working out on your period?

so I was super stoked for gym day today because yesterday I noticed I was finding things easier and then today everything was harder! I ate the same amount as always so it's nothing to do with not having enough fuel. I slept pretty well last night so it's not fatigue. all I can think is maybe it's due to being on my period? today was my second day so maybe having lost blood over the last day and a half took a toll and I had less energy? is that a thing? has anyone on here ever found they have a harder time with workouts mid-period? or am I crazy?


  • harrelld91
    harrelld91 Posts: 1 Member
    Haha you aren't crazy. This is a real thing! Just shows how much harder woman have to work to lose weight than men. They don't have this issue. I got an iud and thankfully don't have this issue anymore. Keep up the great work though!
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    harrelld91 wrote: »
    Haha you aren't crazy. This is a real thing! Just shows how much harder woman have to work to lose weight than men. They don't have this issue. I got an iud and thankfully don't have this issue anymore. Keep up the great work though!

    thank you for the validation! haha. I feel better knowing that is likely the cause. being a woman can be such a ripoff.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I know that many women who workout skip the gym the day their period is the heaviest (usually the second) so you are not crazy. I even have a relative who was an athlete competing at national level and it was the one day every month when she would not train.
  • lillihuhn
    lillihuhn Posts: 5 Member
    I feel the same way when I'm on mine. Do you guys feel a few pounds heavier right before you start your period?
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    I know that many women who workout skip the gym the day their period is the heaviest (usually the second) so you are not crazy. I even have a relative who was an athlete competing at national level and it was the one day every month when she would not train.

    really! wow. well at least I know for the future to expect to struggle with my workouts if gym day lands on day 2 of my period. interesting that it's the first time I've noticed this in the 7 months I've been going to the gym.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I don't let it stop me. I may not be at my best, but I try to do something active.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    Gee whiz. It's life. Maybe you were just a bit dehydrated.

    Never let your cycle control you. Sorry to be bitcxy but don't make excuses. Just do something. If your really have dysmenhorrea, then things are different.

    Women all over the world with much bigger challenges don't use their period as an excuse.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    I won't let it stop me either. as I said, now I know to expect gym day to be a bit tougher if it lands mid-period. at no point did I say I was going to let my cycle control me, or make excuses. not sure where your aggression is coming from. geez.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you actually don't lose a lot of blood during your period, most of the liquid is the water you had been retaining from the days previous. so it's not like donating a pint of blood a day lol.

    i've never had issues with exercising during my period so i cant speak to any specific issues, but i think in general if you are feeling weaker, nauseous, etc during this time then you should see your doctor. it also helps to stay properly hydrated, ad eating a balanced diet
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    you actually don't lose a lot of blood during your period, most of the liquid is the water you had been retaining from the days previous. so it's not like donating a pint of blood a day lol.

    i've never had issues with exercising during my period so i cant speak to any specific issues, but i think in general if you are feeling weaker, nauseous, etc during this time then you should see your doctor. it also helps to stay properly hydrated, ad eating a balanced diet

    I know it's not a lot of actual blood in the uterine lining, which is part of why I was unsure that it could be responsible. that said, I know I have low iron in the first place, so even losing a little bit could have an effect, yes? maybe? I dunno, I'm totally just guessing here.

    as I said, I've never had an issue with it before either. who knows, maybe I was just having a random off day. no nausea. I eat fairly healthy, though I have been noticing since tracking my food on this site that I almost never get my full allotment of protein which is probably something I should work on, especially on gym days.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I don't notice a difference. Business as usual.
  • kalynbreann357
    kalynbreann357 Posts: 56 Member
    The only difference I feel are the cramps, not so easy to work through them either.

    If you really don't feel well do some yoga or take a day off completely. The advice to just get over it or "never let your cycle control you" is both offensive and laughable, you know your body better than anyone else so if you feel bad then theres nothing wrong with a rest day.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    The only difference I feel are the cramps, not so easy to work through them either.

    If you really don't feel well do some yoga or take a day off completely. The advice to just get over it or "never let your cycle control you" is both offensive and laughable, you know your body better than anyone else so if you feel bad then theres nothing wrong with a rest day.

    luckily I don't get bad cramps.

    the problem was, I didn't know I was feeling weak until it was like halfway through the class I take at my gym, and I wasn't about to just get up and leave in the middle of class. I wasn't dizzy or anything, just having a hard time as if I hadn't worked out in a while. and I only work out 3 days a week as it is, I have plenty of rest days lol.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I notice I'm weaker and have less stamina. So I still try to get something done, I just don't beat myself up if 5 miles takes me the time 6 normally does. Very often, if I can get started it helps my cramps in the longer term and I don't need to take painkillers as frequently.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm usually on heavy narcotics during my period so hopping on a treadmill is a hazard and I'm too hazy to do anything else. My experience may not be comparable, but I've lost weight just fine skipping a few days a month. Don't be discouraged if you can't perform to your usual level, or even at all. In the grand scheme of things it's not really a setback.
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    lillihuhn wrote: »
    I feel the same way when I'm on mine. Do you guys feel a few pounds heavier right before you start your period?
    Yep. Fluid retention. I feel like an elephant when running on the treadmill.
  • scottish_laura_13
    scottish_laura_13 Posts: 69 Member
    I don't like going to the gym when im on mine, I will do exercise at home and less strenuous stuff as my energy really goes down
    but its not just the period it can also be the self conscious part of the smell, the amount you bleed, if people can see lines of pads, getting changed/showered if your heavy (especially if it co-ed changing rooms) I know you can swim but I don't feel comfortable going swimming when it that time of the month or doing certain leg opening exercises
    women have different effects, some don't get cramps or heavy periods so its fine for them to exercise but others do so theres no need to judge others
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    If you worked out harder yesterday than you normally do, your body may just be more tired than usual.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    To be fair, periods can be pretty harsh. I mean, your body just spent 3 weeks getting the kid's room ready, found out you aren't going to use it, and is trashing the joint in a fit of rage. No wonder there's no energy for much beyond chocolate and Netflix.
  • scottish_laura_13
    scottish_laura_13 Posts: 69 Member
    To be fair, periods can be pretty harsh. I mean, your body just spent 3 weeks getting the kid's room ready, found out you aren't going to use it, and is trashing the joint in a fit of rage. No wonder there's no energy for much beyond chocolate and Netflix.
    love that!