Question about yogurt and yeast infection?



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    edited January 2016
    I would take the medicine your doctor prescribed.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I find the oral pill version of the anti-fungal to work the best, but sometimes need two or more rounds. The cream or vaginal pill sometimes works to get rid of the yeast, but can cause even more irritation down there, that it's not really worth it for me. Eating yogurt (especially without added sugar) seems beneficial while taking antibiotics, to prevent the yeast infection, but doesn't seem to help once you have it.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    "the anti-fungal therapy produced a significantly higher definitive mycological cure rate"
    Take the anti-fungal.

    Cure Rate.

    I do, when needed

    I merely said that topical application helps massively with symptoms :)

    one doesn't always have access to doctor / pharmacy when ones wahoosit is itching .. but yogurt .. it's alus in da fridge :)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Canestan or another vaginal treatment. Take them. Also take a probiotic when you take an antibiotic. Yogurt will stop the itchy. Don't live through a thrush incident without treatment.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    "the anti-fungal therapy produced a significantly higher definitive mycological cure rate"
    Take the anti-fungal.

    Cure Rate.

    I do, when needed

    I merely said that topical application helps massively with symptoms :)

    one doesn't always have access to doctor / pharmacy when ones wahoosit is itching .. but yogurt .. it's alus in da fridge :)

    I'm sure. But OP posted - "My doctor prescribed Fluconazole" ... so there is that.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2016
    I have a vaginal yeast infection. It's been going on for a while and causing itching, soreness, and I'm unable to hold my bladder. A UTI has been ruled out. It's a yeast infection. I thought about how yogurt is usually recommended for yeast infections and I was wondering if this would work to get rid of it? I'm talking about eating it, not applying it topically. I thought maybe if I eat it every day it would clear up. I know there's other treatments available but if yogurt would work I would rather just use that.

    You should go to the doctor.

    Yogurt can help prevent yeast infections, ear infections and diarrhea but cannot cure them (and in my experience, honestly, yogurt does next to nothing. Proper hygiene is more effective). Go to the doctor - it's ONE pill once. And it'll clear up. Leave it too long and you may end up infertile. In Canada, that one pill is available over the counter. No doctor needed. FYI - I'm talking about an oral pill.

    The topical creams are only supposed to be used for a maximum of one week. In other words - great while that little pill is fixing the problem. But not good if all you're doing is avoiding proper treatment. The cream is for external use only, so it hardly gets the the infection site (if at all).

    Don't shove yogurt up you vagina on a tampon. I'm not sure I've ever head of anything so ridiculous.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I have a vaginal yeast infection. It's been going on for a while and causing itching, soreness, and I'm unable to hold my bladder. A UTI has been ruled out. It's a yeast infection. I thought about how yogurt is usually recommended for yeast infections and I was wondering if this would work to get rid of it? I'm talking about eating it, not applying it topically. I thought maybe if I eat it every day it would clear up. I know there's other treatments available but if yogurt would work I would rather just use that.

    Topical application helps massively with the symptoms

    Really? I would be worried that would create a moist environment making it grow, I guess not. Do you put it in a tampon or just apply it on the outer opening?

    Live yogurt on a tampon
    and also on itchy skin around the labia
    plus sanitary towel

    it does help although that's an anecdotal report, but women have been using it for centuries .. I haven't seen any double blind peer reviewed support for it though

    my doctor actually recommended it to me as an option.

    at first sign, i usually take AZO. It works pretty well.
  • jenovatrix
    jenovatrix Posts: 219 Member

    Yeah, that's enough internet for today.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Okay so yogurt on a tampon is out lol I will just take the Fluconazole my doctor prescribed. It's only one pill and then take another in a week if needed. Has anyone taken it? Does it have side effects? Is it still effective if I take half one day and half the next day? Just so it's not so much at once? Will having yogurt regularly prevent it from coming back once it's gone?

    Take your prescription as it is prescribed!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    take it as prescribed

    i think my stomach was upset, but that's because everything makes my stomach upset
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,028 Member
    Fluconozale usually works really well and quickly. I've never had any side effects with it. It can help to take probiotics ore eat plain yogurt, but not sugary yogurt. If you got your yeast infection after taking antibiotics it is most likely just a side effect from the antibiotic and the fluconozale will take care of it. I usually ask for a prescription of fluconazale any time I have to take an antibiotic.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    It sounds like you've got one doozy of a candida overgrowth. In that case, I'd definitely take the fluconazole as prescribed, but also add plenty of PLAIN yogurt and a good probiotic into your daily regimen. It will help speed up recovery and prevent future issues.

    Whenever (rarely) I have to take antibiotics, I double my probiotics and eat more yogurt on day 1 and continuing until antibiotic therapy is done. I also ask my doctor for a prescription for fluconazole, just in case. Full spectrum antibiotics are notorious for killing off all the good stuff while allowing yeast to flourish.

    Women have been using yogurt and other cultured dairy as treatment and prevention for centuries. Using it topically/vaginally will not hurt a thing, but might not be enough to knock out what's going on right now.

    One concern you mentioned is the bladder incontinence. I've personally never had that as a symptom with a yeast infection. If that doesn't improve, definitely go back to the doctor!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Take the fluconazole. It's one pill and super effective.

    The only side effect i know of is it will make your birth control ineffective for around a week or so.

    Either way, take the one pill. Get it over with and get on with your life.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Does one dose of Fluconazole get rid of Candida overgrowth like I have or does it just get rid of the vaginal yeast infection?

    I will add in plain yogurt (I'm assuming the sugar in this won't make it worse?) and a probiotic. How long should I take the probiotic for?

    I think the Fluconazole will help with candida throughout the body.

    The sugar in plain yogurt is very low compared to the fruit flavored ones. I wouldn't worry overmuch about that.

    Take the probiotic daily for the rest of your life. LOL
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    edited January 2016
    the Fluconazole should help with the yeast through your body. but since you have it in your mouth and elsewhere they should have done a blood test to rule out any health issues like diabets,HIV, or autoimmune diseases(you can get vaginal and other yeast infections through sex also because it can be spread). the last time I had a yeast infection and oral thrush my dr tested me for those things I mentioned above, which can cause overgrowths like that. they told me to avoid/cut down on sugars,alcohol, products made with flour and take the fluconazole. I had to take 1 pill for 2 weeks and repeat as necessary. now when I have to take antibiotics I take probiotics as well to prevent getting one and so far so good.plain yogurt sometimes is not enough.

    also avoid harsh body washes,bubble bath product as well as that can irritate it and make it worse or cause the UTI like issues.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2016
    Okay so yogurt on a tampon is out lol I will just take the Fluconazole my doctor prescribed. It's only one pill and then take another in a week if needed. Has anyone taken it? Does it have side effects? Is it still effective if I take half one day and half the next day? Just so it's not so much at once? Will having yogurt regularly prevent it from coming back once it's gone?

    Follow the instructions. It won't work if you split it.


    Please go ask these questions of your doctor. Not MFP.
  • kstanciu
    kstanciu Posts: 1 Member
    If you're not allergic to coconut, I would consider taking coconut oil capsules. I was having an ongoing issue caused by other prescription medications but once I started taking coconut oil I have not had the issue since (I've also been able to stop taking some of the meds since I started the coconut oil therapy. Use only 100% organic extra virgin coconut oil capsules. If you want to start the process asap you can get some 100% organic extra virgin coconut oil and use a coated tampon for vaginal delivery. If you can't find the capsules, you can also eat the oil, either way, start slow as it can give you diarrhea if you take too much by mouth at a time. It is a natural anti fungal, anti microbial and will seek out other infection in the body. If you don't start slow and work up, you could also experience flu like symptoms. I now take 4000mg per day.