Not Fair



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Nothing really ever makes me want KFC

    Me neither. Popeye's is pretty good, though I'm not really into fried chicken, Popeye's popcorn shrimp basket (with fries and a biscuit) was a lunch I'd get fairly often years ago, so good.

    Popeye's shrimp poor boy is where it's at!
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    OP, threads that start off like this rarely end well in any section of the forums because you have a wide variety of people and you will offend many who have been borne the brunt of envy by being thinner and eating a calorific meal. Many have lost a lot of weight and are working hard to maintain but are now "naturally skinny" people that "can eat whatever they want" and this just isn't the case as you can see.

    Good luck to you as you continue your weight loss and it's going to be a struggle but envy isn't going to help you acheive your goals. With proper diet and exercise plus determination one of these days you might be that person you envy today eating fried chicken and biscuits while others eat turkey and lettuce looking at you with envy.
  • ToriGabrielle
    ToriGabrielle Posts: 25 Member
    When I was younger I used to claim that I could eat whatever I want and stay thin. I honestly thought it was true. But looking back on it, I didn't eat that much. Sure I would go out for dinner and eat a lot of fast food back then. But in terms of eating during the day I probably only ate once a day. I never ever ate breakfast, I rarely ate lunch or snacks during the day, so it was only dinner that I was eating and sometimes chips at night or something. I really could eat whatever I wanted and stay thin...BUT I wasn't overeating, even if I didn't realize it at the time.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Nothing really ever makes me want KFC

    Same. I could go for a good authentic batch of pub fish and chips, though.
  • wuxitan
    wuxitan Posts: 9 Member
    Go eat your lunch somewhere else and myob. Growing resentful of a co-worker because you're just now learning self control with food is not fair.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Nothing really ever makes me want KFC

    Didn't you hear, they put sodium bicarbonate in it!? A highly addictive chemical also used in industrial applications...
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Nothing really ever makes me want KFC

    Didn't you hear, they put sodium bicarbonate in it!? A highly addictive chemical also used in industrial applications...

    oh no, but it just taste so good
  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    Sodium bicarbonate is just baking soda!
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    When I was incredibly thin, I used to get comment about how thin I was and how much I could eat. I was on my feet all day, burning about 3000 cals a day. I was eating every other day. So . . what they'd see is 2 big bacon classics from wendys, 2 large fries and a 2 liter of coke. Except . . that's what I ate that day. If I was eating a giant bag of recees, that was what I was eating. It wasn't a giant meal from wendys and a giant bag of recees and 3 meals on top of that. and if it was, I probably wasn't eating for 3 days afterwords. Bottom line - you just don't know how she's maintaining that weight.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Sodium bicarbonate is just baking soda!

    It's somewhat of a running joke based on a junk science post.
  • JackieMarie1989jgw
    JackieMarie1989jgw Posts: 230 Member
    Sodium bicarbonate is just baking soda!

    It's somewhat of a running joke based on a junk science post.

    Ohhh haha. I know the dihydrogen oxide joke but this one went over my head obviously. I'm new here
  • ricolifee
    ricolifee Posts: 30 Member
    I used to be that girl, then I hit 20 and put on weight like a flash. I'm back down now-without the filthy eating habits, but still not as lean as I was back then. Focus on yourself, it's much more rewarding when you work for it.
  • Vcorz
    Vcorz Posts: 75 Member
    And as many here have noted, being effortlessly thin at one point in your life doesn't mean you wont become plump later....circumstances and bodies change.....that woman doesn't have a permanent free pass.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    Vcorz wrote: »
    And as many here have noted, being effortlessly thin at one point in your life doesn't mean you wont become plump later....circumstances and bodies change.....that woman doesn't have a permanent free pass.

    ha that was me. thought i would be slim forever.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Sodium bicarbonate is just baking soda!

    It's somewhat of a running joke based on a junk science post.

    Ohhh haha. I know the dihydrogen oxide joke but this one went over my head obviously. I'm new here

    Oh, we don't talk about dihydrogen oxide here, that's dangerous stuff found in all most all poisons and and explosives!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    Different people have different weight issues. I know that most people who are overweight think that thin people are lucky. My daughter is underweight and has been her whole life. Over the course of the day she probably doesn't really eat that much. But when she eats her main meal of the day her favorite is pasta with alfredo sauce. She eats a ton of carbs and still has trouble keeping weight on. Her bmi is 16.5. When she was a child she had to have a feeding tube to help her gain some weight. She had that for over 2 years and we were finally able to get some weight on her. I have the opposite problem. I don't have any problem gaining weight. But I will never wish that I had the problem of needing to gain either. You don't know what your coworker eats ever day or what kind of weight issues she deals with. One fried chicken dinner doesn't mean that your coworker eats nothing but tons of fried food all day long. The occasional fried chicken isn't going to hurt anyway. Just don't have it everyday. It doesn't help to be jealous of other people. What you might consider lucky may actually be a health issue for them. When my daughter was little her pediatrician actually told us that if she wanted to eat ice cream for dinner every day to let her because we wanted to get as many calories in her as possible. I'm sure she has friends who see her eating pasta with creamy sauces and think she is lucky.
  • 42firm03
    42firm03 Posts: 115 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    42firm03 wrote: »

    There is a girl I work with that is like you. She is 100 pounds overweight. She was SHOCKED when I told her I drank beer. Like, literally shocked. HOW ARE YOU SO SKINNY? There's no way you drink beer! She was practically shouting at me. I told her yes, I do drink beer. I drink beer in moderation and only on occasion. I don't chug a twelve pack every night. She also gets outraged at our other co-worker when she brings french fries and fried zucchini from the local diner to lunch. Said skinny co-worker buys this as a once-a-month treat for herself. ONCE A MONTH. But to our fat co-worker, she eats whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and stays skinny, and life just isn't fair.

    This actually kinda makes sense to me. To a fat person, who is shamed by society for existing and who is told that single foods/meals are the problem. That doesn't truly understand how CICO can work over a long span of time to allow them to both reach a healthy weight and still ever eat food that is deemed "bad", this is their truth. You can eat food that they should never eat, THEY THINK, which isn't fair. The problem isn't that it isn't fair, it's that they have been sold black and white diet thinking that makes them give up on themselves.

    Lived that life for years. It stinks.

    Stinks? At 100 lbs overweight you're telling me the big gal hasn't done her fair share of eating whatever the heck she wants? More so than the thin women in that anecdote?

    @Janeir36 I meant what sinks is being trapped in the diet belief that the only path to thinness/health lies in eating good for you food, all the time. No "bad"/yummy foods for you, you are fat!

    For me this was a huge mental roadblock and it ticks me off now that I realize it was all a lie. It's hard to articulate and was rather dumb. The shame piece plays heavily into it and again is hard for me to articulate.

    In retrospect I think I knew there was a lie, just not what the lie was, and therefore felt trapped.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Some interesting (to my mind at least) reading from reddit: how do "naturally thin" people eat and relate to food? There's a fairly consistent pattern. "Naturally thin" people are very active, don't have huge appetites, and don't have a "relationship" with food the way many of us do:
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I know it's been said already, but you don't know how much your co-worker eats or exercises during the day. I just finished reading "It Was Me Along" about a woman who at 20 years old weigh 260 lbs and how she lost the weight. In one part she talked about being a teenager and thinking life wasn't fair, that her and her best friend at the same thing and she gained weight while her friend didn't. She found out years later that while they at the same thing, they ate different quantities. Some of the examples she used, if they went out to dinner, the both ordered chicken fingers and fries but her friend order from the kids menu, she ordered from the regular menu. On a Saturday morning after a sleepover, they'd both have cereal for breakfast, but her friend would have one bowl and she'd have 2-3.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Some interesting (to my mind at least) reading from reddit: how do "naturally thin" people eat and relate to food? There's a fairly consistent pattern. "Naturally thin" people are very active, don't have huge appetites, and don't have a "relationship" with food the way many of us do:

    Ya, this is covered in The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person as well, along with the point that "naturally thin" people do restrict their eating, you may just not see when they do this.