Protein Powder?



  • emilyvictoria7
    emilyvictoria7 Posts: 102 Member
    the best and cheapest source of protein is eggs. Eat eggs for breakfast, like an omellete with veggies in it, to drop calories, just make an egg white omellete - 1 egg white is only about 11 calories, whereas a whole egg is more like 80. And the egg white is where all the protein is.

    I wish that I liked eggs more than I do. The occasional egg for breakfast, and boiled egg on a salad work for me, but I can't commit to them on a regular basis unfortunately.
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Dreysander wrote: »
    What are the best ON gold standard flavors? I'm a little wary to try the more "out there" ones because you have to buy a big tub and what if it's gross.

    Yea, taste is relative for sure. What I like, you might not. I am loving ON Gold Standard Cake Donut right now... I feel like it can go in things where chocolate flavor would usually go and still tastes good, and it can go where strawberry and vanilla usually goes and still tastes good.

    My go to has been double rich chocolate. I got their vanilla ice cream but I'm not as keen on that one, I feel like it needs to be mixed with milk of some sort to taste OK.
  • penciljockey123
    penciljockey123 Posts: 7 Member
    I use whey protein powder in my smoothies for breakfast everyday and have been consistently losing weight. It is easy to chug on my way into work cause I get a little nauseous if I try to eat a bunch of solid food in the morning. I use a scoop of protein powder, plain yogurt, berries and water. Its filling and keeps me going all morning. Its all about CICO. I'd never be able to meet my protein goals without it.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Dreysander wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Dreysander wrote: »
    What are the best ON gold standard flavors? I'm a little wary to try the more "out there" ones because you have to buy a big tub and what if it's gross.

    Yea, taste is relative for sure. What I like, you might not. I am loving ON Gold Standard Cake Donut right now... I feel like it can go in things where chocolate flavor would usually go and still tastes good, and it can go where strawberry and vanilla usually goes and still tastes good.

    My go to has been double rich chocolate. I got their vanilla ice cream but I'm not as keen on that one, I feel like it needs to be mixed with milk of some sort to taste OK.

    Yea, that's what I used until they released Cake Donut. :)
  • louisedbatchelor1983
  • GrandadMike2014
    GrandadMike2014 Posts: 13 Member
    I Am a lean meat and egg lover so I do not find it too difficult to hit protein targets. LOVE poached eggs. Where I do need to hit protein targets I have no issue with a protein powder drink or a protein supplement bar.
  • krispenhartung
    krispenhartung Posts: 5 Member
    I'm currently using Garden of Life RAW PROTEIN. It's vegan, gluten free, and dairy free. So far so good. I'm a competitive cyclist and more focused on balancing weight loss with power (watts/kg). Based on my sport, I need to consume roughly 100-120g of protein a day, which is easy to do by mixing supplements with actual food, and I consume 20g of protein in a smoothie immediately after working out to help with muscle repair and growth, along with L-Leucine and L-Arginine. Hope you figure it out! :-)
  • nonrg
    nonrg Posts: 73 Member
    I use Optimum Gold Standard everyday in my breakfast shake. As long as it fits in your calorie goals no weight will be gained. Simply adjust your other macros down (carbs - 4 calories/fat - 9 calories) to compensate for the additional protein (4 calories per gram protein).
  • krispenhartung
    krispenhartung Posts: 5 Member
    oh, and thanks for the smoothie recipe!

    Here is one I use a lot:

    2 cups of Almond/Cashew milk
    1 cup of kale
    1 cup of baby spinach
    1 cup of frozen mango
    A serving of your favorite protein powder
    1/4 cup of steel cut oats (or replace with 2 tbs of Chia seeds)
    1 teaspoon of nutmeg
    1 teaspoon of cinnamon
    Any other supplements you need to throw in there...

    If I want to amp up the carbs, if this is post hard-cycle workout, I'll add a banana or some Hammer Recoverite.

  • miryamch420
    miryamch420 Posts: 19 Member
    I have exactly the same struggles as you. I'm on a budget, and I don't like meat that much anyway.
    I also thought about protein powders, but I something in me is resisting. I want to really try to do this the natural way before I use any quick fixes.
    So I've been changing some of my habits little by little. For example, I add cottage cheese to my breakfast, I replaced potatoes by lentils in my salads, and I have almonds for a snack instead of fruits. I'm still not hitting my goals, but there's been a huge improvement, and I'm discovering new foods and recipes on the way.
    I don't know about you, but as I am not exercising 2 hours a day anyway, I'm thinking that could be enough.
  • jlcbooth
    jlcbooth Posts: 35 Member
    My fave protein powder is Vitamin Shoppe's bodytech whey tech pro 24, in rich chocolate. I drink it with cold coffee and add 1 tbsp of cocoa powder (10cals) and it's awesome. I have been having it as breakfast lately with milkwise milk and PB2, too. They have sample packets, too so you can try a bunch before buying a huge tub.

    Hardboiled eggs, turkey breast (I get natural, nitrate free from hormel) and greek yogurt are great sources of protein too. Watch the sugar on the greek yogurt too. I mixed a plain one yesterday with 1/3 of a scoop of my protein powder and it was pretty good.
  • nonrg
    nonrg Posts: 73 Member
    Dreysander wrote: »
    What are good ON gold standard flavors? I'm a little wary to try the more "out there" ones because you have to buy a big tub and what if it's gross.

    These are all good flavors I rotate in 5lb tubs
    Double Rich Chocolate
    Chocolate Coconut
    Vanilla Ice Cream
    Mocha Cappuccino
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I've noticed I'm consistently not meeting my protein goals. I don't eat very much meat - it's expensive and I'm a struggling student - so I try to supplement with beans, lentils, etc. When I do get a chance to eat meant it's usually chicken or fish.

    I'd like to find a way to up my protein intake and I was thinking - I drink a smoothie every morning, and wondered if adding protein powder to this was a good idea? My brothers who are always working out and trying to up their weights have told me if I add protein without working out more I'll gain weight. HELP??

    Also, for those interested, this is my favourite smoothie ever:

    1 cup berries (1/2 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup mixed sour cherry berries)
    1/2 cup peach juice
    1 cup 1% milk
    1 cup spinach

    I put protein powder in my smoothies. You can usually buy small packets to sample to see if you even like it. I ended up buying a huge container from Costco. It took awhile but I just finished it.

    It has calories, but just count them. You don't have to use a full scoop, also.
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    Whole Foods used to have some single serving powders for you to try out before you bought them. Not sure if they still do, but it's an idea. :)
  • chrissymfred
    chrissymfred Posts: 47 Member
    In my area the price of eggs has gone back down, so if you are interested you might check the prices where you live.