Honestly, is 5'4 considered short on a girl?



  • ClintSeeber
    ClintSeeber Posts: 115 Member
    There seems to be a consensus here that 5'4" is no less than "average" for a woman, and actually just a bit on the taller side. I agree.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    You can say that again! ;)
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    For a female I would consider it about average. I'm 5'2 and consider myself short lol
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    bluecat145 wrote: »
    I'm sorry if this is the wrong category. I didn't know where else to put it considering that it's not really weight related.
    I'm 5'4. I'm not worried, self conscious, or embarrassed about it. I'm fine with it and my height's out of my control anyway.
    I was just curious of you would consider it short. I don't want any sugar coating. I just want your personal opinion.

    Heck no! You're taller than over half of the other women. Hell, I'm 5'3" and a guy. I would love to be one inch taller.

    I notice you furiously bumped this ancient thread FOUR times. Is someone looking for a short girl love connection or what?!

    No, doofus. The Internet was going slow, and I was trying to get the damn thing to post, so I kept clicking, and it ended up posting it multiple times. I couldn't find an option to delete (which all forums should have). I never even said that I wanted a "short girl".

    Seems a little defensive.
  • ClintSeeber
    ClintSeeber Posts: 115 Member
    pie_eyes wrote: »
    bluecat145 wrote: »
    I'm sorry if this is the wrong category. I didn't know where else to put it considering that it's not really weight related.
    I'm 5'4. I'm not worried, self conscious, or embarrassed about it. I'm fine with it and my height's out of my control anyway.
    I was just curious of you would consider it short. I don't want any sugar coating. I just want your personal opinion.

    Heck no! You're taller than over half of the other women. Hell, I'm 5'3" and a guy. I would love to be one inch taller.

    I notice you furiously bumped this ancient thread FOUR times. Is someone looking for a short girl love connection or what?!

    No, doofus. The Internet was going slow, and I was trying to get the damn thing to post, so I kept clicking, and it ended up posting it multiple times. I couldn't find an option to delete (which all forums should have). I never even said that I wanted a "short girl".

    Seems a little defensive.

    Did I ask you that?
  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    It's all in regards to perspective. I'm 5'5 and compared to women generally I find I'm average height but ask my boyfriend who's 6'3 and I'm "really short" :p
  • dkingdom1
    dkingdom1 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5"4 and considered short in comparison to my family, but I tell them that if they think I'm short, then what about the girls under the midget line (5"0)? Lol I don't like to consider myself as short, but others think "I will be a short mommy". I guess they don't realize the fact that there are quite a few people shorter and taller than me. My parents are not even that tall either- they, and my older brother, are both 5"8-5"9. The only really tall one (will be) my little brother who is already around this height, 15 years old, and hasn't stopped growing yet. There is also a good chance that my two younger siblings will end up taller than me too. Doesn't help that I am the thicker one in my family either.
  • MsObesityRehab
    MsObesityRehab Posts: 23 Member
    bluecat145 wrote: »
    I'm sorry if this is the wrong category. I didn't know where else to put it considering that it's not really weight related.
    I'm 5'4. I'm not worried, self conscious, or embarrassed about it. I'm fine with it and my height's out of my control anyway.
    I was just curious of you would consider it short. I don't want any sugar coating. I just want your personal opinion.

    I'm shorter and fine with it. The world is filled with cultures where your height is perfect, too tall and too short. I just see mammals living :)

  • Justin7883
    Justin7883 Posts: 289 Member
    I'm 6'2" most everything is short.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    thanks to height descrimination, 5'4" being well below average males is desirable for heterosexual women
  • shadows2424
    shadows2424 Posts: 179 Member
    5'24 is the average. I think 5'2 and lower is considerd short.
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
  • kchuskey
    kchuskey Posts: 882 Member
    My wife is 5'2"
  • bunnyghost
    bunnyghost Posts: 142 Member
    5'4 is very medium. that's my height too B)
  • umphresbill
    umphresbill Posts: 34 Member
    erbell3 wrote: »
    I'm 5'4, I think it's typically considered average, but my hubby (6'3) still thinks it's fun to call me a hobbit, or occasionally an oompa loompa...;)

  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
    Honestly, yes 5'4 is short.....you're a squirrel
  • pichiPurinsesu
    pichiPurinsesu Posts: 776 Member
    i'm 5'2 (and a half ;) ) i consider myself kinda short. 5'4 is fine id say
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I have a gal friend who is 6'4". She married a man who was 6'10". They had a house built. Everything was built for their height. My wife and I visited them recently. My wife is 5'4". We had driven 18 hours and my wife wanted to shower when we got there. We hadn't unpacked yet. Denise, my 6'4" friend, told my wife that there was shampoo and such in the shower and she didn't need to dig it out of our bags. So my wife went to shower without her own toiletries. Later, when we were alone, my wife told me that all their toiletries were on the windowsill in the shower and she couldn't reach them. She also joked that by the time the water got from the 7 1/2 foot high shower head to her it was a mist.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    This tread reminded me of a story from the 80's.

    This not a widely known fact, mainly because of the little-known popularity of the celebrity involved. You have to have attained a certain age to remember "Tatoo", the short person on the TV series, "Fantasy Island", with Ricardo Montelban and Herve Villechaize.

    You remember........."The Plane, Boss, The Plane " !!!

    OK. It seems before Herve's passing, he established an entire neighborhood of fully furnished, high dollar, condominiums in Florida's Dade County. These condo's were explicitly designed for persons Herve's size. Everything was miniaturized down to the last detail.

    The benefactor, (Herve), provided this community of some 150 condo's expressly for "The Little People" to have a free haven for the gathering and support of each other in a completely 'No-Rent', 'No Mortgage' environment!

    This totally unselfish gesture was not highly publicized. But, it was recently uncovered that the advertisement for taking over ownership of one of the condo's was first spotted on aisle 6 of the HABA section in the grocery store, and billed as.....................

    Stay-Free Mini Pads !
  • sault_girl
    sault_girl Posts: 219 Member
    I'm about 5'1" which is a just a smidge too short for me according to the BMI chart.