouraged easily when there is no scale movement. My ultimate goal is 135-140. I weigh every single day as well because I like to know my variations, whether it's period bloating water weight, or even if I had a few extra bites at dinner. It keeps me accountable. Sorry for writing a book. Like I said, find what works for you!! :-) Good Luck!!!!!!

  • thistimeforsure2016
    We have similar goals and bodies. Thank you for all the good advice. Congrats on your huge weight loss. My biggest problem is that I love to eat at night. I work late at night and I snack endlessly. I have no self control. But if I stick to a rule like yours where I am stict about it I see that that can work. Like no eating after 7pm. That's when I do most of my binging. I legitimately feel hungry at that time though so do you think that will go away after a while?
  • thistimeforsure2016
    eringurl33 wrote: »
    My husband and I are definite sugar lovers. After spending a month in the uk with his fam we decided to cut all sweets out for January to kind of reset ourselves. It sucked for the first week but I just accepted that it was going to be hard and pushed on. I'm down 11 pounds and him 8 pounds. We feel so much better for not having sugary treats every day.