don't give up.

brymerjessica Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Im not in the best of shape but I will im jessica im 25 and work at Wal-Mart part time/college im a nice person and from USA.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi Jessica! I'm Rachel ! I like how you said you aren't in the best shape now but will be ! You can do this ! If I did it, anyone can !! I've lost all my weight and kept it off for 2+ yrs so far !
    Here is what helped me- remember that weight loss comes down to calories. No need for fads, gimmicks, special diets like low carb or paleo ( unless you have a medical condition) all you need for weight loss is to eat less calories then you burn. Remember - calories in / calories out.
    As long as you eat at a deficit you will lose weight.
    Best of luck to you !!! You can do this !!
  • brymerjessica
    brymerjessica Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you this is the first time im dowing this so not the best im dowing baby steps need more people like you out there to help.
  • Donfeao
    Donfeao Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there add me !! Looking forward to motivating you !!