30KGs In 30 Weeks For My 30th Birthday?



  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    No one wants you to fail, they are just trying to save you the pitfalls we have all had previously.
    Give the goal mfp has set a try, it already has a deficit set in , lose steady and keep it off , it's not a race , weight loss is the journey Maintence is the goal

    Thank you I really appreciate that. what I didn't explain is that I have let myself down time and time again. I don't want to do that again which is why when people say "when you fail" I get upset. I'm not trying to play the stupid card, I know what I need to do to loose this weight. I just wanted some support.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    MFP recommend 1400 for me, but because I want to loose a large amount of weight, I'm consuming less than 1200 and exercising on top of that :smile: )

    And therein lies the problem. You are netting less than 1000 calories a day, which isn't healthy or recommended.

    You are clearly not looking for advice, just people who will validate your choices. Are you done logging for today? Because <700 calories per day is dangerous.

    Have you got anything positive to say or are you just here to have a pop? Anything for you people to say "Aha! I;m right you're wrong, you're doing it wrong". Hows about, "Hey, maybe try adding some more calories to your diet so you don't burn out too quickly"? Not, "THATS DANGEROUS!"

    I came here for support. As in "Good for you!! keep an eye on your sugars though ;)" not "Well you're going to fail and when you do, I'll be pleased".

    Here's some genuine questions: How will you feel in 30 weeks if you don't hit your goal? Or if you eat over your calorie allowance for some days during the 30 weeks?

    Because your responses in this thread seem to indicate that your reaction to failure would be, in the gentlest word possible, bad. If even the *suggestion* that you may not reach your goal has you this up in arms, what's going to happen if you don't reach goal? Because eating only 700 calories per day for 30 weeks and exercising can lead to numerous health problems that will make it harder to accomplish any goals. Especially if those goals include keeping your hair and healthy organs.

    I don't typically consume less than 700 calories and I'm not done logging for the day. I've been overweight my entire life. I've tried every diet under the sun. This time, I've done it completely differently. I am doing everything I can possibly think of and my doctor recommended coming on to a forum like MFP for encouragement which is what I did. I probably should have posted it in the motivation section, but I didn't.

    If I don't reach my goal, I don't reach it. I've made next to no goals in my life in many different aspects so all I wanted to do was set one and work hard. That's it.

    This is all good stuff. We all want you to succeed (really) but getting there in a healthy way is important, and realizing that the biggest loss in the shortest amount of time isn't always desirable is part of that.
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    hbb86 wrote: »
    Thank you I really appreciate that. what I didn't explain is that I have let myself down time and time again. I don't want to do that again which is why when people say "when you fail" I get upset. I'm not trying to play the stupid card, I know what I need to do to loose this weight. I just wanted some support.

    Sometimes the best support you can get is honest support. Getting a group of cheerleaders to tell you "you can do it!" is wonderful, but where will those people be when it gets hard and you have questions and needs? Having people who can question what you're doing, give you advice on how to achieve your goals realistically, and make a positive impact in what can sometimes be a negative goal is what will get you to where you need to be. I've been overweight since elementary school. I still am. I've lost 110lbs so far, and I have another 100+ lbs to go to be at my "ideal" weight. When I first started I did the same thing as you. Lose as much weight as possible without worrying about the long term. Your doctor may be saying "two lbs is achievable," but it isn't sustainable for most people. Maybe you'll be the one who can do it and achieve your goals as fast as you want. However, making small changes to your diet now and getting your mind right for the forseeable future is going to have a greater impact on your life throughout than losing 30kgs in 30 weeks. If you lost a lot, then slow down with your diet it can be really easy to fall back into the same patterns that got your overweight in the first place.

    Good luck to you, and I hope you can achieve your goals. Just remember that the best goal is a attainable goal. Don't strive to get to the finish line first, strive to get 1/4 of the way there and reset your goal as you go along.
  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    hbb86 wrote: »
    Hey everyone!

    I have a goal in mind to loose 30KGs by my 30th birthday (September 19th which is roughly 32 weeks away).

    Hey, we have birthdays one day apart, mine is 20th :D And it sounds pretty similar as well, I started with 120,5 kg and trying to lose 55 kg as over time goal. I'm not setting dates for my goals since to me that feels like setting extra stress and negative feeling towards weight loss if I don't feel good about it. For me that stress starts when calories are less than 1200 and most comfortable I feel when I'm setting the limit to 1500 daily. So far I've lost 5,4 kg since January 6 2016 by eating this 1500 calories and feel no hunger. So far it's been pretty effortless with this amount of calories. You can try with low calories but if you ever have problems with staying in your daily amount you could still eat up to 1200 at least. If 1500 calories makes my weight drop you can drop with 1200 for sure :smile:

    Have you tried a reward system before? Give yourself something nice every few kilograms. I bought myself earrings after first 5 kg, next one is going to be flowers at 10 kg (I never got flowers before! Silly, isn't it :smile: ). I feel like this gives extra positiveness to weight loss, I'm not working to get those rewards (they don't feel like goals to work for) but they are just something small extra I've wanted to try or never got before and it makes me happy to get or do them :smile:
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,008 Member
    OP, sorry if I missed it, but I didn't see anywhere what your current stats are (primarily weight and height). I think people who are saying 1 kg/2.2 lbs a week is not sustainable all the way to your goal weight are assuming that 30 pounds gets you to a healthy weight, but I don't think you ever actually said that. If you're 300 lbs (roughly 135 kg), losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks should be completely doable and would not be a health concern. If you're 175 lbs (roughly 68 kg) and medium height for a woman, losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks is going to be incredibly difficult and not healthy.

    When you say your doctor approved 1 kg/week loss, was it clear that that recommendation was intended for months and months, even after you've lost 15 or 20 kg?
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    OP, sorry if I missed it, but I didn't see anywhere what your current stats are (primarily weight and height). I think people who are saying 1 kg/2.2 lbs a week is not sustainable all the way to your goal weight are assuming that 30 pounds gets you to a healthy weight, but I don't think you ever actually said that. If you're 300 lbs (roughly 135 kg), losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks should be completely doable and would not be a health concern. If you're 175 lbs (roughly 68 kg) and medium height for a woman, losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks is going to be incredibly difficult and not healthy.

    When you say your doctor approved 1 kg/week loss, was it clear that that recommendation was intended for months and months, even after you've lost 15 or 20 kg?

    OP said starting weight was 126kg, as I noted it is slightly under 1% bodyweight per week. Basically, she's large enough to do it, but it'll take spot on nutrition (you can't eat a days worth of chocolate and skip the healthy food), and will take 30 straight weeks of solid dedication. I couldn't do 30 weeks, as I said I had to take 3 breaks. The 1st break I was desperate to eat food (I took a 2lb/week weight loss 2 weeks longer than I should have), and the 2nd and 3rd were on business travel and much appreciated.

    However, I'm pretty sure the OP is not spot on the nutrition. MFP gave her a goal of 1400, which oddly enough was the same value I calculated with some estimated height and age. Eating less will probably lead to crashing a burning if things aren't corrected.

    But whatever, we are all just here to be Debbie downers and not help encourage people. I honestly couldn't read the whole thread... I thought it was going ok after the first couple posts, but it went downhill fast.
  • bspringer544
    bspringer544 Posts: 155 Member
    I haven't read most of the posts because they seem quite nasty but I thought I'd add my two cents anyway.

    @hbb86, my mum used to suffer from anorexia. She had a habit of eating less than 1200 calories a day and it caused a lot of permanent damage to her digestive tract, including severe IBS and certain food intolerances (her stomach got upset very easily). While I absolutely support your wanting to lose as much as possible, I would suggest you stay within the range of what is healthy. You should eat at minimum 1200 calories a day netted (meaning if you exercise on top of that, make sure you're eating back the calories you burn). It won't be worth it if you meet your goal at the expense of a healthy and happy future. :(
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I haven't read most of the posts because they seem quite nasty but I thought I'd add my two cents anyway.

    @hbb86, my mum used to suffer from anorexia. She had a habit of eating less than 1200 calories a day and it caused a lot of permanent damage to her digestive tract, including severe IBS and certain food intolerances (her stomach got upset very easily). While I absolutely support your wanting to lose as much as possible, I would suggest you stay within the range of what is healthy. You should eat at minimum 1200 calories a day netted (meaning if you exercise on top of that, make sure you're eating back the calories you burn). It won't be worth it if you meet your goal at the expense of a healthy and happy future. :(

    You're saying the same thing the "nasty" posters are saying :neutral: What makes them nasty and not you?
  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    OP, sorry if I missed it, but I didn't see anywhere what your current stats are (primarily weight and height). I think people who are saying 1 kg/2.2 lbs a week is not sustainable all the way to your goal weight are assuming that 30 pounds gets you to a healthy weight, but I don't think you ever actually said that. If you're 300 lbs (roughly 135 kg), losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks should be completely doable and would not be a health concern. If you're 175 lbs (roughly 68 kg) and medium height for a woman, losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks is going to be incredibly difficult and not healthy.

    When you say your doctor approved 1 kg/week loss, was it clear that that recommendation was intended for months and months, even after you've lost 15 or 20 kg?

    Hi there

    I weigh 128KG and I am 5,7 tall. I have a sedentary job where I am at a desk all day long. I was told by my doctor that I'm doing everything right and that if I see too much weight loss (more than 4lbs per week) after 3 weeks, I should increase my calories so not to waste muscle and so not to get loose skin. After I've lost 30kg's I would say it's more likely that I'll loose 1lbs a week or less. As I get fitter I will be stepping up my exercise and will of course adjust my nutrition accordingly.

    I'm literally just a girl who has had enough of letting herself down and always feeling like I am less than everyone else. I am just doing my best.

  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    I haven't read most of the posts because they seem quite nasty but I thought I'd add my two cents anyway.

    @hbb86, my mum used to suffer from anorexia. She had a habit of eating less than 1200 calories a day and it caused a lot of permanent damage to her digestive tract, including severe IBS and certain food intolerances (her stomach got upset very easily). While I absolutely support your wanting to lose as much as possible, I would suggest you stay within the range of what is healthy. You should eat at minimum 1200 calories a day netted (meaning if you exercise on top of that, make sure you're eating back the calories you burn). It won't be worth it if you meet your goal at the expense of a healthy and happy future. :(

    First off, I am so so sorry to hear that about your mum. I hope she is able to recover. It's true that sometimes I get to desperate points where there's nothing I wouldn't do to loose this weight but I've been there and done all of that before. It just made me fail and I'm tired of failing. I won't fail anymore. I will do this healthily and with the help and advice of my doctor and family.

    Thanks so much for your comment and I hope your mum is doing Ok.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    hbb86 wrote: »
    OP, sorry if I missed it, but I didn't see anywhere what your current stats are (primarily weight and height). I think people who are saying 1 kg/2.2 lbs a week is not sustainable all the way to your goal weight are assuming that 30 pounds gets you to a healthy weight, but I don't think you ever actually said that. If you're 300 lbs (roughly 135 kg), losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks should be completely doable and would not be a health concern. If you're 175 lbs (roughly 68 kg) and medium height for a woman, losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks is going to be incredibly difficult and not healthy.

    When you say your doctor approved 1 kg/week loss, was it clear that that recommendation was intended for months and months, even after you've lost 15 or 20 kg?

    Hi there

    I weigh 128KG and I am 5,7 tall. I have a sedentary job where I am at a desk all day long. I was told by my doctor that I'm doing everything right and that if I see too much weight loss (more than 4lbs per week) after 3 weeks, I should increase my calories so not to waste muscle and so not to get loose skin. After I've lost 30kg's I would say it's more likely that I'll loose 1lbs a week or less. As I get fitter I will be stepping up my exercise and will of course adjust my nutrition accordingly.

    I'm literally just a girl who has had enough of letting herself down and always feeling like I am less than everyone else. I am just doing my best.


    You may find this recent desk job thread helpful: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10322670/8-5-hour-job-need-motivation/p1
  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    MFP recommend 1400 for me, but because I want to loose a large amount of weight, I'm consuming less than 1200 and exercising on top of that :smile: )

    And therein lies the problem. You are netting less than 1000 calories a day, which isn't healthy or recommended.

    You are clearly not looking for advice, just people who will validate your choices. Are you done logging for today? Because <700 calories per day is dangerous.

    Have you got anything positive to say or are you just here to have a pop? Anything for you people to say "Aha! I;m right you're wrong, you're doing it wrong". Hows about, "Hey, maybe try adding some more calories to your diet so you don't burn out too quickly"? Not, "THATS DANGEROUS!"

    I came here for support. As in "Good for you!! keep an eye on your sugars though ;)" not "Well you're going to fail and when you do, I'll be pleased".

    Here's some genuine questions: How will you feel in 30 weeks if you don't hit your goal? Or if you eat over your calorie allowance for some days during the 30 weeks?

    Because your responses in this thread seem to indicate that your reaction to failure would be, in the gentlest word possible, bad. If even the *suggestion* that you may not reach your goal has you this up in arms, what's going to happen if you don't reach goal? Because eating only 700 calories per day for 30 weeks and exercising can lead to numerous health problems that will make it harder to accomplish any goals. Especially if those goals include keeping your hair and healthy organs.

    I don't typically consume less than 700 calories and I'm not done logging for the day. I've been overweight my entire life. I've tried every diet under the sun. This time, I've done it completely differently. I am doing everything I can possibly think of and my doctor recommended coming on to a forum like MFP for encouragement which is what I did. I probably should have posted it in the motivation section, but I didn't.

    If I don't reach my goal, I don't reach it. I've made next to no goals in my life in many different aspects so all I wanted to do was set one and work hard. That's it.

    This is all good stuff. We all want you to succeed (really) but getting there in a healthy way is important, and realizing that the biggest loss in the shortest amount of time isn't always desirable is part of that.

    Thank you! I know the way I reacted was probably too heated, but I'm desperate to do well. I've let myself down my entire life and because of that it's held me back in so many different ways that I'm actually even ashamed to talk about. I expected everyone to just say "woooo! go you! Don't forget to exercise on a Saturday too" or similar to that effect. I didn't expect to be criticised and that instantly put my back up - again, probably wrongly on my part - but I've spend my whole life being criticised either by others or by myself and I just want that to stop. I want to make healthy changes to my life. I won't always get it right, and I'm definitely going to make mistakes but as long as I'm trying, I'm not failing.

    Probably makes no sense lol Thank you for your comment, honesty and encouragement :) xx
  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    OP, sorry if I missed it, but I didn't see anywhere what your current stats are (primarily weight and height). I think people who are saying 1 kg/2.2 lbs a week is not sustainable all the way to your goal weight are assuming that 30 pounds gets you to a healthy weight, but I don't think you ever actually said that. If you're 300 lbs (roughly 135 kg), losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks should be completely doable and would not be a health concern. If you're 175 lbs (roughly 68 kg) and medium height for a woman, losing 30 kgs in 30 weeks is going to be incredibly difficult and not healthy.

    When you say your doctor approved 1 kg/week loss, was it clear that that recommendation was intended for months and months, even after you've lost 15 or 20 kg?

    Hi there

    I weigh 128KG and I am 5,7 tall. I have a sedentary job where I am at a desk all day long. I was told by my doctor that I'm doing everything right and that if I see too much weight loss (more than 4lbs per week) after 3 weeks, I should increase my calories so not to waste muscle and so not to get loose skin. After I've lost 30kg's I would say it's more likely that I'll loose 1lbs a week or less. As I get fitter I will be stepping up my exercise and will of course adjust my nutrition accordingly.

    I'm literally just a girl who has had enough of letting herself down and always feeling like I am less than everyone else. I am just doing my best.


    You may find this recent desk job thread helpful: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10322670/8-5-hour-job-need-motivation/p1

    Thank you, I'll take a look at it right now :)
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    MFP recommend 1400 for me, but because I want to loose a large amount of weight, I'm consuming less than 1200 and exercising on top of that :smile: )

    And therein lies the problem. You are netting less than 1000 calories a day, which isn't healthy or recommended.

    You are clearly not looking for advice, just people who will validate your choices. Are you done logging for today? Because <700 calories per day is dangerous.

    Have you got anything positive to say or are you just here to have a pop? Anything for you people to say "Aha! I;m right you're wrong, you're doing it wrong". Hows about, "Hey, maybe try adding some more calories to your diet so you don't burn out too quickly"? Not, "THATS DANGEROUS!"

    I came here for support. As in "Good for you!! keep an eye on your sugars though ;)" not "Well you're going to fail and when you do, I'll be pleased".

    Here's some genuine questions: How will you feel in 30 weeks if you don't hit your goal? Or if you eat over your calorie allowance for some days during the 30 weeks?

    Because your responses in this thread seem to indicate that your reaction to failure would be, in the gentlest word possible, bad. If even the *suggestion* that you may not reach your goal has you this up in arms, what's going to happen if you don't reach goal? Because eating only 700 calories per day for 30 weeks and exercising can lead to numerous health problems that will make it harder to accomplish any goals. Especially if those goals include keeping your hair and healthy organs.

    I don't typically consume less than 700 calories and I'm not done logging for the day. I've been overweight my entire life. I've tried every diet under the sun. This time, I've done it completely differently. I am doing everything I can possibly think of and my doctor recommended coming on to a forum like MFP for encouragement which is what I did. I probably should have posted it in the motivation section, but I didn't.

    If I don't reach my goal, I don't reach it. I've made next to no goals in my life in many different aspects so all I wanted to do was set one and work hard. That's it.

    This is all good stuff. We all want you to succeed (really) but getting there in a healthy way is important, and realizing that the biggest loss in the shortest amount of time isn't always desirable is part of that.

    Thank you! I know the way I reacted was probably too heated, but I'm desperate to do well. I've let myself down my entire life and because of that it's held me back in so many different ways that I'm actually even ashamed to talk about. I expected everyone to just say "woooo! go you! Don't forget to exercise on a Saturday too" or similar to that effect. I didn't expect to be criticised and that instantly put my back up - again, probably wrongly on my part - but I've spend my whole life being criticised either by others or by myself and I just want that to stop. I want to make healthy changes to my life. I won't always get it right, and I'm definitely going to make mistakes but as long as I'm trying, I'm not failing.

    Probably makes no sense lol Thank you for your comment, honesty and encouragement :) xx

    You read people's posts with the tone you hear in your head. That's on you, not on them. If you let comments as neutral as these be a discouragement, then you're in trouble when you hit the larger stumbling blocks that almost inevitably appear along anyone's weight loss journey.

    You might find that changing has to come from within. A change in attitude from all or nothing... do or die... good vs bad... to a more moderate attitude that while stumbling blocks might slow you down at times, that you will persevere, and that even if you don't make a self-imposed deadline, you will celebrate every pound lost as a victory. (Note, I said 'even if'. If you read 'you won't', that's not on me)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member

    You read people's posts with the tone you hear in your head. That's on you, not on them.

    This should be stickied. Not for this thread, not for this website. But for the entire internet.

  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I'm glad you've calmed down and digested the posts a bit better now. The advice you're getting isn't because people want to point and laugh when you fail, it's the complete opposite. They want to set you up for success and equip you with the knowledge and learned experience they already have to make that a reality for you.

    It's of no consequence to any of our lives how, why and when you lose the weight but because we get it, we've all been there, we're here passing on our extensive collective knowledge to others in the hope they can reach their goals and maintain them whilst remaining fit, healthy and not deprived.

    There is nothing, not a single thing, mean about that endeavour.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    hbb86 wrote: »
    MFP recommend 1400 for me, but because I want to loose a large amount of weight, I'm consuming less than 1200 and exercising on top of that :smile: )

    And therein lies the problem. You are netting less than 1000 calories a day, which isn't healthy or recommended.

    You are clearly not looking for advice, just people who will validate your choices. Are you done logging for today? Because <700 calories per day is dangerous.

    Have you got anything positive to say or are you just here to have a pop? Anything for you people to say "Aha! I;m right you're wrong, you're doing it wrong". Hows about, "Hey, maybe try adding some more calories to your diet so you don't burn out too quickly"? Not, "THATS DANGEROUS!"

    I came here for support. As in "Good for you!! keep an eye on your sugars though ;)" not "Well you're going to fail and when you do, I'll be pleased".

    Here's some genuine questions: How will you feel in 30 weeks if you don't hit your goal? Or if you eat over your calorie allowance for some days during the 30 weeks?

    Because your responses in this thread seem to indicate that your reaction to failure would be, in the gentlest word possible, bad. If even the *suggestion* that you may not reach your goal has you this up in arms, what's going to happen if you don't reach goal? Because eating only 700 calories per day for 30 weeks and exercising can lead to numerous health problems that will make it harder to accomplish any goals. Especially if those goals include keeping your hair and healthy organs.

    I don't typically consume less than 700 calories and I'm not done logging for the day. I've been overweight my entire life. I've tried every diet under the sun. This time, I've done it completely differently. I am doing everything I can possibly think of and my doctor recommended coming on to a forum like MFP for encouragement which is what I did. I probably should have posted it in the motivation section, but I didn't.

    If I don't reach my goal, I don't reach it. I've made next to no goals in my life in many different aspects so all I wanted to do was set one and work hard. That's it.

    This is all good stuff. We all want you to succeed (really) but getting there in a healthy way is important, and realizing that the biggest loss in the shortest amount of time isn't always desirable is part of that.

    Thank you! I know the way I reacted was probably too heated, but I'm desperate to do well. I've let myself down my entire life and because of that it's held me back in so many different ways that I'm actually even ashamed to talk about. I expected everyone to just say "woooo! go you! Don't forget to exercise on a Saturday too" or similar to that effect. I didn't expect to be criticised and that instantly put my back up - again, probably wrongly on my part - but I've spend my whole life being criticised either by others or by myself and I just want that to stop. I want to make healthy changes to my life. I won't always get it right, and I'm definitely going to make mistakes but as long as I'm trying, I'm not failing.

    Probably makes no sense lol Thank you for your comment, honesty and encouragement :) xx

    I know that helplessness all too well but seriously, most commentators will give you the truth and nothing but the truth. If something is unhealthy, they'll tell you. That's the kind of thing I want my friends to do for me. Don't take these comments personally. Look at them as you benefiting from the lessons someone else had to learn the hard way. Please go easy on yourself. Your weight doesn't make you. I'm sure you have an amazing personality that's hiding underneath that self critical person.

    Now, will you promise to eat more than 1200 net?
  • bspringer544
    bspringer544 Posts: 155 Member
    edited January 2016
    krithsai wrote: »
    I haven't read most of the posts because they seem quite nasty but I thought I'd add my two cents anyway.

    @hbb86, my mum used to suffer from anorexia. She had a habit of eating less than 1200 calories a day and it caused a lot of permanent damage to her digestive tract, including severe IBS and certain food intolerances (her stomach got upset very easily). While I absolutely support your wanting to lose as much as possible, I would suggest you stay within the range of what is healthy. You should eat at minimum 1200 calories a day netted (meaning if you exercise on top of that, make sure you're eating back the calories you burn). It won't be worth it if you meet your goal at the expense of a healthy and happy future. :(

    You're saying the same thing the "nasty" posters are saying :neutral: What makes them nasty and not you?

    I don't find the advice or opinions to be nasty, just the off topic back and forth quibble about who is and is not being nice/supportive/offensive/blah/blah. It's very tedious when people bicker pointlessly over differing perceptions. I equate it to two colourblind people arguing about whether or not a shirt is green or red lol it's not the people or the argument but the premise itself that I find intolerable.

    I apologize for coming off as a hypocrite in that post. I only meant to imply that I was writing the post without any knowledge as to whether or not I was repeating what might have already been said.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    edited January 2016
    I lost 22 kg in 30 weeks, which averaged out to about 1.7 pounds per week. Your goal is attainable in my opinion without such a small calorie allowance. If you are accurately measuring and logging your food, you will lose weight a kg a week with net calories of 1200 or over. Eating more will give you room for all your nutritional requirements. Protein and strength training are essential for losing fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. Eating more will also decrease your chances of falling into unhealthy habits like a binge and restrict cycle. Anyone who encourages a female to eat less than 1200 calories violates the myfitnesspal.com terms of service agreement, but even if that were not so I would still encourage you to eat 1200 calories + at least 50% of any additional calories burned by purposeful exercise.
  • tomw86
    tomw86 Posts: 71 Member
    And I sincerely hope you do reach the goal you've set for yourself, I'm sorry if my post earlier came across as cold but it wasn't meant to. I certainly never wish failure or unpleasantness on anyone.