


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    hobbies : fishing,bouting swimming camping tubeing hikeing road trips just to name a few
    what i do for a living nothing right now
    Well there we go... I love fishing, haven't been in 2 years though, maybe this year I'll get my license and get my gear wet.
    Boating is fun enough but I always prefer the quiet and the places I can get in my canoe or kayak that the big powerboats can't get.
    Road-trips are a blast but you need the resources to keep them going hence why I haven't done many lately, I don't count travelling between work and the farm as a road-trip. I do hope to make it to Jasper or Banff this year, been 8 years since i've done those trips.
    Camping I haven't really done in 5 or more years, I did camp in a yard last August but facilities were just around the corner and breakfast was cooked on the stove inside instead of the campfire so I don't count it as camping.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I suggest you talk to the samaritans

    people who are paid to listen. Listen I think you have some serious issues which would benefit from some counselling. You seem very depressed and detached and I don't think the people on here are equipped to deal with that. Sorry just being honest
  • 5weeks
    5weeks Posts: 38
    If walking isn't exciting you're maybe doing it wrong!
    Now that's funny!
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    Meh, I'll bite again. If walking isn't exciting you're maybe doing it wrong! IN the winter I was on the treadmill all the time, looking at the same patch of wall for my time on it. I haven't done much walking this year outside but in past years I go for various walks at local parks, 7km trail... 3km trail with a splendid lookout that makes the lesser distance worthwhile for the view. Having someone to talk with on the walks definitely makes a difference though ;) I miss canoeing and kayaking though, had thought I'd be doing some again this year but maybe next year at this point.

    walking is fun just not the funest thing to talk about but i agree with you haveing some one to talk to when you walk make all the difference in the world and that is part of what i am talking about o and i love to kayak and bike ride. why r you not going to be able to do that stuff this year
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    Spell Check :) Just kidding...... Looks like you got some people talking to you now!

    yep and some of them r mad at me
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm not sure anyone is mad at you. I'm not.

    On the walking, walking can be interesting. It depends on where you're walking. I like to people watch while I'm walking.
  • People tend to be drawn to others that are happy, confident and have a generally positive outlook.

    Not to throw a monkey wrench into this idea at all...but, if you ask any of my friends and they'll tell you that I have a pretty negatvie outlook on a lot of things. It's a completely unintentional feeling and is reflected in my personality as a pessimist but also, in that breath, I have no problems remaining friends with anyone or making new ones (though I do come off as a little bold at times to new people but I guess they just swing with it lol). Maybe it's the crowd I hang out with or the situations I put myself in that allow me to meet people that can handle a person with a negatvie outlook on things. I have no idea *shrug*. Although I do notice you're speaking in generalities; I just thought I'd contribute. :D
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    I used to be really lonely sometimes too. I don't think it is anything personal. I was a very closed off person and then I wondered why I didn't really have any friends. If you are a young mom, then people your own age might not feel like they can relate to you. Do you have any interests? Volunteer work?

    i like to be out and about but i dont have a lisence right now or i would not be here right now i would be in town with my windows rolld down and the music up just driveing and for volunteer work i have not done any in a long time
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Hey I'm in the process of fixing up my yard-sale score of a bike! Was tagged at $10 and I was prepared to pay that, they let me out of there with it for $5 though without anything on my side being said ;)

    Kayak / Canoe I don't own right now and at $50 a day for rentals locally I'd rather own than to use it 10 times over the summer and have more than paid for a starter rig. I'm also in horrendous shape, work changed recently and we're doing some heavier lifting in the evening, showing me just how out of shape I am so while I might get in a kayak this year... we'll see. Schedule is just too busy right now between gardening and trying to hit the local yardsales..

    I did say earlier I had to head out the door to work I better seriously hit the road so I'm not risking traffic make me late. Be well.
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    Please look at where you put yourself-where are you in a position to meet people? Join a gym, go to a book club, etc. You talk first-don't expect otheres to act first. Everyone waits for someone else to act first. Act like the person you want to be and soon you will be that person. Be strong. I believe you can do it.

    i do act frist and i still get that no one wants to talk to me

    You sound very down on yourself, that can make it hard on people around here. Be positive!

    i am positive i just want some one to talk to

    What I see here is a bunch of folks trying to talk to you and you keep shooting them down with negativity and monosyllabic responses. You're only going to get as good as you give, and you don't seem to be putting forth much effort. Try engaging and interacting in a positive and friendly way.


    i thought i was but o well i gess i will try harder
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    What's up chicken, add me as a friend if you like, here if you want to offload, helps to get things off your chest!!

    yousaid whats up chhicken i say chicken butt lol and i will add you
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    What exercises are you doing?That is a fun topic. :)

    walking that is my fav and it is not a very fun topic
    Well I tried.. *leaves*

    People are trying to talk to you and you are being rude. When you want people to talk to you, and they make conversation, try being nice and speaking with them. Otherwise, don't complain.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    People tend to be drawn to others that are happy, confident and have a generally positive outlook.

    Not to throw a monkey wrench into this idea at all...but, if you ask any of my friends and they'll tell you that I have a pretty negatvie outlook on a lot of things. It's a completely unintentional feeling and is reflected in my personality as a pessimist but also, in that breath, I have no problems remaining friends with anyone or making new ones (though I do come off as a little bold at times to new people but I guess they just swing with it lol). Maybe it's the crowd I hang out with or the situations I put myself in that allow me to meet people that can handle a person with a negatvie outlook on things. I have no idea *shrug*. Although I do notice you're speaking in generalities; I just thought I'd contribute. :D

    There is a difference between negative and pushing away with words.
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152

    MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAHH!! I wasn't ready for this!!

    ready for what

    The graphic...it was a funny show and graphic from the 80's....are you from the states?

    yes i live in maine
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    hobbies : fishing,bouting swimming camping tubeing hikeing road trips just to name a few
    what i do for a living nothing right now

    I love camping! What's your favorite place you've camped so far?

    my fav is bar harbor camp ground it is funn there r a few more i would like to try that r in my state that i have not tryed yet i also like sabieo but i have only been there twice and i would not know how to get there by my slef
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    Yep add me too!

  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    my fav is bar harbor camp ground it is funn there r a few more i would like to try that r in my state that i have not tryed yet i also like sabieo but i have only been there twice and i would not know how to get there by my slef

    I'm from Michigan, and I really love camping in the Upper Penninsula. In fact, my husband and I have kayaked and camped along the river (4 day trip in total) without a tent. We just took sleeping bags and bivies. It was a lot of fun. We've also done some camping in the Smoky Mountains, which are beautiful. There are some great hikes to waterfalls all throughout the park. Being outdoors is very peaceful and serene, even when you're in the middle of a 8 mile hike!
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    hobbies : fishing,bouting swimming camping tubeing hikeing road trips just to name a few
    what i do for a living nothing right now
    Well there we go... I love fishing, haven't been in 2 years though, maybe this year I'll get my license and get my gear wet.
    Boating is fun enough but I always prefer the quiet and the places I can get in my canoe or kayak that the big powerboats can't get.
    Road-trips are a blast but you need the resources to keep them going hence why I haven't done many lately, I don't count travelling between work and the farm as a road-trip. I do hope to make it to Jasper or Banff this year, been 8 years since i've done those trips.
    Camping I haven't really done in 5 or more years, I did camp in a yard last August but facilities were just around the corner and breakfast was cooked on the stove inside instead of the campfire so I don't count it as camping.

    sounds like you have had fun when you do get to get out and do those things thanks for talkin with me sometime it is just hard for me to get started
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    I suggest you talk to the samaritans

    people who are paid to listen. Listen I think you have some serious issues which would benefit from some counselling. You seem very depressed and detached and I don't think the people on here are equipped to deal with that. Sorry just being honest

    i dont think you r equipped to tell me i have issues and just think that if you want to be rude you should go some where else and do it couse it is not wanted on my topic thanks and have a nice day
  • Scilluh
    Scilluh Posts: 152
    If walking isn't exciting you're maybe doing it wrong!
    Now that's funny!

    yep how can you walk wrong i did not know there was a right way jk lol
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