Gaining on clean eating!!



  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Gingychild wrote: »
    how do I open my diary...then close it? I've never done that.

    You go to settings, diary settings, change it to public in the little drop down. Then you give people a few minutes to look and see if they can locate the issue, then rinse and repeat except pick private in the drop down. That's desktop version. In the app, you go to settings, diary settings, down to the bottom where it says "Diary Sharing", and set that to public for a bit.

    This is not about shaming your food choices. People genuinely want to help you identify and address the error so you're not doing all this work for nothing. We know how that feels. We'd like to spare you. If you're worried about getting shamed, that's only cause you haven't been lingering long enough to see the god-like wrath that falls upon those who engage in that behavior on here. For proof, have a look at any thread shaming sugar intake anywhere on here, ever.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Gingychild wrote: »
    how do I open my diary...then close it? I've never done that.

    You can change your diary settings by going to Settings > Diary Settings and then you can toggle it from private to public. When you're ready to hide it again just go in and toggle it back to private.

  • katiely95
    katiely95 Posts: 63 Member
    Just go to settings and open it. I'd love to help out, too, honestly.
  • Gingychild
    Gingychild Posts: 23 Member
    Hmmm...think I opened it?? Not sure. Anyways...most of the meals you see on there are my own recipes entered. So I don't think you can see every ingredient... unless it allows you to click on them? Also, I never log water...but that is because I have my gallon bottle here that I just make sure to drink everyday. Other than that...if you have any questions let's me know and I can break it down for you.
  • Gingychild
    Gingychild Posts: 23 Member
    or maybe you can break it down for!!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I see a lot of 1/4 cup, 1tbls, 1 slice etc entries. Are your weighing these as well, or actually using a measuring cup? If using the measuring cup you are likely underestimating how much you are actually eating.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Weighing the oats? And peanut butter? I know you said you weren't weighing fruit (you should), as well as vegetables. Are you accounting for cooking oil when you create your recipes?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Fruit spread and honey should be weighed, if not already.
  • Gingychild
    Gingychild Posts: 23 Member
    I use measuring cups, measuring spoons and the food scale. The one slice thing maybe for the bread?
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    How are you measuring out your portions for the recipes? Are you weighing all ingredients while cooking and the re-weighing the finished product? Items like cheese, fruit, nutbutters should be weighed and not measured by spoon/cups etc as it is highly inaccurate and can make a huge difference.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Gingychild wrote: »
    I use measuring cups, measuring spoons and the food scale. The one slice thing maybe for the bread?

    Ditch the cups and spoons and weigh everything.
  • Gingychild
    Gingychild Posts: 23 Member
    I never weigh out fruits, nuts or butters. I only use measuring cups and measuring spoons.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Gingychild wrote: »
    I never weigh out fruits, nuts or butters. I only use measuring cups and measuring spoons.

    Okay. Start doing that. Weigh even regular butter. Nuts and butter are calorie dense. Fruit can be pretty high too.
  • Gingychild
    Gingychild Posts: 23 Member
    @ariditarose, I always measure all ingredients in recipes. But I don't weigh everything. Mostly use measuring cups and spoons.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Gingychild wrote: »
    I use measuring cups, measuring spoons and the food scale. The one slice thing maybe for the bread?

    I know you said you couldn't see images up thread, so hopefully these videos come through for you:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Yeah, you need to tighten up. I'm still surprised that you gained though. I actually forgot this was a "I gained" thread and not a "I'm not losing" thread.
  • katiely95
    katiely95 Posts: 63 Member
    Okay, just talking a look at your most recent couple of days, you are not weighing out every single thing. I agree, that shouldn't cause that much weight gain, but every little bit adds up....

    I understand that some just say "2 tbps" is a serving, but if you're really worried, you really need to tighten up on your weighing. Certain examples include fruit spread, honey, cheese, almond milk, drinks, your veggies and fruits. Those things CAN add up really quickly without you even realizing it.

    Honestly, I had the same problem a couple of months ago. My weight loss stalled out and I lost a lot of motivation. Ever since then, I've been weighing everything, even drinks and take out to ensure that I am calorie counting to the degree I need to in order to lose weight. It's really simple, and proven.

    The only other thing I can think of is that you may have a medical condition. I'm glad you made an appointment. Good luck!
  • Gingychild
    Gingychild Posts: 23 Member
    @diannethegeek WOW. That's insane! I guess I am so use to the old Weight Watchers way of measuring things.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    I see "Clean Chili" and "Mozzarella". What brand? There's a 250 calorie difference between the little balls of fresh mozzarella from King Soopers, that they package in the plastic bowl thing, and the rolls that come pre-packaged (we're talking the whole package, not per serving). They visually appear to be the same amount, but even the serving sizes are different. The "Clean Chili" thing is in that same ballpark. Clean chili, what brand? Homemade? Don't use someone else's homemade recipe, it could be and probably is wildly different from what you have made. Note also that when you search for an item by name, you get like 50 different foods, all with the same name, but with very different calorie counts, and some very wrong counts. Ensure you are using your phone to actually scan the barcode of anything packaged.

    I also highly suggest using your scale to measure even pre-packaged food servings. You'd be amazed how many times I buy Bertolli and find that there is not as much weight in the bag as they say, let alone enough to constitute as many servings as they claim are in there. This goes for a lot of pre-packaged foods. "Clean" or otherwise.

    I'm also on team weigh your fruits. Some diet plans don't require you to weigh certain food groups, but if you're going to use CICO, you really do need to count everything or you cannot know you are logging accurately. it takes a lot of apples in a day to blow your calorie goal, but it takes seemingly very few over a month or a week in your perception.
  • Gingychild
    Gingychild Posts: 23 Member
    @katiely95 the serving sizes you see that I posted are my premade measuring sizes my recipes. For example, my homemade pizza dough and homemade pizza sauce will serve 4. Thats the entire recipes contents split into 4 servings and Ill have like 1-1.5 of a serving... If that's what you meant?