Bmi and how you choose your goal weight!



  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    I chose 120 because I was around that before I started putting on unnecessary weight at university. It happens to be a 20.6 BMI so if I want to go lower I can safely lose another 10 lbs after than.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    I chose mine because it's right in the middle of healthy, plus I haven't been in the 120's in over 10yrs! My goal is 129 at 5'5.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Do you guys choose your goal weight based on what your bmi says or base it on a place you were and want to get back to how do you choose your goal weight?

    The weight I felt best at in the past is my goal weight and it is also in the middle of the healthy bmi range for me.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    I chose mine based on the healthy range of my height/BMI.

  • findingtherealme2016
    BMI isn't reasonable for me since my body holds a lot of muscle. I chose my goal weight by the last weight (adult, not like high school or anything) where I really felt good and performed well in sports. Even when I am at my goal weight and healthy, I am still a good 5-10lb above the high end of the weight range for my height on the BMI scale. You need to know your body as BMI is supposed to be used for a population not for individuals.
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    my goal weight was chosen for the last weight I could do 8 pullups at (maximized strength to weight ratio) which was 137...however, now that I'm in the process of losing I realize I've built a lot of valuable muscle that I don't necessarily want to give up, so, I may go higher, 142+, just see how it all feels
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I chose a goal weight based on something mid range in a healthy BMI. But in all honesty, I don't really care what I end up weighing. I care far more about body composition and fat%. I have a goal body, not a goal weight.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    I've chosen the lower end of my BMI. I'm 5ft 5 and aim to maintain around 110 - 115lbs. Back up to 123lbs just now and I just feel a bit flobby to be honest.

    When I was at the top end, I looked really gross. Never worked out, had second helpings and really just did not feel good about myself. I wasn't technically over weight, but I definitely didn't look good.

    I feel a lot more confident at the low end. I'm pear shaped with big hips and it's the only way I look anything like in proportion. Hopefully I will care less about that at some point.
  • Farfew
    Farfew Posts: 3 Member
    joinn68 wrote: »
    Don't trust myself to know what healthy looks like. So smack dab in the middle of BMI range at 22.something. Although it seems I am large frame so top of range would be better for me but it is too close to "overweight" for my comfort.

    I did this too - smack in the middle. Gives me something to aim for but allows me some wiggle room depending on how happy I am with how I feel.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    My first goal is to be out of the obese BMI. Then next goal will be a goal weight. I think the BMI can be such a crock, as at my thinnest wearing a size 4-6 I was near the upper end of the "normal" BMI. I am using it initially because my OB uses it to determine if I need a glucose test right away when (and if) I become pregnant and I realllllly don't wanna do the 3 hour test again!
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    I chose mine based on where I was happy previously, which is 145. That's pretty much the middle of my BMI. I can go down to 135, but I risk looking like a walking skeleton at 5'9"
  • Shammah71
    Shammah71 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2016
    Rather than using the original BMI rating which is not that accurate for either short people or tall people (like myself at 6' 2") I used the new algorithm. The original BMI had an equation that did not take into account anyone taller or shorter than average. As a result, the orignal BMI calculated my ideal weight at like ~180 lbs, which for my larger muscular frame would make me look like a skelaton.

    After doing research I discoverd a newer more accurate algorithm at:

    The new BMI equated me as overweight rather than obese which is more ideal and accurate. It presented my ideal weight at 205 lbs at the top-end which is more ideal form my size and frame.
  • whooRAWRowlbear
    whooRAWRowlbear Posts: 47 Member
    My "midpoint" goal weight is based on the BMI I need to be at for my healthcare discount (27.0, so 137-ish). But my final goal weight is one that I feel I will be happy with reaching, though I'm flexible about it. So if I'm happy at a slightly heavier weight (while still being healthy), then I'll start shifting to maintenance earlier.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Moving target here. First was under 200 (done), next is 185 to move out of obese into overweight. I plan for that to be my "ceiling" long term.

    Then 175 because that is what I weighed prior to a cross country move a couple of years ago.

    Then 165, which I could be honestly comfortable at long term. Been there before, felt good and could shop most anywhere.

    157 is the smallest I've been at my adult height...ever I think. But I didn't/couldn't maintain it in the past. I was my adult height and 200 pounds at age 13.

    Per some body fat calculations something in the neighborhood of 145 would put me under 25% body fat presuming I don't add lean mass.

    The last two are "stretch" goals at this point.
  • gkingbr
    gkingbr Posts: 292 Member
    i picked my weight goal off of my weight when i was 20 and was able to run/jog a 5 k without prepping for it.
    this is my initial number. once i get close to it i ma adjust it up or down a bit.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Initial target was my favourite adult weight (from 30 years ago!).
    Then made a series of small steps downwards over the next year or so based on how I looked, felt and my cycling goals.

    Maintenance range is 7 - 11lbs under my initial target and is near top end of healthy BMI range.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    edited January 2016
    I looked at BMI, but I don't feel like I can realistically maintain what's considered a "normal" weight for my height. I'd yo-yo and hate myself.

    Instead, I considered what I wanted to look like (as my decision to lose weight was always about vanity), looked at my estimated TDEE at various goal weights, and picked the one that seemed like it would both appease my vanity while allowing me to maintain at my preferred eating habits. (Which is 165, maaaaaybe 150 at the lowest if I get to 165 and decide I hate that.)
  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    When I first started out on my weight loss journey 4 years ago I set small goal weights. I started at around 196lbs and set my first goal to 160. Once I reached 160 I decided to set another 10 lbs and see how I felt. When I reached 150 I realized I was feeling amazing and that according to my height (I'm 5'1'') I still had some weight to lose so I set my goal to 130. After I reached 130 I decided to set it to 125. I reached 121-124 fluctations and maintained that as my "happy weight".

    Due to life style changes I gained about 15 pounds and have been maintaining at the 137 weight area and I've just felt gross and not so happy, especially since all my jeans don't fit comfortably anymore.
    So I am back here to reach that 121-124 range again, I am only about 8-10 pounds away now :)

    I say that as long as you're within your healthy weight/BMI range, just do what feels good for your body. If trying to reach the lower end of your BMI/weight range makes you cranky and unhappy because you feel starved, then adjust it until you're not miserable!

    Also, setting the short term goal weights really helped me reach my final long term weight.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    I've been overweight/obese most of my life. I was 55 years old, 5'6 and weighed 248 when my dr. told me I was morbidly obese. She told me to get to 165.
    3 years later I am finally at 164 and my new dr. told me to get to 160 and see how I feel. That still has me in the overweight category, but I'm guessing they both gave me those goals due to my history of being overweight for so long and not wanting me to have a goal that feels unattainable.
    I'm close to the goal and feeling fabulous, but am open to adjusting my final goal.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    Since the beginning, I haven't had a specific number in mind. I knew I wanted to be below specific numbers and out of the morbidly obese category. My doctor sat down with me and wanted me to choose an actual goal, so we discussed and came up with a goal that is actually in the overweight range of BMI. It'll give me a BMI of 28. Why?

    - I feel it's more realistic. I've achieved that weight before.
    - I can always reassess when I get there.
    - I'll feel more comfortable with my body having just a little bit more to it.
    - My original BMI was 55. Even if I stopped and maintained right now at my current BMI of 36, that's a world of difference and risk.