20 Pounds by Easter 2016!



  • dslsmn130
    dslsmn130 Posts: 5 Member
    SW: 168
    GW Easter 155
    GW: 130
  • swanndance
    swanndance Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone! I think I'm gonna give this a go. Good luck to you all, cheering you on and hoping you reach your goals! I'm a bit late starting, but oh well. I have a lot of weight to use but I'm taking it on goal at a time.

    Height: 5'4
    SW: 300 LBS
    CW: 292 LBS
    Easter GW: 280 LBS
  • cheriepie63
    cheriepie63 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi - I'm in! Late as well but this is a great motivator to get and stay on track! I will weigh in on Sunday's unless everyone does on the same day of the week?
    SW: 162
    CW: 155.4
    GW: 138 for Easter
    LT GW: 132
    Good luck everyone and thanks for the inspiration!
  • rmcloughlin22
    rmcloughlin22 Posts: 61 Member
    Happy Tuesday everybody! I just started a new workout class yesterday and I'm loving it so far. Anybody else love the feeling of sore muscles? It makes me feel like I'm getting somewhere on this long journey. I haven't weighed in yet. First I'm working on building the habit of logging all my food. I'm thinking I'll do my first weigh-in next Monday to see if I've made any progress yet.
  • angelic1ang
    angelic1ang Posts: 54 Member
    saitiffeh wrote: »
    Hope others decide to join me and I hope to see lots of goals being met!

    I hope it is not too late to start!

    Height 5'5"
    CW: 338
    GW for challenge: 320
    Ultimate GW: 180
  • scfarrant
    scfarrant Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in for this.

    SW: 185
    GW by Easter: 165
    Ultimate GW: 145
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    Today is my weekly weigh-in day so here goes!
    H 5'9"
    SW (overall) 271
    SW (challenge) 267
    GW (challenge) 250
    Last week 264.1
    Today 263.7

    Total loss for challenge: 3.3lbs
    Slow and steady!
  • Toronto6fan
    Toronto6fan Posts: 418 Member
    Count me in! I'd like to lose 10 pounds by Easter.

    SW 210
    CW 207

    I am doing a 28 day squat challenge and trying to fit in walks everyday, some yoga and hand weights 2-3 times a week.
  • sanermae
    sanermae Posts: 1 Member
    Ok, I have just started (again) TODAY and this one caught my eye. I do well with short term goals like this. I am hoping to lose 10 lbs. by Easter and then another 10 by May. Have an event in May that I need to look snap for so working towards that! Ideally, need to lost 45 +/-. Hope to be close to that by summer's end. Will take it one day at a time, one loss at a time....great thread, thanks for starting!
  • pippishortstockings
    I hope it's not too late to join!! I would love to lose 15 by Easter, and then another 10 by my wedding anniversary (June 28)!!

    I would love some serious accountability so please feel free to shoot me a friend request, my diary is open.

    SW 175
    CW 172
    GW (Easter) 160
    GW (Anniversary) 150
  • ashleighmcd2011
    ashleighmcd2011 Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in! Id love to lose at least 14lbs (lost 6lb this month already) for easter tuesday 29th!

    SW 250lb
    CW 244lb
    GW 230lb
    TGW 190lbs

    Here goes! :p
  • mandijablonski
    mandijablonski Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm in!
    SW 227
    CW 224.8
    Easter GW 205

    Forgot to update but weighed on Sunday 1/17. Down 2.4 lbs!
    SW 227
    CW 222.4
    Easter GW 205
  • sosopa
    sosopa Posts: 115 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Height 5'9''
    SW 176 lbs
    CW 172.2 lbs
    GW 156 lbs
  • SJBanks89
    SJBanks89 Posts: 92 Member
    Weighed my self this morning. My weekly weigh in and I am down 1pound4!! So chuffed. Still got 15 pounds to go but I am very happy that I am loosing weight healthily!
  • JME67550
    JME67550 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in. I've been watching my numbers since Jan 1....

    Height 5'10"
    SW: 188 lb
    GW: 165 lb

    01/20/16--184 lb
  • MatildaT73
    MatildaT73 Posts: 12 Member
    Height 5'1"
    CW: being patient

    My job requires that I sit for over 11 hrs. a day!! But I've started walking 15 min. on my evening break, and will start walking another 15 min. on morning break, hopefully to add another 15 min. at lunch time on the 3rd week. I bought a treadmill and plan on walking 30 min. in the evenings starting on the 4th week. I've cut out soda 100%, slacked down on snacks (to slowly eliminate 100%). Have worked on a calorie goal to stay within my range and looking for to feeling healthy :)

    I have nothing to loose from here on except for the weight!!
  • hml86
    hml86 Posts: 225 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join.

    SW: 232 lbs
    CW: 221.6 lbs
    Easter GW: 201.6 lbs
    UGW:160 lbs

    I'm a mother of 3, just had my last baby 5 months ago. Lost 58lbs in 2012....maintained until I became pregnant in 2014, due to health issues couldn't workout and ate anything and everything, I gained all my weight back plus more
  • hml86
    hml86 Posts: 225 Member
    hml86 wrote: »
    Hope it's not too late to join.

    SW: 232 lbs
    CW: 221.6 lbs
    Easter GW: 201.6 lbs
    UGW:160 lbs

    I'm a mother of 3, just had my last baby 5 months ago. Lost 58lbs in 2012....maintained until I became pregnant in 2014, due to health issues couldn't workout and ate anything and everything, I gained all my weight back plus more

    Forgot to mention wanting to lose 30 lbs by my 30th birthday in March! Idk how realistic that is or attainable, but I'm def working towards it.
  • locslioness
    locslioness Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm definitely in. I will be weighing in again this Friday morning
    I'm 29
    Height: 5ft7

    Jan 12: 250
    Jan 22:
    Ultimate goal weight: 145
    I put my scale in my trunk and I'm not bringing it out until Thursday night.
  • cnroybal
    cnroybal Posts: 4 Member
    Starting a bit late, but I'm in!!

    SW: 199.2
    Easter GW: 179
    UGW: 150