Finally at weight now need to maintain any pointers



  • tabletmfp
    tabletmfp Posts: 53 Member
    stormyview wrote: »
    I reached my goal weight and then ended up regaining 30 lbs in the next few months. I'm currently trying to get back to where I was, but it's discouraging to have backtracked. If I think of the mistakes I made -

    1) I stopped checking my weight frequently. I thought that I was finished and I didn't have to monitor my weight as much. This is wrong, especially for those that have a tendency to put on weight quickly. I hadn't checked in a couple weeks and realized I had gained 10 lbs. Check your weight every day.

    A million times this!!

    I maintain without tracking most of the time, but I check my weight pretty much every day. That way I will know when I've gone up. It's a lot easier to correct a 2-pound gain than a 10-pound gain!

    This is also why I keep a relatively narrow range. If I see my weight up two pounds or more for more than a few days, I start restricting a bit. I don't wait to see if it will become 3 or 4 pounds. In fact, if I stop seeing my target weight or the number one below it for more than about a week, I cut back until I'm seeing it again. I know that for me, if I don't see my target number for more than a week, I've gained a bit. My normal fluctuations don't last that long.

    If much rather stay on top of my weight and only have to lose a pound or two than to have a larger range and have to keep dieting to get back to my target weight. Keeping a narrow range and cutting back occasionally as needed feels much more natural to me than perpetually tracking.

    That's my other piece of advice. Find a way of maintaining your weight that works for you. My way is probably not your way, but you need to figure out a method that will work for you long term. Be realistic about your personality and strengths and find something that works for you. For me, it's essentially IF plus close weight tracking. For you, it may be tracking or something else. Some people p7artially fast a couple of days a week. Find what works for you.
    I partially fast 3 days a week. 3 days I stick to 1600 calories and 1 day I cheat and don't track. I find this a nice balance. If I ate my tdee of 1400 every day I would feel very deprived. The 1st fast on Mondays is easy and the Wednesday fast is ok. Fridays fast is a bit hard but I'm looking forward to eating nice stuff and a few drinks at the weekend. Anyway I hope you find a suitable method!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    the only difference between losing and maintaining is a handful of calories...that's it. i eat about 500 calories more per day now than i did when i was losing weight...couple of snacks or slightly larger portions at a meal, etc...nothing else has changed...I still eat very well and exercise regularly.
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 508 Member
    Exercise!!! I get over 10,000 steps/day AND do a vigorous workout at the gym 4 days/week. paying attention to portions and tracking has helped me stay at or under my goal for almost 3 years.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    the only difference between losing and maintaining is a handful of calories...that's it. i eat about 500 calories more per day now than i did when i was losing weight...couple of snacks or slightly larger portions at a meal, etc...nothing else has changed...I still eat very well and exercise regularly.

    Thats not the same for everybody, I had a 1000 calorie difference...

  • Carina219
    Carina219 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone! My goal now that I am at my weight is to transform the last fat to muscle. I did and still continue to work out 6 days a week. My workouts consist of at least a 3mile run at a 6.5 or higher pace. Than I either do 30 to 40 minutes of weight training/body weight training/or interval training. It really depends on the day and how I feel with what my last 30 minutes include.

    As far as eating my tdee increased by about 1000. The first few days I slowly increased so as to not overwhelm my body. It is definitely adjusting to the new calorie intake. I still continue to keep my meals as healthy as they were previously it is just more to the portions. Most of my meals include vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and protiens as the majority! I do have cheats every once in a while when I know my body wants it like today. Before today's cheat I hadn't had one since the first of the month. I will continue to do everything as before just bigger portions or incorporate more to my in between meal snacks.

    As far as weighing in I will definitely keep that in mind. I will try to weigh in more in the beginning until I adjust than take it down to at least twice a week. That way I know where I'm sitting!

    I also have a fit bit so it helps me keep me in check!!

  • Fillygirl1111
    Fillygirl1111 Posts: 1 Member
    Love this! I'm at my goal of 100 pounds, and this app certainly helps me to maintain my weight!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Bump. I'll soon be at my goal.