Lose fat and build muscle?

Hi there. I was hoping you could help me. I have been working on bettering myself and trying to live a more healthy lifestyle and have developed some goals for myself. One of my top priorities is weight loss. I have been obese for the last five years (282 lbs, 5'3"), so obviously that is my top priority, however I have another goal that is a close second. And while it's embarrassing to admit, for a woman of my girth, I have a tiny butt. My body is disproportionate. Most of my mass is carried from the waist up, and unfortunately, it's not in my boobs (which is a complaint for another time). So, on to my question, for someone like myself, who wants to build a lot of muscle in the buttocks and thigh, but also wants to lose weight, how much protein should I been getting per day? Any other advice you may have would also be appreciated.


  • Nell8i8
    Nell8i8 Posts: 61 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi! I would suggest you start with 46 to 50 grams a day. Also Squats and Lunges are your friend! I have found no better exercise for my butt! and it works quick if you are consistent. Also I suggest you also target your waist and abs. Nothing makes your butt look bigger than a slimmer waist line!
  • venusrhymeswith
    venusrhymeswith Posts: 5 Member
    Oh thank you! Do you know any ab exercises that wouldn't build me out too wide? I'm trying to avoid filling out sideways.
  • Nell8i8
    Nell8i8 Posts: 61 Member
    Planks pretty much work your whole core and you can do them anywhere. Start out with small increments of time and slowly build up. Make sure you keep your body in line when doing them,
  • gunrock1970
    gunrock1970 Posts: 45 Member
    The things is, OP, the worries about your shape or it's proportions, whilst normal and understandable, are a waste of energy, as the bottom line (no pun intended!) is: your Mum and Dad had sex and made you. Sure if you lose weight and firm up, your butt might be in proportion with the rest of you, but then again it might not. Just try to be the best version of you; healthy, fit and living a sustainable regime of exercise and nutrition. Then the confidence will just flow from you and all those worries will diminish (though never disappear).

    Best of luck. No time like today, go to it!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Nell8i8 wrote: »
    Hi! I would suggest you start with 46 to 50 grams a day. Also Squats and Lunges are your friend! I have found no better exercise for my butt! and it works quick if you are consistent. Also I suggest you also target your waist and abs. Nothing makes your butt look bigger than a slimmer waist line!

  • talialinn
    talialinn Posts: 30 Member
    edited January 2016
    HI doll.

    First of all, congrats on taking the steps to better yourself. I think it takes a lot more motivation and/or courage to vow to put yourself first than many people think.

    Also, there's no perfect formula for macros that works for everyone, so if at first you don't succeed, experiment with different fat/protein/carb ratios. Stay with a specific ratio for at least a month each time and gauge your energy levels, visible and invisible progress. (Do you feel stronger? Are your cravings for junk food dissipating? Etc.) I would suggest you try and get more protein 100-125g a day from a variety of plant and animal sources. (Nuts, beans, quinoa, meats, fish, chicken, plain Fage greek yogurt, leafy green veggies, eggs, almond milk) Since you can't build muscle in a calorie deficit, you might not necessarily notice a huge gain in your butt with all those squats, but you will get firmer, build strength and muscle endurance which will be so handy later on in your journey. For now, focus on creating and sticking with a routine.

    So muscle is made out of proteins, but carbohydrates are the fuel your body needs to create those new muscle cells. Keep that in mind. When you get to the actual muscle building part of your journey remember that you simply can't build muscle without carbs. It won't happen. Try to include mostly complex whole grain or vegetable based carbohydrates. I always check Pinterest for healthy recipes that include ingredients I have on hand and that helps keep variety in my diet. :)

    Don't be afraid of fat! Get good fats (olive oil, fish, avocados, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, nuts, etc.) so your body will be more apt to burn your old fat.

    Good Luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Nell8i8 wrote: »
    Hi! I would suggest you start with 46 to 50 grams a day. Also Squats and Lunges are your friend! I have found no better exercise for my butt! and it works quick if you are consistent. Also I suggest you also target your waist and abs. Nothing makes your butt look bigger than a slimmer waist line!
    Targeting the waistline with exercise doesn't spot reduce it. This is still an ongoing myth at many gyms.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Nell8i8 wrote: »
    Hi! I would suggest you start with 46 to 50 grams a day. Also Squats and Lunges are your friend! I have found no better exercise for my butt! and it works quick if you are consistent. Also I suggest you also target your waist and abs. Nothing makes your butt look bigger than a slimmer waist line!

    But that's from a calorie deficit, not from doing ab work.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Hi there. I was hoping you could help me. I have been working on bettering myself and trying to live a more healthy lifestyle and have developed some goals for myself. One of my top priorities is weight loss. I have been obese for the last five years (282 lbs, 5'3"), so obviously that is my top priority, however I have another goal that is a close second. And while it's embarrassing to admit, for a woman of my girth, I have a tiny butt. My body is disproportionate. Most of my mass is carried from the waist up, and unfortunately, it's not in my boobs (which is a complaint for another time). So, on to my question, for someone like myself, who wants to build a lot of muscle in the buttocks and thigh, but also wants to lose weight, how much protein should I been getting per day? Any other advice you may have would also be appreciated.
    Focus on consistency with calorie deficit. Exercise to help retain what muscle you already have and POSSIBLY add some newbie muscle if you're new to lifting. You'll see your shape much better with a 100lbs loss (may take a year or more to do) and you can reassess your goals from there.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • shawnathan9
    shawnathan9 Posts: 17 Member
    Forget bodyweight exercises until you're more proportioned after a while. Start with walking, not running to avoid joint issues. Drink LOTS of water to help flush what waste you have now.

    Try to eliminate dairy first and see if you notice improvements in a week. Limit your sodium intake. Sodium retains 100 times it's volume of water weight.

    Reduce or eliminate processed foods and refined sugars. Switch to dates and bananas if you have a sweet tooth.

    Really minimize your fat and protein and increase your organic starchy carbs without oils or sodium.

    * Everyone has their own dietary needs and beliefs. Just cut the crap....you know already know what the problems are but need to admit to them.
  • shawnathan9
    shawnathan9 Posts: 17 Member
    You should only consider building muscle once you get to a reasonable bodyweight imho. It would appear to be easier to become the best you if you start with a better foundation. Best of luck. You're going to make it.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016
    Forget bodyweight exercises until you're more proportioned after a while. Start with walking, not running to avoid joint issues. Drink LOTS of water to help flush what waste you have now.

    Try to eliminate dairy first and see if you notice improvements in a week. Limit your sodium intake. Sodium retains 100 times it's volume of water weight.

    Reduce or eliminate processed foods and refined sugars. Switch to dates and bananas if you have a sweet tooth.

    Really minimize your fat and protein and increase your organic starchy carbs without oils or sodium.

    * Everyone has their own dietary needs and beliefs. Just cut the crap....you know already know what the problems are but need to admit to them.
    You should only consider building muscle once you get to a reasonable bodyweight imho. It would appear to be easier to become the best you if you start with a better foundation. Best of luck. You're going to make it.

    Actually no

    It is far better to preserve as much muscle as possible whilst you lose weight than have to build it again after. And as an obese woman she has a lot of muscle developed to help get her mobile

    Walking is great advice but bodyweight exercises are important too up to the point where she can manage heavier resistance work

    Here's a decent beginners programme http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/

    Your dietary advice is not good IMHO ..proteins and fats are both minimum macros to reach and if I was OP and putting in the effort I'd be aiming for 0.65g protein and 0.35 fat per lb of bodyweight as a minimum within my calorie defecit
  • talialinn
    talialinn Posts: 30 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Hi there. I was hoping you could help me. I have been working on bettering myself and trying to live a more healthy lifestyle and have developed some goals for myself. One of my top priorities is weight loss. I have been obese for the last five years (282 lbs, 5'3"), so obviously that is my top priority, however I have another goal that is a close second. And while it's embarrassing to admit, for a woman of my girth, I have a tiny butt. My body is disproportionate. Most of my mass is carried from the waist up, and unfortunately, it's not in my boobs (which is a complaint for another time). So, on to my question, for someone like myself, who wants to build a lot of muscle in the buttocks and thigh, but also wants to lose weight, how much protein should I been getting per day? Any other advice you may have would also be appreciated.
    Focus on consistency with calorie deficit. Exercise to help retain what muscle you already have and POSSIBLY add some newbie muscle if you're new to lifting. You'll see your shape much better with a 100lbs loss (may take a year or more to do) and you can reassess your goals from there.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Yup. Listen to this guy. This is truth.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Forget bodyweight exercises until you're more proportioned after a while. Start with walking, not running to avoid joint issues. Drink LOTS of water to help flush what waste you have now.

    Try to eliminate dairy first and see if you notice improvements in a week. Limit your sodium intake. Sodium retains 100 times it's volume of water weight.

    Reduce or eliminate processed foods and refined sugars. Switch to dates and bananas if you have a sweet tooth.

    Really minimize your fat and protein and increase your organic starchy carbs without oils or sodium.

    * Everyone has their own dietary needs and beliefs. Just cut the crap....you know already know what the problems are but need to admit to them.

    why does she need to eliminate dairy? aside from having a health issue or allergies to it? also saying to reduce fat and protein and up carbs? healthy fats and protein are essential as well as carbs.protein is needed to retain lean muscle mass so you want her to lose it just to build it back up again which is harder once she loses weight? no she doesnt need to avoid things unless she has health issues,allergies/intolerance. all thats needed to lose is a caloric deficit.as for water flushing what waste she has now um your body does that naturally when you get enough fiber and water,but its not going to flush anything additional out except maybe for excess sodium. your body does much of the work.water is needed so you dont dehydrate and keeps things running smoothly in most cases.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    edited January 2016
    Check out Bret Contreras' website for lifting for maximum glutes :) I gained glute muscle and my main lift for that is the glute bridge, which is one of his favorites.

    For bodybuilding, practically the more protein the better. I can never eat enough, but I like small portions of meat, lol. Some people can eat too much, so I don't mean that advice literally, though.

    Do start as soon as you like with the glute lifts and other strength training. Overfat beginners have a chance at muscle growth while in a deficit, so go on and get those gains if you have them!

    ETA: Oh, and I do lose 1-2 inches on my waist just from getting my muscles really tight compared to loose and underused. But that's a one-time thing. It's not exactly spot reduction as no fat is lost, but it is 1 or 2 inches ;)