Last Cigarette smoked just now @ 7pm (hopefully)



  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    i smoked for 27 years and quit cold turkey!! i just has a 2 year anniversary on the 9th of june!! the only thing that helped me for a bit was the nicorette inhaler.. i used it for a couple of months.. very seldom though. u got this.. it's mind over matter!!!
  • marmitegirly2
    marmitegirly2 Posts: 35 Member
    I've never tried smoking, as I watched my grandmother on an oxygen pump due to smoking induced emphysema and the image never went away. I never understood why other family members continued to smoke when they had seen it too, but the fact was no matter how much I nagged/cried/yelled they needed to decide for themselves.

    Some of them since have stopped and they were like you: they decided they were not going to be smokers anymore. Ditch the hopefully, you have made a decision. Every time you struggle, think of the better health, nicer smell, more money etc etc. Ask the forums for encouragement. I don't know you but if I can help in any way at all to prevent a living hell for someone else then I will. Good luck. You don't need luck though, it's just determination now. Stay strong (( ))
  • nikkircaddell
    My bf went to visit family out of state until monday or tuesday and my kids are with a friend staying the night until monday, and there;s noone here but me. Nothing to bug me but my own mind during the days the nicotine is still in me is why I chose now even though I still have 2 unopened packs in the freezer. Will tell my bf to trade them for his when he gets back because I don't need them.
  • nikkircaddell
    I watched my grandma suffer from emphasema too and she didnt quit until 2 days before she died because she couldnt breathe enough to smoke them. I refuse to hold onto them that long.
  • Duffylou
    Duffylou Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I quit four years ago on St. Patrick's Day. Like others have said, I hate the smell of smoke left on clothes, can't stand to get the smell of it in my hair. I had quit when I was pregnant, but this time I just have not had the desire to smoke, not even when socially drinking.

    Good luck, be strong. Will power...mind over matter.
  • nikkircaddell
    Thanks a lot. Everyone's replies help.
  • nikkircaddell
    7+ hours without a cigarette so far.