How do i motivate myself to go to the gym?



  • Asianbutterflies
    Asianbutterflies Posts: 62 Member
    I keep my old drivers license photo in my wallet and a pair of my large size jeans. When I feel giving up or feel the need to stay motivated I look at those items as a reminder of who I WAS and who I am NOW. I don't ever want to be that girl again. I didn't like that girl then compared to who I am now which is much better now.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    You just go! do you wanna be a fattie or a hottie????? get some willpower and strength and get things done! where are the kick butt people,??????? if you kick butt, ADD ME!
  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    I go on my lunch hour. I would pick out the classes I want to attend and put it in my calendar so the alarm goes off. for running, I'd tell myself, just do 3 songs, just get out there and do 3 songs, before I know it, it's 7 songs and I am so proud of myself. I have never left the gym after working out wishing I hadn't, but I've sat there at my desk kicking myself for not going or missing the sunshine that's going on right now :)
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    you don't have to be motivated to go to the gym, you just have to go. I'm never motivated to go to the office in the morning, but i go anyways.