Not Fair



  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Here's the thing: if she can eat whatever she wants and not gain weight, then "whatever she wants"—including that fried chicken—is exactly what she needs to maintain her weight. If I had fried chicken and biscuits for lunch, I wouldn't want anything more than a light supper, unless I had done a serious workout in between.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    Here's the thing: if she can eat whatever she wants and not gain weight, then "whatever she wants"—including that fried chicken—is exactly what she needs to maintain her weight. If I had fried chicken and biscuits for lunch, I wouldn't want anything more than a light supper, unless I had done a serious workout in between.

    This is a good point. OP you are trying to lose weight - not sure what your calorie deficit is set at, but let's just go with the most common goal of 1 lb/week so you have a 500 cal deficit. If your coworker is maintaining her weight, even if she is the same height, weight, age, and activity level as you, she would have roughly an extra 500 cals to work with. That should easily accommodate the difference between your sub sandwich and her fried chicken serving. That's again, not taking into account the fact that you are seeing one meal that she eats, and have no insight as to what the rest of her daily CICO is like.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Not Fair she says

    while eating a 6" inch Subway Turkey and baked chips
    Minimum calories when you eat 15 chips is 150 calories
    Minimum available sub Turkey 280 calories ( sandwich)

    This is when she only eat that. We are not talking about the whole bag of chips or one of their other fancy breads.
    Or any dressing on the Turkey

    Total 430 calories

    The thin lady is eating fried popeyes chicken 1 serving about 355 calories ( i looked some servings up)

    Of course this are all estimates

    and for what it is isn't that hard when you eat right and everything and dont deprive your self were you dont have too ( if you dont have any medical issues)

    Looking at other people wont make you thin or thick, in other words wont help you
    You want to eat fried popeye it!!! fit it in your calorie allowance.
    But dont judge or compare yourself with others. It wont make you thin and it is bad for your positive mood.


    Well Popeyes biscuits are 280 calories, and chicken pieces go from 160 for a wing to 440 calories for a breast.

    So yeah, for the same calories as a 6 inch turkey sub and baked chips, you can have a fried chicken leg and a biscuit... but the sub alone is probably more nutritious (I'd skip the chips, but baked chips are just not worth it for me).
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    mis1022 wrote: »
    So it just dawned on me why weight loss its so hard, because its not fair. I am currently working on losing about 60 pounds. So here I am eating lunch, my yummy 6 inch turkey sub and baked chips, while also in my office is a very skinny woman eating delicious smelling fried popeye chicken and biscuits. She is one of those people who can't gain weight. I know my health factor is much better than that junk but I guess I just want to complain life is not fair.

    Life is not fair when innocent kids die and horrible people don't not because you are having to eat a yummy but different lunch because you made that choice.
    She can't eat more calories than she burns every day and not gain weight either.
    She might be able to eat more calories for lunch than you because she is more active or chooses to eat less other times. She might be able to moderate her food without calorie counting like us. We have great tools and choices too.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Not Fair she says

    while eating a 6" inch Subway Turkey and baked chips
    Minimum calories when you eat 15 chips is 150 calories
    Minimum available sub Turkey 280 calories ( sandwich)

    This is when she only eat that. We are not talking about the whole bag of chips or one of their other fancy breads.
    Or any dressing on the Turkey

    Total 430 calories

    The thin lady is eating fried popeyes chicken 1 serving about 355 calories ( i looked some servings up)

    Of course this are all estimates

    and for what it is isn't that hard when you eat right and everything and dont deprive your self were you dont have too ( if you dont have any medical issues)

    Looking at other people wont make you thin or thick, in other words wont help you
    You want to eat fried popeye it!!! fit it in your calorie allowance.
    But dont judge or compare yourself with others. It wont make you thin and it is bad for your positive mood.


    Well Popeyes biscuits are 280 calories, and chicken pieces go from 160 for a wing to 440 calories for a breast.

    So yeah, for the same calories as a 6 inch turkey sub and baked chips, you can have a fried chicken leg and a biscuit... but the sub alone is probably more nutritious (I'd skip the chips, but baked chips are just not worth it for me).

    I just mean that you can not look at somebody else and what their food is.
    Life and so is what you about making choices. Good or bad etc.
    I ate pizza what i was 261 lbs and now that i am 144 lbs i still eat pizza. Only i control what i eat. I make sure i fill up on "cheap" calorie foods during the day so i can eat as much pizza as i can when we go out or buy pizza....but i keep an eye on my calorie allowance.
    and sometimes not even that but i go back the next days to cutting a bit what i ate to much the "pizza day" before.

    So maybe that thin lady "saved" some calories from days before or she will after.
    Fact remains that people who are at a healthy weight and stay at a healthy weight eating the right amount of calories ( average a day)
    So you can not look at somebody else only when you watch them for 24 hours and for several weeks. Because one day dont even say anything.

    And like i said watch your own intake that is your worry nobodies else. Just like the "thin lady has her own responsibility and decision to make over her intake.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Yep. You have no clue what she's eating all day! She could possibly maintain anywhere from 1800-2500 calories. So she eats a 1000 calorie lunch? Big deal.

    I can sit down to a 1500-2000 calorie meal every Saturday and maintain my weight. But I track and weigh all my food. I know exactly what I'm doing with that meal. Someone sitting next to me may assume I eat like that all the time.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited January 2016
    arditarose wrote: »
    Yep. You have no clue what she's eating all day! She could possibly maintain anywhere from 1800-2500 calories. So she eats a 1000 calorie lunch? Big deal.

    I can sit down to a 1500-2000 calorie meal every Saturday and maintain my weight. But I track and weigh all my food. I know exactly what I'm doing with that meal. Someone sitting next to me may assume I eat like that all the time.

    But not only for one day, she can eat two days 1500 and that day with the popeyes she at more who will tell.

    My average is 2000 daily so 14000 a week. But doesn't mean i eat every single day exactly 2000 Some days i eat 1500 and others like yesterday 2800 lol Just because i cooked yummie stuff.

    So you can not look at somebody else.

  • 42firm03
    42firm03 Posts: 115 Member

    There is a girl I work with that is like you. She is 100 pounds overweight. She was SHOCKED when I told her I drank beer. Like, literally shocked. HOW ARE YOU SO SKINNY? There's no way you drink beer! She was practically shouting at me. I told her yes, I do drink beer. I drink beer in moderation and only on occasion. I don't chug a twelve pack every night. She also gets outraged at our other co-worker when she brings french fries and fried zucchini from the local diner to lunch. Said skinny co-worker buys this as a once-a-month treat for herself. ONCE A MONTH. But to our fat co-worker, she eats whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and stays skinny, and life just isn't fair.

    This actually kinda makes sense to me. To a fat person, who is shamed by society for existing and who is told that single foods/meals are the problem. That doesn't truly understand how CICO can work over a long span of time to allow them to both reach a healthy weight and still ever eat food that is deemed "bad", this is their truth. You can eat food that they should never eat, THEY THINK, which isn't fair. The problem isn't that it isn't fair, it's that they have been sold black and white diet thinking that makes them give up on themselves.

    Lived that life for years. It stinks.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Not the same but does this one work?

    @rabbitjb Thanks for putting this one up, it did let me view this one.
  • Protranser
    Protranser Posts: 517 Member
    It's not fair, women get to eat more calories/burn more calories when breastfeeding. It's okay though because my diet is better than those other peoples diets.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I used to be someone you would say "She eats whatever she wants and she is still skinny - it's not fair!"

    I used to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. However, I was still growing and had a hours walk each day for school (there and back) and worked a very active job at a bookshop (carrying around 10-20kgs of books around the shop putting them away, running to the counter, squatting, lifting etc.)

    Then I left school, got a desk job, stopped growing and guess what - the weight slowly crept on. I gained 10kgs in 4 years and while I would still be described as "skinny", if my habits didn't change, I would one day be overweight.

    No one can eat an unlimited number of calories and still be "skinny" - it doesn't work that way. The skinny person eating a whole pizza might not eat anything else that day, may be working their butt off in the gym, might be the only "indulgence" that week etc.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    mis1022 wrote: »
    ... while also in my office is a very skinny woman eating delicious smelling fried popeye chicken and biscuits. She is one of those people who can't gain weight. ...

    People used to make similar comments about me. I was very slender (almost there again! :grin: ) but ate a lot. They used to say that every time they saw me, I was eating ... and how was it I didn't gain weight.

    What they didn't factor into the equation was that I was cycling 300 kilometres a week. :)

    They could have been equally as slender if they were willing to do that. :grin:

  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    “Life isn't fair, it's just fairer than death, that's all.”
    ― William Goldman, The Princess Bride
  • NikkiMichelleS
    NikkiMichelleS Posts: 897 Member
    I read this post & thread earlier today. And it bugged me, really bugged me about OP attitude.

    So as I was cooking up shrimp for dinner tonight, I boiled half for lunch tomorrow... Then promptly threw the other half in delicious spicy fish fry seasoning, fried it up & downed it with a nice cold Wild Huckleberry wheat lager (last one eft over from our summer vacation to Glacier).

    Fried shrimp & beer for dinner, purposely for the ridiculous notions of OP.
    Life was quite fair to me today -- I'm alive, healthy & going to sleep in a warm bed.

    Change your perspective, OP.
  • debloureg
    debloureg Posts: 3 Member
    Face it people. People have different basal metabolic rates. Some people CAN eat more than others to maintain their weight. I don't understand why none of the commenters has acknowledged this.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    debloureg wrote: »
    Face it people. People have different basal metabolic rates. Some people CAN eat more than others to maintain their weight. I don't understand why none of the commenters has acknowledged this.

    Obviously...due to height, weight, activity level, gender, age...

    A 5'9" woman weighing 150 pounds who is very active is obviously going to maintain on more than me at 5'4", 130lbs, lightly active.
  • NikkiMichelleS
    NikkiMichelleS Posts: 897 Member
    edited January 2016

    arditarose wrote: »
    Yep. You have no clue what she's eating all day! She could possibly maintain anywhere from 1800-2500 calories. So she eats a 1000 calorie lunch? Big deal.

    I can sit down to a 1500-2000 calorie meal every Saturday and maintain my weight. But I track and weigh all my food. I know exactly what I'm doing with that meal. Someone sitting next to me may assume I eat like that all the time.
    debloureg wrote: »
    Face it people. People have different basal metabolic rates. Some people CAN eat more than others to maintain their weight. I don't understand why none of the commenters has acknowledged this.

    ...umm, I believe that is EXACTLY what arditarose just said. As well as others before.
    People loss, maintain, or gain based on their own physiology (and their metabolism).
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    debloureg wrote: »
    Face it people. People have different basal metabolic rates. Some people CAN eat more than others to maintain their weight. I don't understand why none of the commenters has acknowledged this.

    They get more from having more muscle mass and being more active, not from some magical 'high metabolism'.

    This whole post reminds me of a video I used to play for my kids when they were little... Kids for Character featuring Tom Selleck... Lambchop performs 'It's Not Fair' as one of the foundations of character. The 6 pillars for anyone who hasn't seen it: Fairness, Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Caring, and Citizenship. My kids loved that movie, and I think it definitely helped form their character.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    42firm03 wrote: »

    There is a girl I work with that is like you. She is 100 pounds overweight. She was SHOCKED when I told her I drank beer. Like, literally shocked. HOW ARE YOU SO SKINNY? There's no way you drink beer! She was practically shouting at me. I told her yes, I do drink beer. I drink beer in moderation and only on occasion. I don't chug a twelve pack every night. She also gets outraged at our other co-worker when she brings french fries and fried zucchini from the local diner to lunch. Said skinny co-worker buys this as a once-a-month treat for herself. ONCE A MONTH. But to our fat co-worker, she eats whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and stays skinny, and life just isn't fair.

    This actually kinda makes sense to me. To a fat person, who is shamed by society for existing and who is told that single foods/meals are the problem. That doesn't truly understand how CICO can work over a long span of time to allow them to both reach a healthy weight and still ever eat food that is deemed "bad", this is their truth. You can eat food that they should never eat, THEY THINK, which isn't fair. The problem isn't that it isn't fair, it's that they have been sold black and white diet thinking that makes them give up on themselves.

    Lived that life for years. It stinks.

    Stinks? At 100 lbs overweight you're telling me the big gal hasn't done her fair share of eating whatever the heck she wants? More so than the thin women in that anecdote?