what does a typical week of working out look like

what does your typical week of working out look like? like how many times do you go? do you do cardio everyday? weight lifting everyday? Also will weight lifting help weight loss?


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Monday lift, All Pro+10min row
    Tuesday swim
    Wednesday lift, AllPro+10min row
    Thursday swim
    Friday lift, All Pro+10min row.
    Saturday rest
    Sunday yoga.
    Each day of January+ 30Dsy Shred

    I aim for 60x6.

    Weights will burn a few calories and help with bone and muscle retention as well as re-sculpt the body. It is not a necessary tool for weight loss.

    Cheers, h.
  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    Monday: 1 hour bodyattack
    Tuesday: run 13.6 km round the river
    Wednesday: rest
    Thursday: grit strength, half hour fast on the treadmill
    Friday: run 13.6 km round the river
    Saturday: grit cardio, cxworx, bodyattack
    Sunday: long run (last was 19.5 km, next will be 20ish)

    I also do some body weight stuff most days (squats, lunges, push-ups etc), walk about 10,000 steps a day, and have full time care of a 3 year old and an 18 month old and that's a workout in itself.

    Obviously I'm cardio focussed. My goal is a marathon later this year. Running has got me (almost) to my goal weight and I've also fallen in love with it.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    edited January 2016
    This is my winter routine. Summer adds at least 30 minutes of gardening daily.

    Monday: walk 40-70 minutes in the afternoon, walk 25 minutes in the evening. Vaccuum the entire house, moving furniture.

    Tuesday: walk 40-70 minutes in the afternoon, walk 25 minutes in the evening. 20-30 minute free weights.

    Wednesday: walk 40-70 minutes in the afternoon, walk 25 minutes in the evening. Vaccuum the entire house, moving furniture.

    Thursday: walk 40-70 minutes in the afternoon, walk 25 minutes in the evening. 20-30 minute free weights.

    Friday:walk 40-70 minutes in the afternoon, walk 25 minutes in the evening. Vaccuum the entire house, moving furniture.

    Saturday: walk 80-120 minutes, frequently as a hike with very steep hills, mid-afternoon. Walk 25 minutes in evening.

    Saturday: walk 80-120 minutes, frequently as a hike with very steep hills, mid-afternoon. Walk 25 minutes in evening.

    Yes, its repetitive. I have a Labrador retriever and an English springer spaniel. They need a lot of walking, particularly the younger dog.

    Variations: few. Sometimes I miss the evening walk, particularly when my lupus is giving me a bad time. Those days the afternoon walk goes down to about 35 minutes as well. If I'm feeling well but is *really* cold outside (like below -10 F) then I'll also work out on the elliptical.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016
    Monday - 45 mins Gym - 20 mins cardio (elliptical and /or treadmill HIIT), 25 minutes weights and calisthenics so push-ups, goblet squats, barbell rolls, weighted hipthrusts, step-ups, lunges, bodyweight squats, TRX / Cable etc etc

    Wednesday - 75 mins Gym - 15 mins cardio warm-up then 60 mins with personal trainer - about 10 min cardio, barbell back squats, isolation exercises, calisthenics generally supersets of 3 x 12-15 reps

    Friday or Saturday - repeat Monday

    In between I try to hit 8-10K steps (fitbit) - some days I don't even hit about 6K though and I suffer the dog's scathing glances instead which must burn some calories

    NB my lifts are compromised by ongoing tendonitis so no standard deadlifts bench work etc and it sucks!
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    I walk 3 miles every day. So that's my cardio. And my hobby...Then I do ballet beautiful 4 times a week. (Bodyweight sculpting exercises, each workout is one hour, and it targets every muscle in the body.)
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    Monday - 30 minutes treadmill, 30 minutes bootcamp class
    Tuesday - 30 minutes treadmill, 30 minutes spin class
    Wednesday - 30 minutes treadmill, 30 minutes circuit training class
    Thursday - 30 minutes treadmill, 30 minutes spin class
    Friday - 30 minutes treadmill, 30 minutes body pump class
    Saturday Morning - 5k run

    I also walk to and from work to get my 10,000 steps in :smile:
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    Mon: 30 min HIIT
    Tue: Rest
    Wed: 60 min kettlebells
    Thur: 60 min pilates
    Fri: 60 min spinning
    Sat: 60 min Barre
    Sun: 45-60 min gym (~20-30 min cardio, elliptical or bike; 25-30 min weights)

    I used to be pretty much pure cardio, with a bit of weights at the gym. I've very recently switched things around, so that I now have a lot more strength focus. I've added Barre for flexibility workout (it's also a solid cardio/bodystrength workout too). Due to a very busy Tuesday schedule, I've given myself that day off, as it was just hellish trying to fit a workout in that day, but I'm also flexible enough that I'll give myself another day off if my body tells me to slow down.

    I'm actually not sure if specifically weight training helps with weight loss, rather than cardio, I just think you need to not focus on just one. If you're doing a combination of cardio, strength and flexibility workouts, then you're giving your body the best chance possible to be healthy. For me, it's my diet that is the driver to losing weight, my workouts are for creating the body I want, once the weight is gone! I know I have to put in the work now, even though I'm 25lb off my goal weight - no point starting when I get to my goal! Too late then! ;)

    My workout routine right now is basically establishing what will be a lifelong practice of exercising. I've discovered I get bored just being in a gym all week, and classes are the way for me to stay motivated. I keep my Sunday gym session, because it gets me out of bed, and getting an hour of exercise before my day has even started. For me, pilates is a non-mover - I love it, it's done me the world of good, and I enjoy my class. I'll keep changing up my class schedule, every few months, to keep it interesting - I'd definitely suggest, whatever your current routine, not to get stuck in a rut. Do the exercise you enjoy, instead of the instead you think you should be doing!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Monday -walk
    Tuesday - circuit training
    Wednesday -walk
    Thursday -ohp/deadlift
    Friday -walk
    Saturday -squat/bench press
    Sunday -walk
  • tcatcarson
    tcatcarson Posts: 227 Member
    1 - weights, legs and shoulders
    2- run, 6 miles easy
    3 - weights, chest
    4 - run, hill sprints
    5 - weights, back
    6 - run, 8-11 miles
    7 - cheese and biscuits....
  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    Sunday- yoga, core, cardio
    Monday- yoga, chest, cardio
    Tuesday- yoga, legs
    Wednesday- yoga, arms/shoulders, cardio
    Thursday- yoga, core, cardio
    Friday- yoga, back, cardio
    Saturday- yoga, core, cardio

    As you can tell I'm big on yoga, core and cardio.
  • Darjaurhziva
    Darjaurhziva Posts: 28 Member
    Winter season:
    Monday- HIIT - 50 minutes, and in sauna- 45minutes
    Tuesday- spinning - 50 minutes
    Wednesday- aerobics and body weight exercises - 60 minutes
    Thursday- functional training - 50-55 minutes
    Friday- body pump - 60 minutes
    Saturday- yoga - 90 minutes
    Sunday - body pump - 60 minutes

    Sometimes I take day off. My goal is working out 5 times a week.

    Summer season:
    I play tennis 3 times a week and body pump, maby HIIT 2-3 times a week.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,980 Member
    Monday - Friday: Anywhere from 30-40 flights of stairs each day

    Monday - Friday: Some walking each day. The amount will vary. There's my commute walk morning and evening (1 km total). And usually some sort of lunch walk (1-5 km). And there's often an evening walk (about 3 km) about 3 or 4 days a week. So some days I only walk about 2 km ... other days I walk as much as 9 km.

    One weekday: We try to get in a bicycle ride after work, somewhere around 20-ish km ... maybe closer to 30 if we feel particularly energetic.

    Weekend: We try to cycle a decent distance each day on the weekend, although sometimes one day might be a hike.

    And weightlifting ... I try to do that at least 3 times a week.
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    edited January 2016
    Monday: Lower body strength - appx. 40-60 minutes
    Tuesday: Upper body strength - appx. 40-60 minutes
    Wednesday-Friday: HIIT, cardio, or kickboxing (appx. 30-50 minutes) with one day rest
    Saturday: Anything total body and intense
    Sunday: Rest day

    I cycle to and from work every day (appx. 30 minutes) and walk everywhere else.
  • btucker9413
    btucker9413 Posts: 40 Member
    Sunday- yoga, core, cardio
    Monday- yoga, chest, cardio
    Tuesday- yoga, legs
    Wednesday- yoga, arms/shoulders, cardio
    Thursday- yoga, core, cardio
    Friday- yoga, back, cardio
    Saturday- yoga, core, cardio

    As you can tell I'm big on yoga, core and cardio.

    Can you tell me the benefits of yoga? I'm actually thinking of joining a class

  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    I am specifically training for a half marathon so here is what my weeks look like:
    Monday: Stretch and Strengthen (Yoga Dvd)
    Tuesday: 4 mile run (this will eventually be increased to 5miles)
    Wednesday: Alternating between Tempo run and Interval training (I usually run at least 3 miles here)
    Thursday: 3 mile run with strength training
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: 3 mile run
    Sunday: 7mile Long run (every week the mile increases by 1)
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I workout 5 times per week.

    3 days I lift weights.
    2 days I do 30mins cardio.

    Weights won't help you lose weight, but they'll go along way towards preserving muscle mass while you're losing (very important!).
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm doing PHUL lifting program

    Monday-17 minute KB HIIT or 30 min. KB circuits
    Tuesday-60 minutes Upper Power
    Wednesday-60 minutes Lower Power
    Friday-60 minutes Upper Hypertrophy
    Saturday-60 minutes Lower Hypertrophy
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    I'm training for a half marathon. I try to keep balance in my workouts so I don't get injured or burnt out :)

    Monday: yoga or pilates, or sometimes extra rest day
    Tuesday: run hill repeats (4 mile workout)
    Wednesday: circuit training
    Thursday: 3-5 mile run
    Friday: rest
    Saturday: body pump class
    Sunday: long run
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    Mon - Pilates reformer in morning, bootcamp in evening
    Tues - power step @ gym
    Wed - bootcamp in evening
    Thurs - rest or power step in evening or 3/4 miles Nordic walking
    Fri - bootcamp in evening
    Sat - if rest on Thurs, DVD @ home or hour mixed cardio @ gym
    Sun - power step in morning

    I've dialled it back a bit as my knees are feeling their age.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited January 2016
    m-f 3x/day, sat and sun 2x/day

    dynamic stretching
    4 body combat

    every 2 weeks:
    5 weights
    3 yoga

    The rest is general cardio - a combination of walking or other cardio based workout tapes, recently picked up a crossfit class at work so I'm planning to replace the lunchtime walk with that (if I can survive it). In the spring/summer/fall I spend a lot of time outdoors working the farm, so in the winter I try to really ramp up the workouts to compensate for being indoors all the time.