Why do we get annoyed by Resolutionists



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    i do hate Resolutionists! not because they are at the gym on the machines but because it pisses me off that they arent gonna stick to it ( sorry to any of you doing a resolution) but statistically they arent going to. if you were really going to get in shape why would you wait until new years to start? its just a month long thing for about 85% which is what annoys me
    I don't do gyms but I just don't like the herd mentality that goes along with any NY resolutions of any type. It's like saying I wanna get rich so I'm going to buy a lotto ticket. That's exactly why you aren't rich.
  • Sharkbite2016
    Sharkbite2016 Posts: 20 Member
    intechpc wrote: »
    So there was another thread about gym newbies and as typical it degenerated into a discussion about "why the newbie hate". So rather than continue side tracking that thread, I felt like putting that up here as a separate discussion. I've asked myself this same question. Why is it the influx of new gym members at the start of the new year so invariably frustrating. I agree that as regular gym goers, we should be trying to encourage these folks to succeed. I don't believe it's hate, I'm not even sure it's really that we're being judgmental but many of "us" do become frustrated. So here are some thoughts I have as to why.

    First, we all know what happens in the gym after the new year. New memberships skyrocket, evenings that saw moderate usage suddenly are packed with people. Everyone is left competing and waiting for equipment. That alone is frustrating and since it's the "newbies" or "resolutionists" that caused it, of course they become the target of our frustration.

    Second, we also all know that within a few short months, the gym will go back down to its normal usage levels. Indeed I can say from talking to folks at a few of the gyms I've been a member at, their expected retention rate for New Year's enrollments is under 50% (meaning less than half the people will be members at the end of the year). Of those that remain members the majority will stop showing up consistently and will only use the club on a very sporadic basis. So now those of us that use the gym on a committed basis see these folks and the "havoc" they cause as completely unnecessary because most will not reach the goals we assume they have.

    Third, most of the folks here on MFP have made real commitments to improving our health. We didn't just decide that it's a New Year so we better get in shape (an attitude we project on the mass New Year's resolutionists showing up at the club). We know from experience that New Year's resolutions don't hold up and are not sufficient motivation to be successful at improving ones health. I believe we scorn the newbies because we know how much hard work it really takes and there is a belief that the majority of these folks lack the commitment and think all they have to do is sign up for a gym membership and it'll be easy to lose weight. Indeed many of them likely do have that attitude and that's really too bad.

    Fourth and related to the third is that most of these newbies come in not even realizing that there is this thing called gym etiquette let alone actually understanding and practicing it. They are often unfamiliar with the equipment, misuse it, have bad form, talk on cell phones and just exhibit a true lack of any desire to educate themselves on proper gym conduct before getting involved in a gym. Those of us who've spent countless hours self-educating, researching and/or working with trainers can become distracted and annoyed by this attitude. Now the question is how much of it is really their attitude and how much again is simply ignorance where they've been conditioned to believe this "gym thing" is easy (in some cases by the gyms themselves).

    So I'll go so far as to say that while we can't assume that everyone of the newbies at the club fits into this stereotype we have of them, history and experience shows that the majority do. So whether it's judgmental or not, to a degree the assumptions we make are justified. Our annoyance with the situation of packed clubs (which is annoying no matter what causes it) gets directed in this case as what we perceive to be the cause, the influx of new members. So to those that are annoyed, we need to remember that not all of the newbies are what we think they are. I'm sure many want to be successful but just don't know how. Some empathy and understanding might be called for. For those that think we're a-holes for "judging" them, the same empathy could be employed. We've all made huge commitments and have been dedicated and don't like seeing our routines negatively impacted by those without the same level of commitment and dedication. It's an understandable feeling.

    Now, finally I'll offer up some reasons to actually like the influx of "resolutionist". First and foremost, they are what keep your gym membership fees low. We all like the gym to be fairly empty so we don't have to compete for eqiupment but that's not sustainable unless there are members paying but not going to the gym. This time of year is a huge money maker for fitness clubs. Remember if these newbies had our commitment to working out regularly, the club would be packed all the time. Second, some of them are actually committed and will be successful. They need to be encouraged. Third, Remember what it was like when you were new to the gym. Those people that looked down on you because you didn't do things the right way. Now's your turn to break that mold. It's an opportunity for you to showcase your success to those that are just getting started (I mean you've been working out, you look damn good, be proud of it). You can be an inspiration to them even if you never talk to them. Just be friendly, don't judge and imagine how much better you can make their experience. Show them that serious gym goers aren't always judgmental know-it-all's. Related to that theme, use that opportunity as your inspiration to further improve your workouts. Show off your best form, your hardest effort, your detailed attention to gym etiquette so they can learn from your example. It's actually kind of an exciting opportunity when you think about it, at least it is to me.

    So what do you think? Fair enough?

    Here is why I hate New Years resolutions. Why should I care about having a goal that starts on a specific day that only marks a new calendar year? Waiting until January 1st means protecting bad habits and lowering one's desire to actually work on their goals. If somebody wants to change bad enough or adopt a goal, they can do it on December 31, August 5, whatever the present day is. I am 100 percent into not ever adopting any new years resolutions. I'm not trying to sound like an arrogant and sanctimonious *kitten*. Some people can successfully complete their new years resolutions because I feel they don't work for me and I feel that my reasoning for why they don't work is the reason why several people fail at it. It doesn't mean that I haven't tried and failed at New Years resolutions myself or even giving up on goals. I have tried and failed my fair share. But what works for me is working towards a goal when I get that goal. Having small and long term goals and letting New Years Day just be another normal day in goal setting, no different from any other arbitrary day. But more power to those that are helped by the New Years resolutions.
  • Sharkbite2016
    Sharkbite2016 Posts: 20 Member

    Here is why I hate New Years resolutions. Why should I care about having a goal that starts on a specific day that only marks a new calendar year? Waiting until January 1st means protecting bad habits and lowering one's desire to actually work on their goals. If somebody wants to change bad enough or adopt a goal, they can do it on December 31, August 5, whatever the present day is. I am 100 percent into not ever adopting any new years resolutions. I'm not trying to sound like an arrogant and sanctimonious *kitten*. Some people can successfully complete their new years resolutions I feel they don't work for me and I feel that my reasoning for why they don't work is the reason why several people fail at it. It doesn't mean that I haven't tried and failed at New Years resolutions myself or even giving up on goals. I have tried and failed my fair share. But what works for me is working towards a goal when I get that goal. Having small and long term goals and letting New Years Day just be another normal day in goal setting, no different from any other arbitrary day. But more power to those that are helped by the New Years resolutions.[/quote]

    A couple quick edits:

    Here is why I hate New Years resolutions. Why should I care about having a goal that starts on a specific day that only marks a new calendar year? Waiting until January 1st means protecting bad habits and lowering one's desire to actually work on their goals. If somebody wants to change bad enough or adopt a goal, they can do it on December 31, August 5, whatever the present day is. I am 100 percent into not ever adopting any new years resolutions. I'm not trying to sound like an arrogant and sanctimonious *kitten*. Some people can successfully complete their new years resolutions (but) I feel they don't work for me and I feel that my reasoning for why they don't work is the reason why several people fail at it. It doesn't mean that I haven't tried and failed at New Years resolutions myself or even giving up on goals. I have tried and failed my fair share. But what works for me is working towards a goal when I get that goal (work towards new goals). Having short and long term goals and letting New Years Day just be another normal day in goal setting, no different from any other arbitrary day (is what works best for me). But more power to those that are helped by the New Years resolutions.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Keep Punchin!!!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I don't just hate gym newbies

    I hate everyone

    I'm equal opportunities

    jk.. good post, although I don't think anyone wants any kind of advice unless asked
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    bluefox9er wrote: »
    my gym etiquette is simple..wear high vis gear when it's dark and a head torch, smile at people who look at you as if you are delusional , run against the flow of traffic and fire snot rockets at bikers who try to scare you. 'pausing' your garmin = epic fail.

    Love! My gym is a bit different from most described. We are a tiny community so our gym is unstaffed. There is one member who gets a free membership by doing the cleaning twice weekly, and the board approves general maintenance but aside from that we get nothing but a swipe card for 24 hr access. I love the hours, I love the equipment, I love going before work, I hate the members who refuse to clean up after themselves. The boys who will leave all the 45lb plates loaded on the bars and walk away, the free weights strewn everywhere, occasionally there are treadmills left running, and if they don't put things away they are not spraying and wiping it down either. I always had to spend 15-20min tidying so that I could use the rack before I even started. So I set up a home gym. I still clean up but after my family. I can yell at them. Lol. Always something.

    I feel for you all, love the newbies though, they have to learn just like we all did.
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Fair enough.

    I would say that "gym etiquette" isn't on the new members though. I feel that it is the gym's responsibility that all members know and understand gym etiquette.
    Agreed. The gym I go to has an etiquette "policy" that is posted on their website, and is explained (and a copy provided) to every new member when they sign their contract. I agree with the rules and think they're a pretty good guide for etiquette for a newbie:

    * All cell phones must be on silent. Use of cell phones is restricted to the front lobby area!

    * Dropping weights and using loud, foul or slanderous language will not be tolerated!

    * Food and beverages other than bottled water are not allowed in the workout area.

    * Use of alcohol and/or tobacco products is prohibited.

    * Ask if you may “work in”, and always let others work in.

    * When working in with someone, return the seat and weight to the last user’s setup.

    * Wear proper athletic shoes and clothing. Bare feet, socks-only, sandals and work boots are prohibited.

    * Towels are required. Wipe off equipment when finished.

    * Limit perfume and cologne use.

    * Gym bags are not allowed in any workout area.

    * Ask for assistance if you do not know how to use equipment.

    * Work out at your own fitness level.

    * Do not remove weights, benches or equipment from their proper place.

    * Collars on weight bars are mandatory!

    * Always use a spotter when attempting to lift maximum weight.

    * Re-rack weights and return all other accessories to their proper locations.

    * Use of chalk is not permitted.

    * Misuse of equipment and disregard of this policy will result in immediate expulsion!

    I wish my gym would post something like this. Especially the perfume part. I have had to leave the gym with a migraines because some lady wanted to smell like flowers during her workout.
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    edited January 2016
    Another regular at my gym was complaining about revolutionists and I saw many FB post poking fun at them. I think it mostly comes down to the space they occupy. I don't mind though since I am never at the gym during peak hours.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This thread brings back memories...January of 2013 when I was first getting back into the gym (see second post). Three years later baby and I'm kicking *kitten* and taking names.
  • Robo_mooh
    Robo_mooh Posts: 44 Member
    I'm pretty new to going to the gym, I started early December. Mostly I've been running on a treadmill doing c25k, going 3 times a week - It's cold outside at the minute, and I don't feel comfortable running outside.

    Most people in my gym look at me like I shouldn't be there, I've got a bit of weight on me and I probably look like a resolutionist - I bought proper trainers to support my feet so I'm exercising in old tshirts and scabby jogging bottoms to save money.

    I do carry a small towel, I try to have etiquette though I'm not sure what the etiquette is, and I work really hard! It would be nice to get told I'm doing OK! Yesterday at the gym someone smiled at me - that's the first positive interaction I've gotten. Be nice to the newbies, and tell them if they are doing OK / not OK and how they can get better - it might really help someone.
  • time2cutnow
    time2cutnow Posts: 150 Member
    Robo_mooh wrote: »
    I'm pretty new to going to the gym, I started early December. Mostly I've been running on a treadmill doing c25k, going 3 times a week - It's cold outside at the minute, and I don't feel comfortable running outside.

    Most people in my gym look at me like I shouldn't be there, I've got a bit of weight on me and I probably look like a resolutionist - I bought proper trainers to support my feet so I'm exercising in old tshirts and scabby jogging bottoms to save money.

    I do carry a small towel, I try to have etiquette though I'm not sure what the etiquette is, and I work really hard! It would be nice to get told I'm doing OK! Yesterday at the gym someone smiled at me - that's the first positive interaction I've gotten. Be nice to the newbies, and tell them if they are doing OK / not OK and how they can get better - it might really help someone.

    I'm actually glad you posted this. There is this woman I've been seeing at my gym fairly regularly since new years and I can just see on her face how uncomfortable she feels there. She kills it on the elliptical. I have been wanting to say something to her to make her feel more at ease, but don't want to make her uncomfortable or anything. I will say something to her tomorrow :)
  • Robo_mooh
    Robo_mooh Posts: 44 Member

    I'm actually glad you posted this. There is this woman I've been seeing at my gym fairly regularly since new years and I can just see on her face how uncomfortable she feels there. She kills it on the elliptical. I have been wanting to say something to her to make her feel more at ease, but don't want to make her uncomfortable or anything. I will say something to her tomorrow :)

    Use what you wrote here:
    "I've seen you here a lot lately - just wanted to say you are killing it on the elliptical! Keep it up!"

    I'm like 100% sure that a few words of encouragement would go a long way!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Well, everyone is new at some point.
    I joined a gym on 1/25/15 for the first time in my life. I have been there every day since then. I did not join to have to wait around for the piece of equipment I want to use, so I made a conscious effort to join a gym where I was able to go 24/7. I opt to go very early. No problem with access to any of the equipment I want to use. Only a couple of others (all very nice people) share the gym with me. Some days, I am the only one there until I am almost done.
    I guess we all have to keep in mind the reason many people have gym memberships, to be/get healthier.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I gotta be honest my irritation with new comers is two fold.
    1.) I hate new people. it's change- and I've reached a stage in life where I am protective of what I view as "my safe space"- new people are a physical change and possible threat to "my" safe space.

    That is an honest to god emotional reaction- it doesn't matter what you do- or why you are there- or who you are- if you're new- it's a possible threat.

    2.) the perceived notion that "new years" is the right time to fix things. I hate that. I hate that with ALL things. If you want to make an effing change- do it when you realize you need a change. waiting is just an excuse and an indicator you aren't really ready. So I don't like a lot of them because to me it's a reflection of your self and how much you don't care to just make the changes- I just don't respect it.

    It shouldn't- none of this has anything to do with anyone else- it's not my problem. I get it- I freely admit it's something not relevant to me and I shouldn't have any type of reaction. But that's my reaction.

    I don't care that they are taking up space- it has nothing to do with that. but if I'm honest with myself- it's a judgey thing I do and I won't deny I think it... but I keep to myself- because I realize it's none of my god da** business.
  • DrifterBear
    DrifterBear Posts: 265 Member
    It's just annoying because you get into a routine and then all the equipment is taken by people who pump out a few reps and look like they have no idea what they're doing. That said, it can force you out of a stale routine which is a good thing. New people are great, but it is funny to see people that have probably never set foot in a guy walking around with the latest exercise cloths, still with tags on, trying to figure out what to do.
  • mean_and_lean
    mean_and_lean Posts: 164 Member
    It's just annoying because you get into a routine and then all the equipment is taken by people who pump out a few reps and look like they have no idea what they're doing.

    That's probably because they don't know what they're doing because they're new.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Fair enough.

    I would say that "gym etiquette" isn't on the new members though. I feel that it is the gym's responsibility that all members know and understand gym etiquette.
    Agreed. The gym I go to has an etiquette "policy" that is posted on their website, and is explained (and a copy provided) to every new member when they sign their contract. I agree with the rules and think they're a pretty good guide for etiquette for a newbie:

    * All cell phones must be on silent. Use of cell phones is restricted to the front lobby area!

    * Dropping weights and using loud, foul or slanderous language will not be tolerated!

    * Food and beverages other than bottled water are not allowed in the workout area.

    * Use of alcohol and/or tobacco products is prohibited.

    * Ask if you may “work in”, and always let others work in.

    * When working in with someone, return the seat and weight to the last user’s setup.

    * Wear proper athletic shoes and clothing. Bare feet, socks-only, sandals and work boots are prohibited.

    * Towels are required. Wipe off equipment when finished.

    * Limit perfume and cologne use.

    * Gym bags are not allowed in any workout area.

    * Ask for assistance if you do not know how to use equipment.

    * Work out at your own fitness level.

    * Do not remove weights, benches or equipment from their proper place.

    * Collars on weight bars are mandatory!

    * Always use a spotter when attempting to lift maximum weight.

    * Re-rack weights and return all other accessories to their proper locations.

    * Use of chalk is not permitted.

    * Misuse of equipment and disregard of this policy will result in immediate expulsion!

    I wish my gym would post something like this. Especially the perfume part. I have had to leave the gym with a migraines because some lady wanted to smell like flowers during her workout.

    Ya, what some consider perfume is poisonous gas to me.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Fair enough.

    I would say that "gym etiquette" isn't on the new members though. I feel that it is the gym's responsibility that all members know and understand gym etiquette.
    Agreed. The gym I go to has an etiquette "policy" that is posted on their website, and is explained (and a copy provided) to every new member when they sign their contract. I agree with the rules and think they're a pretty good guide for etiquette for a newbie:

    * All cell phones must be on silent. Use of cell phones is restricted to the front lobby area!

    * Dropping weights and using loud, foul or slanderous language will not be tolerated!

    * Food and beverages other than bottled water are not allowed in the workout area.

    * Use of alcohol and/or tobacco products is prohibited.

    * Ask if you may “work in”, and always let others work in.

    * When working in with someone, return the seat and weight to the last user’s setup.

    * Wear proper athletic shoes and clothing. Bare feet, socks-only, sandals and work boots are prohibited.

    * Towels are required. Wipe off equipment when finished.

    * Limit perfume and cologne use.

    * Gym bags are not allowed in any workout area.

    * Ask for assistance if you do not know how to use equipment.

    * Work out at your own fitness level.

    * Do not remove weights, benches or equipment from their proper place.

    * Collars on weight bars are mandatory!

    * Always use a spotter when attempting to lift maximum weight.

    * Re-rack weights and return all other accessories to their proper locations.

    * Use of chalk is not permitted.

    * Misuse of equipment and disregard of this policy will result in immediate expulsion!

    I wish my gym would post something like this. Especially the perfume part. I have had to leave the gym with a migraines because some lady wanted to smell like flowers during her workout.

    Nice idea, but who's definition of limited perfume do you go by?
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Just my opinion, but I would prefer smelling perfume/cologne than BO.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I don't hate them, and I encourage them to join in and get fit, but... I mostly swim. And since our gym changed hands (Bally's sold us out) the new owners who will remain nameless but are a large famous national chain, don't care what happens in the pool at all. They have a few rules posted, but they're all hygiene rules, not etiquette rules. (Hygiene is hyper important because they don't clean the pool every day, or even as far as I can tell, once a week).

    Newcomers often don't understand that they should 'mark' the lane they want with their towel or water bottle and wait for the swimmer using it to finish. Jump in and stretch out if you want, but don't just assume that someone wants or is able to lane share with you. If I ask you to wait ten minutes, hop in the hot tub and I'll alert you when I'm good to share. Don't just jump in and start swimming.
    I have left-side nerve damage, and I WILL run into you, bump you, etc, without even realizing I've done it. Get the HECK OUT OF MY LANE until I'm in cool-down laps at which point I'll invite you to share. Most pools don't allow lane sharing at all. Wish 24 Hour would clue into safety as a swimming issue, but they're more concerned with packing as many clients dollars into the lanes as possible.

    4' pool means NO DIVING. There are signs that say "No Diving", Don't dive in, rock the lap swimmers into the lane buoys and then laugh when everyone glares at you. Moron. Or do dive in and hit your head. Cuz then we all get to laugh.

    SHOWER! The signs all say SHOWER BEFORE ENTERING POOL AREA! Don't work out, throw on your swim trunks over your filthy sweaty body and then come jump in the pool or the spa. If you do, you are a disgusting pig. OR better yet, you come, go into the sauna, get even sweatier and nastier, then 'spin rinse' in the little cool-down shower, and dive into the pool. "I showered!"... no, ya didn't. You rinsed your shoulders and got your hair wet.

    Make-up in the hot tub? Seriously? You do know your sweating that slime into the water, right?

    I try to let newcomers know about lane etiquette when it's clear they don't know what's going on, but sometimes, I'll make my flip turn, come around, and there's someone in my lane coming straight at me.